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The Experiment: End Game

Seriously, My Girlfriend Thinks My Hobby Is A Chore! Seriously, My Girlfriend Thinks My Hobby Is A Chore!

I tried to get my girlfriend to join me in Azeroth with the best of intentions.  Really, I did.  We spend tons of time together, from cooking to working on our domicile to watching numerous TV series and movies.  Sure, we have our differences - Battlestar Galactica vs The Hills - but we find common ground in every facet of our life - STRIKEOUT Plants vs Zombies STRIKEOUT Dishes vs Laundry - we both hate them.  With that in mind I thought introducing her to World of Warcraft would be worth a shot.  After all, I am forced, arm-twisting and all, into playing hours of WoW a week.  Why not spend some of that time, and get some extra material, with my girlfriend?

She thought the idea was cute and obliged with a long decision making session (a female-played female drawf!).  After that tiring ordeal we waited a bit before tackling the early levels.  We never got through them.  It wasn't the controls, the universe, the inability to level outside of combat or the massacring of defenseless animals that got to my partner in crime.  She didn't dislike WoW for any of the staple reasons.  Nope, it wasn't just WoW.  It seems that she'd hate nearly any MMORPG because it was the entire idea of quests, the openness of the world and always having something to do that got to Ms. iTZKooPA.  To her, all of the content that we crave was seen as a "chore"!

From a game design standpoint, I'd place the blame on WoW's lack of an engaging story.  Looking back the designers should have included an early storyline, preferably started in the opening cinematic, that would capture players right off the bat.  Extremely casual players like Lesley need to be enthralled with fun or entertaining mechanics (Tetris, Super Mario Galaxy) or a well-crafted story in the first 20 minutes or they are lost.  As most of you will agree, there is little in the way of memorable storylines or exciting gameplay in those very early levels.  Thus, the Lilyterrain experiment was an utter failure (I wish I was tauren so I could say udder and get away with it), but I am glad we attempted it.

It looks like I will remain the sole player of WoW in the house, but it isn't then end of the world.  We do plenty of other activities together to keep us both happy.  Having your own little slice of life to yourself isn't a bad thing either.  I wonder what the success rate on converting your partner to an MMOG is.  How many of you have tried and failied?  How many of you have pulled off this life achievement?  How many dare not try for fear of ruining your "me" time?

Reader Comments (35)

me and my fiance have been together since we were 13 (we're now 22) and we pretty much share everything and do everything together. He was actually the one thinking of trying wow a couple of years back, but he didnt really think i would be into it, so i got the trial and was more into than him lol, we still play to this day...raiding and all baby! :D

June 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertex

I can sympathize with your pain, my friend. My wife and I are extremely close as well, except for one small area of our lives. She hates video games, I love them. I thought it would be a good idea to try WoW with her, as it is obviously the greatest video game ever and surely she'd love it! Alas, it was not to be, for her it was the slaughtering of animals that did her in. On the night of our trial she followed around a random hare for about 30 minutes remarking how cute it was, got bored, and quit. That was the end of her travels into Azeroth.
I just read your post to her, thinking she'd get a kick out of it and she responded, "You're right it is a chore!" I guess all hope for me is lost. I do know of one person who successfully got his wife into the game, so it is possible. I wish you all the best of luck in your attempts, mine has come and gone.

June 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAidynn

My soon-to-be brother in law introduced both me and my sister to wow I made it all the way to 80 with my pally tank and im in mostly ulduar gear my sister was a success as well she is a 67 warrior and she has been climbing the levels faster than anyone i have ever met.

June 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNalamin

I've tried, several times. But my girlfriend looks at MMORPGS like "this is trash...I'm better of with my soap operas"...anyway...she'll probably never play WoW, or any other MMO...I even tried to start a character for her, but she really didn't got sucked into wow...

June 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWittgenstein

well i cant coment on the introducing you're spouce or soon to be sounce to it but of the 6 people i my femily me and my cousin are the only playing it well it sed to be untill a few months now i stand al alone my cousin first intorduced me to it i got my first taste of wow at my friends house and i spent all my time looking for my body i thought this sucks then me and my cousin got a trial account i figured i dont start dead soo i might actualy do something i got a warlock he is 39 now boy what a bad choice that was as i know now warlocks reguire skill skill i just did not posses my cousin made a rogue that may have been better choice but he did not want us to get the same class we first started questing togather but when i was on he was not and when he was on i was not and when we did it was kind of a nightmare we would talk to each other on the phone when playing and we wouuld yall at each other on every little mistake plus he is really competive so one would often have to catch up to other in levels and dual on every new level to "test our power" that was his excuse he thought i was dumb enough not to ffigure out youu only get new abilitys every 2 levels eventualy i made a mage i liked it but my cousin wanted to try agan in leveling togather he didnt want to take a migit so i had to abandom my mage he is an 80 now my trial time was up and i had to buy the game so i did i chose a druuid as did he that druid is 56 now but nothing changed i enjoyed the quest a bit more and the class was cooler but we still fought like cats by the end of the free month we had a level 16 it was at least 6 months before i started playing again when i got the game card but my cousin capt playing by the time i got back on he was allredy way ahead of me but we still tryed to quest togather on other servers and with horde but we failed everytime and we finnaly just started questing alone my cousin was way more experince new the game better and more of a hard core player whear as i was casual we still helped each other out with quest and he loaned me the money for my first mount and the moeny for my titen steel destroyer he also ran me thoguh dungeons like VC or ST and maruadon and with quest i found a bit hard but lately in the last month his play time decreased up untill he stoped playiing all togather i guass he got all he could out of the game and just before the last patch he gave me his account so now i have 2 accouns to manage i never even bothered getting other members of my femily my dead thinks of the computer system witch craft or atleast that is what it seemened like to me my mother is never home plus she doesnt speak english my sister spends here day out side to put it nicely my aunt and uncle are devorced and i dont know if my cousin tryed to introduce the game to ethier of them though his dead does know alot about the game as for the quest i can see whear its a chore comes frombut a few hours isnt enough to make you're judgement a few weeks isnt enough i would say it give it a few months the BC content and WOTLK content is wehar its get goood i agree the original quest suck you may even call it a chore some actualy have a really cool rewards true BC and WOTLK have some real nightmares but like i said cool rewards plus exp i dont know drives to go thier over and over but i do thier are some actualy injoy doing so to all you know who have giving up on the game and failed in bring yor're speciall someone into the game i say give it a few months stick to it i promise you you will be satisfied

June 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

When I first met my gf I would have never of guessed she would be interested in gaming, much less rpg's. I decided to start her off with Diablo I, which was a huge success, moved to Diablo II which was an even larger success (the picture on her college ID says it all, an all-nighter of DII).
We both played Guild Wars for a couple of years before I decided to use the WoW 10-day trial she got me for santamas one year. Eighteen months later we both have an 80, multiple low level alts, and are even on the same 3's arena team. We may not have the highest rating, but we have tons of fun.
There were many times the daunting task of leveling almost made her stop playing, but with a little coercion and explanation of the fruits of being an 80, she powered through Northrend.
I guess the moral of my short story is that is never hurts to try.

June 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterlockOne

I got my bf into it and we have a 3v3 arena team with our other RL mate. We pwn.

Oh and FYI I'm not the healer :p Sorry for not being nurturing enough

June 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGlamis

It is the story, Add to that that most girls are interested in other things in the game then guys are, girls for instance preferr nice goodlooking armour & weapons, where guys just want the best stats.

Then there is the fact that there is no continuancy in the story line, after you leave your second start zone you gotta go all over the world all the time, making the story line impossible to follow.

If there were a single continuing storyline, from lvl 1 / 80 to follow ( i mean implemented aside the normal quests ) it would keep the soloists / casuall players occupied. Maybe even make it so that after lvl 80 it continues and possibly gives some purples in a matching armour suit together, similar to tier gear.

I know i for one would have loved that, even though i'm a guy, cause tbh questing felt tedious / chore like to me aswell, i just blazed through them eventually they turn out to be all the same, collect x from mobs y. Kill mobs a, find item b in area x. find person c in area y. bring letter from person d - e. And you basically have a summary of all the quests.

A story line throughout the game, with the long explenations / lore stuff in it would be awsome. Since i came to wow in late tbc i never experienced much of the lore, add to that that i never played any warcraft before and a lot of the relations are just messy / vague to me.

June 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

I enjoyed this article! I have to disagree with many of the comments, though. I don't think women players should be dumped into the "hard to convince" category. For example, my husband introduced me to WoW, which is also my introduction MMOs. Not only have I been hooked, but we play and level together as a couple and have met many other couples who do the same. So sorry that it didn't work out for the author and some of the commentators here, tho!

I've been playing for 4 years now. Maybe because I started out as forsaken and then human, I happened to choose the two races with the most interesting (to me) beginning zones and story lines. Or perhaps the fact that I was a Pen and Paper gamer from high school made me more patient with the "round up" type quests at the beginning. (I remember my husband explaining WoW to me as being "like D&D, but on the computer.")

I do have some frustrations that have nothing to do with the storyline, though. I think they are more with MMO's in general. (Example, I love playing against the game, but not so much against other players. I get frustrated that as a solo/couple I don't get to see the raid content. )

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSamantha

I introduced my girlfriend to WoW some time ago. She also choose a female dwarf, a warrior. Since I have to fight for WoW time... I regret it(not really).

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJarlo

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