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So... Is That It??

NecropolisI know feelings were very mixed, but I personally thought that the scourge invasion has been awesome. I loved the whole zombie thing, it was unique enough to really get attention, and it completely changed the world (…of Warcraft) for a few days. Furthermore, it was short enough that it didn’t get a chance to get really annoying.

The necropolis attacks have been great fun as well. I loved flying from zone to zone looking to the skies for piles of undead to blow through. For me, the opportunity to pick up some one time only rewards has been very satisfying.

It may be my Paladin bias, but I think it was all well executed and most importantly fun.

All that being said, I’m worried. This event that started so fast and furious had all the potential in the world. But now it’s all but stopped. Sure, zones are still being attacked, but nothing new has happened in quite a while. Most people got their runes and have moved on. The world event felt so alive when every new day brought a new stage in the invasion, and a new phase of the plague, but now most people don’t even noticed it is still here.

This has all been a bit disappointing to me. I am assuming that something else will happen, but when it does it had better be epic. I feel that so much momentum has been lost during this lull that it risks turning the event from a huge success to an utter failure. Right now things are just plain quiet. In my mind great world changing events shouldn’t start suddenly build up insane momentum, stop overnight, then pick back up a week and a half later.

In the end I guess we will all have to wait and see. Perhaps this is all part of Blizzard’s master plan, or perhaps there was a bit too much QQ so they decided to take a break. Either way I would appreciate an explanation, or at the very least a new development. Come on Blizz, get us excited again! Northrend calls!

Reader Comments (33)

If someone says first, I swear to God.....

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMctucker


November 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermike

second :)) ... I rly hated the event ... geez all the servers became PvP AND I HATE PVPing

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSpike

third :(

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSpike

@Mctucker Looks like you beat all those people to the first comment.

I really enjoyed the zombie invasion and the scourge attacks as well. Didn't get to participate in them as much as I'd like due to trying to level another alt to 70 pre-WotLK but it was still cool. I'm excited for beginning my adventures in Northrend but I'd really like to see maybe just one more thing prior to the expansion releasing as well...I can only hope.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRob

2nd! This invasion has been really fun, I've actually been helped by alliance in killing the level 70 monsters around Tanaris, and the elites that you can spawn are good fun. Over all it has SO much potential, im excited to see if anything will come of this.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

The zombies were good I guess. Nice type of an event, however they didn't really pose much of a threat. They should have been at least a little stronger imo to be able to face some roughly geared 70s. I mean come on, it was like 1 pala or a lock and zombies got screwed..

As for the invasions, I find them quite disappointing ;/ I would picture an invasion a little differently I guess. At first it was just a big pvp fights at those crystals (cause too many people, not enough targets..). Now it seems like no one cares about it anymore (well I'm not suprised).

I really hope they're still saving the best for the end and this will have some more progress...

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSNiP

I agree, the event has kind of peetered out. Does anyone know whats up with the letters you get that send you to various npc's only to find out that the only thing that makes them special is that they each now sell low leveled food and water, big deal, whats up with this?

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAllenok

I kind of hope that this ends with a giant assault on the main cities of alliance and horde. Seeing tons of scourge pour through the gates of SW would be amazing, and beating them off would be the final push in sending us off to Northrend.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

I'm with you on the QQ part. Blizzard tries to cater to the masses whenever possible, and an event that they thought would be interesting lit up the forums with haterade. It seems it ended too abruptly to have ran it's course, more seemed like they just recalled it. Now all it is is the same event that happened pre-BC, with a fw small changes (very few). I hate to say it, but if there IS a huge invasion of the capitols, Blizz is either going to make them neutral (like the Scourge that already invade UC and SW every halfhour'ish) or there are going to be people whining about that one too. IMO, it's a game, a few days of chaos aren't going to hurt you in the long run, how about we let Blizz do somehting interesting before they release a game. At least that way it makes sense as to WHY we're going to Northrend, besides releaving Outlands population density ;)

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRobert

I thought the plague was a gigantic pain in my @$$. I'm enjoying the undead gear for my legion of alts though.

I really do hope there will be more. I'm anticipating something happening when they take the realms down on Tuesday for patch day. That will give us 2 days to fight whatever comes next before Wrath hits on Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Whatever it is that happens may last until the next patch Tuesday. Take that all with a grain of salt as I'm just daydreaming.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVexklythor

I am curious, after watching all of the DK stuff. DK is a third faction right? DKs are not going to just walk into Stormwind or Orgimiir and not be attacked...

This begs the question.... For DK raids, who is the healer? If it is indeed a new faction, then they cannot group with existing characters, if they are not a new faction, they will be friendly to current towns. One or the other has to give.

Inquiring minds want to know. :)

Also, is there going to be a filter on the DK nooby area? Surely Blizzard has figured out how to instance or shard this area so you don't have 2,000 - 3,000 people in this area on the same server at once...

The daily reboots would need to turn into something that happens every few hours.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpenrose

So, how about they make a temporary instance where you can duel Arthas, loose utterly, being laught at by him, never get a second chance, and then leaving with the fire of VENGEANCE burning inside you, swearing you will come back someday and pay him back? (Maybe then we know how Illidan felt...poor guy)

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

@ Penrose

DKs' are NOT a third faction. They are the faction of their race. Here's why:


While doing the DK quests, at one point, you (or your toon) realizes that following The Lich King is wrong (or it was that his plans were opposite that you wanted) so you betray him and join the forces that are trying to take him down.


So DK's can group with either the Horde or Alliance, depending on what race they are.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

I think something else in in store. We still have "Shadow of Doom" type NPC's running around in major cities scoping things out so...

...that makes me believe Blizz wouldn't have gone to all that trouble without planning for something else. Only time will tell...

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPhoenix599

And it's OrgriMMAR! Not Orgrimiir!

Thou shall not mock The Horde.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

The "shadow of doom" type NPCs in the cities are the result of people having haunted momentos in their bags. They are drops from fighting the scourge. You can keep them in your bag, which gives you that spectral that follows you around or you can throw it too someone else like a snowball and let the ghost follow them instead.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAllenok

be patient

from the hinting that Blizz reps have been doing on the forums, things should get kinda hectic before the event actually ends.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNoobalicious


Very cool spoiler. Thanks for sharing that. Makes it sounds really fun.

And, About the Spelling of Orgymure, I had imagined that for most payers the particular spelling of Origamimall was not really as important as pwning noobs outside of the great city of Orgemarrr.

Since you were so cool, I will try to be more sensitive to you (usually smelly) Horde and spell Orgrimmar correctly in the future.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpenrose

It kinda feels like the calm before the storm. I'm just waiting for Patchwork or one of the other abominations to start destroying every city on Azeroth

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterToranus

I LOVED the plague and HATED all the whining about it! I love the fact that grinding these goofy scourge invaders has not only provided me some sweet gear but it has allowed me to go from neutral to exalted with Argent Dawn in the course of 4 days!

Personally, I can't imagine that Blizz hits us over the head with sets of gear that ups damage against undead unless we were going to need to have our damage upped against the undead! =P

I'm on pins and needles waiting for the payoff of this whole event. The other day when flying into IF, i saw a skirmish in the approximate area under the necropolis and thought "YES!!!! THIS IS IT!!!! LET IT BEGIN!!!! LET IT BEGIN!!!" I burst forth from the mighty gates of IF hoping to wade into waves of undead only to discover like 8 people dueling. =(

I summary, if we have experienced all there is to the pre-wotlk party...count me disappointed. If there's more...I WILL BE READY!!!

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlawman30

The zombie invasion was fun -mainly because it was interactive and different-, but personally I think it was too much focused to the level 70s. It was almost impossible to properly hand in your quests, go to the bank, auction house or whatever store you needed to go to, and so on on your lowbee without being insta-pwned by a zombie due to the level difference. Often there were so many zombies in Ratchet and Crossroads with high levels that it wasn't fun anymore. They should have made a fail-safe like maybe have a group of Argent Dawn wiping them out like once every 30 minutes.... especially in the lowbee zones >.>

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVirago

I enjoyed the invasion while it lasted, but I doubt it's all over. But I do have to agree that it probably ended because of all the QQ'ing. Which brings me to a point.. Blizzard needs to stop listening to every QQ. For example, they probably took out raid attunement because of QQ, Now you have idiot noobs in greens or low level gear who don't know how to play their class running around in a Kara or za pug or even 25 mans. Raiding used to mean something, it used to take strategy and time and good gearing, now anyone can walk in??? Anyway, I hope this scourge event gets more intense and start seeing something like what happened pre-bc(when Kazzak started devastating everything and everyone, and neither the Horde or the Alliance, even grouped together could stop him)

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRichard

Well the thing is everyone says the world event will get really crazy soon. Well there is not much time left. When will we get some more stuff happening. Yes those big flying Necroplis are getting lower. Yes everyone has run the shards to the ground. So what is next. Everyone has done the three quest the Argent Dawn give you for the invasion what else can there be. Really hope there is more. The zombies where great!! If you needed to do something in the city you just had to be careful. Not a problem. I hope something else comes of this.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRedauroa


November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrian

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