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Episode 13.1: The Nexus

Project Lore begins their adventures into The Nexus in WotLK. How will the guys do against the new mobs, and what loot will drop for them in this episode? Tune in and find out.

Reader Comments (66)

First comment I've ever made and I have no idea if you actually read these but I have to say something: no offence to you Jeff but you have to step it up, you're using seal of vengeance which is a tanking seal not a dps seal you need to be using seal of the Martyr or in an healing intense fight seal of command, you need to keep your rotation constantly going not just using spells every so often, put them in an order and stick to it, you need to be utilizing all the damaging spells you have and regardless of your gear you can easily be keeping up with Alex's maybe not the huntard but oh well :P. You always are with a mage which can supply you with food so there's no excuse not to be using consecration non-stop unless you are near a CC'd mob of course. Using the right seal and keeping a steady rotation going will keep you're dps in-line with Alex or easily higher with better gear. This was problem a waste of time but I needed to vent :P and I don't like to see a fellow ret pally doing so bad :) - BigKai - Blades Edge (eu)

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKai

I agree with the poster walls. I use to come by the site every day but now I only check maybe once a week. I am not sure why your going so slow and repeating content but its getting ridiculus....are you going to do the heroics of these same dungeons next, play by play on how to fight a trash mob? Your videos were good but now there not.

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCrazytree

donde esta goggins?!

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHieroh

@ Crazytree

PL hasn't run Nexus yet, YOU may have but they havn't. So therefore they're not repeating any content. Also the correct form of there, their, they're in your last sentence should have been they're.

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMr.Vincent

aoe tank ya pussy

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhotrod

I like watching the pulls on most episodes but not the nexus
,what my group can get done in 30 minutes we have to watch for 3 weeks..

and with no goggins..

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDayrius

first time commenting for me as well. i don't mind the trash pulls and to be honest i enjoy watching them because you get to see the progression through the instances. but episodes with 4-5 trash pulls ONLY are getting a bit old. also, all the CC is simply NOT necessary anymore. on larger pulls, 5 mobs...maybe CC one or something. but on 2 and 3 mob pulls? come on now... that's the reason jeff died on that last pull, people were too worried about CCing that mob and not dpsing. blizzard has given every tank class very good aoe threat abilities, use 'em. warriors are more than capable of holding aggro on 3-4, or more, mobs. let's see some tclaps...shockwaves... i'm not a huge "just aoe everything down" supporter or something, but damn... nexus is a fairly large instance and we will see the last boss fight in about a month at this pace of episodes. O_o

just want to say that i love the site and enjoy watching, don't get me wrong. but the short episodes of only 4-5 trash pulls as well as the excessive CC is just getting a bit tedious. keep it up guys! =D

-convalesce on sen'jin

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterConvalesce

Gief back goggins please! (no offense Jeff)
and i agree too that for instances like this, it was fine in beta, but please speed it up to 1 week-ish for a full clear.. it gets really boring to watch all of this from time to time.

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSimon

*breath deep*


not Nexus. They're 2 different instances.

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAngel

I rather enjoy Nexus so I'm glad they're doing it. However I really was hoping that they'd wait and do the rest of the instances on Heroic... especially Nexus since its one of the instances in which there is an extra boss on Heroic.

Again, I don't watch for strats, I watch for entertainment.

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGene

Hey, good show guys, oh, to you people in comments, what mod is Jeff(the pally) using for his action bar?

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTomähäwk

I didnt enjoy this as much as i enjoy other... because the paladin (sorry forgot the name) didnt look like he was enjoying it, specialy when he died.

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter2-shot-warlocks

well i kinda agree on the shows not showing much new content since trash is kinda boring, just keep showing everything like you do now, but dont cut it up into small 5 min segments, just show all the trash completely till the first boss and include the boss fight ofcourse. PPL dont mind long shows at all, and those that don't want to watch all the trash pass by can just fast forward through it. I personally hated the fastforward / inserted note things you had in the early shows.

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

Why do we have to wait 2 months for the episodes to come out? they did this place on the 16th November.

What happened to Hippocket? I notice his name is no longer appearing on the wow armory page

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRali


January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCrusade

i would like to ask what dps meter is Zan uses ?

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRazalas


January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKai

@ jeff:
to do some major dps as a ret-pally follow this simple equation:
judgemented SOC + SOV + crusader aura (i think, the one that ups holy dmg)(NOTE if the tank needs the armour aura, do that, the tank comes first) + all your holy spells going at once = loads of freakin dps beoches

@ rali and to all who think this was done b4: r u dumb and/or blind or something? the did the OCULUS in november... this is the NEXUS... get your freaking instances straight

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCrash

i did get my instances straight, i had a look at their achievements, and it was completed on the 16th November 2008.......so, i am not blind, or dumb.

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRali

To guys who do this in the future Go Left and stay left clearing everything in your path, ignore mobs not coming towards you. Your first boss should be a dwarf soldier, followed by a BE mage, then the void spawn boss, then the crystal elemental, followed by the dragon in the center. Thats what most groups I've been in do.

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJedda

@ Crash I kind of think you are joking here but if not, I suggest not giving advice on a class you must not know much about.

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDouglas

Wow... can't believe it's already been 2 months since Wrath was released. :O

I remember how I tried to the Nexus at 72 with my twin and pug players. It was wipe after wipe... In the end, I didn't come back to this place until I had already been level 80 for awhile.

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

@ Jedda first of all this isn't on heroic so there would be no dwarf soldier as that boss only occurs on heroic, and as they are alliance characters it would be an orc warrior.

@ Crash, seriously mate its very very very obvious you know nothing at all about being a ret paladin, crusader aura increases mounted speed by 20% and has no other effects so er.. yeah. SoV is awful dps and is purely a tanking seal. Also I would never use devotion aura even if the tank begged me, with your talents you can make retribution aura increase your dps by a large amount.

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKai

First off i would like to say congrats on getting hippocket up on the dps meter ..
Second i would like to say Whats wrong with you people ?
as a community of gamers who spend a good portion of your lives on multimedia of all kinds you have a great site with a fun cast that bring you aparently what you want to watch as often as they can and all most of you can do is complain about whether or not its their first time in or how you dont like watching trash mob's being cleared ..
ill say it again for the slow people if you come to this web-site you are a multimedia type person . there are not only captions for all the videos that tell you if they are in a boss fight or clearing mobs but the videos are short ... scan forward people .. instead of complaining about seeing mobs being cleared enjoy the parts of the show you like by fast forwarding to them .. and for the people who like seeing a instance cleared mobs and all keep pointless comments like that to yourselves so they can enjoy them .. dont bash a show over something so mundane and small .. it reminds me of those people to lazy to use their turn signals when they drive ....does everything have to be automatic for you ?
by the way great job on the show you guys keep em coming ...

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersarutobisan

To agree and disagree with some of you on the previous posts about the trash mobs, I would say show the first one so people will understand how to kill them, then move on the mobs in Nexus may be a 72 elite and up but they aren't that tough, I've been through it like 5 times between 71-73, never had to CC anything, I was a 73 Demon Lock and I could even solo one mob out of three with aggro on me, with good healer, I would also agree with running an episode till the first boss, Nexus was the longest instance I ran in this level bracket and it only took us 30 minutes on a slow night so to take a week or a month to run this instance I'll have leveled from 77-80 and will have run most of the heroics before they get to Gun Drak, that I've already ran 3 times, I enjoy watching, but pick up the pace a little. a Week for an instance with one episode per boss would be alright, and before running an instance check with your guild members that have ran it to know which way to go, Nexus is a giant circle for the most part go left and keep going around avoiding the mobs that aren't in your way they are just trash with no good drops.

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlveris(Galakrond)

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