To answer Tom's question of the dps traking Dorkins uses, its probably recount, it keeps track of damage,dps, damage taken, healing, hps, healing taken, over healing, mana generation, rune generation, rage, generation, DoT times, HoT times, Idle times.... pretty much anything besides threat... the defualt view is the total damage(dps in brackets next to the damage) click on the right arrow then its jsut the dps without the total damage, then... well I pretty much listed in the order that you can view them in... depending on if you record time or not you can also view your damage/damage taken/healing/etc as a graph to see where your dps spiked and where it dipped, etc...
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To answer Tom's question of the dps traking Dorkins uses, its probably recount, it keeps track of damage,dps, damage taken, healing, hps, healing taken, over healing, mana generation, rune generation, rage, generation, DoT times, HoT times, Idle times.... pretty much anything besides threat... the defualt view is the total damage(dps in brackets next to the damage) click on the right arrow then its jsut the dps without the total damage, then... well I pretty much listed in the order that you can view them in... depending on if you record time or not you can also view your damage/damage taken/healing/etc as a graph to see where your dps spiked and where it dipped, etc...
Usefull misc info addon, Recount.