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Episode 18.2: Naxxramas

Project Lore continues down the Arachnid Quarter in 10 man Naxxramas to come face to face with the evil Grand Widow Faerlina. Find out how they deal with this crazy woman in this episode of Project Lore.

Reader Comments (45)

@ Bazookabubblegum

DK tanks generally prefer to be Frost or Blood as with Blood you get lots of stam and gets a small way to heal yourself with each kill making healers have to worry about you as often and you keep the party/raid healed as well when they deal damage.

Frost have tons of armor and good magic resist which can be helpful to raids if you wanted to spec that way, see your local DK's for info.

As for healers, nothing beats a shammy or healadin imo. I have personal experience as a healadin and they deffinetely bring a lot to the table with their uninterruptable heals (excluding silence, shield bash etc.) and they tend to have some of the craziest crits with heals. On my healadin I can generally 2-man heal 10-man Naxx with a priest being main healer or off-heals. Shammy's are the preferred though for raids due to their chain heal and totem buffs. However nothing beats a good ol' combination 3 man healing squad of shammy, priest and pally.

April 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJedda

@Bazookabubblegum: I prefer Unholy tanking, but that's because I like AOEing the bajezus outta things. XD Blood tanking is good for healers because they can heal more the group while you get health back. Frost tanking gives you armor and added hit it looked like (I only played it for a while and didn't like it all too much.)
My advice is get the gear first, then spend time at lvl 80 trying out the different trees. Keep in mind that 1:You don't have to go all the way to the top of all the trees so you can hybrid, 2:There are base talents needed from all the trees that are, imo, needed for tanking. Always grab those first.

@Jeff: The reason why Blizz doesn't have 40 man raids was the fact that you couldn't really get 40 people together at the same time for the same amount of time. They understood this after Vanilla WoW and in TBC you no longer see it as most raids were then 25 man or 10 man. Then they decided with WotLK, as because still people weren't getting the chance to do the 25 man content in TBC, to make it possible for raids to have a Regular and Heroic mode. Reg being 10 man and Heroic being 25 man. So everyone has a chance at the raid.

Now if you're thinking is based off of what you're seeing the PL guys doing this note that many of them have already been in this Raid before, Many have probably been in the 25 man as well, thus they have the gear drops already and are most likely over geared for 10 man Naxx. So yes, everything is a breeze if you're over geared. It's like taking any lvl 80 (and I mean any) and running Scholo solo. It's easy!

As for the healing question. This was responded to by Juggy in a previous Weekly Wrap-up. Every healing class has it's ups and downs. Healadins are great for single target healing. Shamans are good for PVP healing (to my understanding), Priests are good for group/raid heals. Druids (IMO) are the bomb on healing, but that's because I love my druid healer friend. (Hugs the tree) They can group heal well, don't know about PVP healing, and single target... why would you waste them on one person?

April 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHatell

Shammies and Pally healers are terrible for Malygos though if I'm not mistaken. What do I know? I'm a rogue.

April 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEddie T

Hilarious Jeff, there's a lot of money in poison development :D

April 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBenedict

An Easyer way for "Moma Said knock you out" is to aoe adds down before the first enrage, this also delays enrage a bit and makes it easyer for Mt heals instead healing ot and mt during enrage.

What's up SPIDAS!? SUCK MAH ARROWS FROM HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!! Lmao classic!

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCypherblok

I just whant you guys in the show to know, it is not importent to us that you don't wipe, and when you are so overgeared as you guys are it is real hard to wipe.

Try tape the new things you do when you do it for the first time so we can learn tacs and setups.

"The Covenant"
Al'akir EU

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSumfari

IN truth i never liked Naxx but u guys should try Ulduar thatd be so cool, if u havent ran through it just let me tell u not to get distracted by XT-002 DECONSTRUCTOR'S voice it is so funny

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterivanator

I can't wait to see them take on the Damn Gargoyles in Plague C. ...." Hate Gargoyles"

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKurotenshi

hey my Brothersd. I ask that you explain the loot after an adventure. Tell us what it is and how it is beneficial. Without this info the "treasure" loses its importance. Yer pal,

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNirith

Nice video guys.

I have a question about one of the addons dorkins is using. Its the cooldown timer in middle lower screen. Can someone tell me what the name is of that addon. thnx and keep up the good work


April 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDannun

Yo! project lore! im antonio, and im having problems finding some good hunter add ons, such as dorkins. can you guys please help me find those kind of add ons

April 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAntonio

nice one
by the way
that sword is soo cool with a warlock xD
even with my shaman i got it :P
just to look at it xD
Gratz on the boss

April 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercrysis

If you want a challengee.....Blizzard has steped up there game content, and difficulty.......Ulduar is serious buisness XD great videos

April 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmdekay

Love this got my tiers last day.

I got it of same reasons as you guys, going with OP ppl

love this keep on going

May 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbrangg

hey guys i jus wanted to post on here another great way to kill this boss getting the achievment

Step1:first clear out adds
Step2: use a hunter "not a lock or DK" PREF.not a Beast Master
Step3:have the raid stand outside the door and stack up on eachother so they arn't locked in
Step4:have hunter stand jus out side the door so when the door closes he duznt get stuck inside
Step5:send pet in to hit main boss in room right wen u pull aggro Fein Death
Step6:the door will open and her adds will come out and atk u !!!she wont!!!
Step7:burn adds down
Step8:after adds r dead jus go in pull her make ur off tank keep in 2nd place for aggro incase she kills maintank, OVER HEAL IF TANK IS AT FULL HEALTH JUS KEEP HEALING SHE HITS HARD, dps race for the top deeps the more time u leave her alive the harder ur healers job is

This may sound like a fluke or cheat but its not i have a lvl 80dk hes in the raid serv:Onyxia name:Weeney, and this is how we kill her all the time because we found it realy easy after u get the tech. down

I am not to be blamed if u do it wrong jus follow evrystep exactly and kill her like normal. Trust me i was freaking out when we first tried it because i thought their is no way it can work but it does if u have any further questions post them on hear i will explain wat u need to do if u dont quite get it...

May 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWeeney

You're Deathknight needs to work on Army of the Dead. You shouldn't cast it when you're fighting a boss because all the little minions it spawns can pull aggro from the tank. And when are you going to include WoTLK in your site?

July 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTargo / Stormreaver

Warriors did NOT get a sheep :S

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPat

was i the only one to see the mispelling of "boss start" written as "boss strat" on the video?

no big deal though

September 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOliver

my mistake... strat stands for strategy... sorry.

September 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOliver

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