Welcome to Project Lore!
Posted by Project Lore Editor on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 31 Comments Tags: Project Lore, projectlore, welcome
Welcome to Project Lore, your definitive source for all things World of Warcraft. We've got guides, blogs, news, premium video content, and a comprehensive glossary. Whether you've never played the game or have Sunwell on farm, there's something here for everyone.
Each week Alex Albrecht and the boys will be taking on a new Outlands instance, providing a mix of strategy, lore, and entertainment for your viewing pleasure. This won't be your average World of Warcraft video. With 10 high quality video feeds and a level of production never seen before by WoW video, Project Lore is your source for premium World of Warcraft video content.
Check out our subscribe page to add us on Twitter, Flickr, iTunes, or your RSS reader. We are only just beginning, and we have a lot of exciting things coming in the future. Let us know what you think! We are constantly looking for new and updated guides, terms for the glossary, and secret tactics for instances. Right now we are hard at work building spec guides, so if you have any that we don't, let us know. Share your knowledge with us at info@projectlore.com
Each week Alex Albrecht and the boys will be taking on a new Outlands instance, providing a mix of strategy, lore, and entertainment for your viewing pleasure. This won't be your average World of Warcraft video. With 10 high quality video feeds and a level of production never seen before by WoW video, Project Lore is your source for premium World of Warcraft video content.
Check out our subscribe page to add us on Twitter, Flickr, iTunes, or your RSS reader. We are only just beginning, and we have a lot of exciting things coming in the future. Let us know what you think! We are constantly looking for new and updated guides, terms for the glossary, and secret tactics for instances. Right now we are hard at work building spec guides, so if you have any that we don't, let us know. Share your knowledge with us at info@projectlore.com
Reader Comments (31)
what realm r u gus on? im just wondering because i have a lvl 52 on chromagnis and a lvl39 on Androhal
hi alexis i love u lol im not a stalker or a creepy id just ike to know more about ur hunter she owns
I know it has been mentioned before, but I would love to see some druids on the show, or perhaps other classes, to show what variety there can be. Not every PUG is going to be a what they have in the show. This may be just because of my love for druids (preferably boomkin) but I am sure others would love to see their classes, or other specs be acted out.
hello i am a lvl 70 nelf hunter i really can get much crit even in marksmansip sepc i get like one every one:( how to get hight grit change??????
I have been rolling a destruction Warlock for a while but I am only lvl 24 but i wanna do allot of damage each cast and I dont know what spec to use.
Next time you do a horde instance either do Shadowfang keep or do Razorfang Kraul and Blackfanthom deeps. For a next Northrend instance do the halls of stone on heroic