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How Did Project Lore Do on Patch 3.2 Speculation?

projectloreepisode0Project Lore bloggers have been all over speculation over the last few months. iTZKoopa has been talking about the possibilities in the next expansion, and our posts about lore are certainly not devoid of our own theories. pixiestixy has also had her fair share of wacky ideas. As far myself, way back, just after the release of patch 3.1, I wrote about what we might expect in patch 3.2, which was just released today. How well did my crazy speculation hold up?

My first prediction is that this patch would not contain a major raid instance. This was largely wrong, but not completely off. The Crusader's Coliseum instances do not contain trash, and bring a new model for raids that is more friendly to non-hardcore raiders. In that sense, I was not far off the mark. In fact, many of our bloggers consider the new style of raiding to hardly be raiding at all. Blizzard probably wants to get as many players ready for the final battle with Arthas in patch 3.3 as possible. Do you consider Crusader's Coliseum to be a major raid instance, or is it just to appease the progression raiders with something to do until patch 3.3?

Where I was really spot on was the topic of PvP. A new battleground was indeed introduced, and it is an epic 40 versus 40 battleground. The battleground system was updated heavily, with some small mechanic changes and increased honor when battling near objectives. Wintergrasp was indeed largely reworked with a limit on players, a queue, and auto-forming raids. The Horde versus Alliance theme is being pushed, and we will likely see some major Horde versus Alliance take place with the final encounter with Arthas.

Now, crazy ideas for patch 3.3 are a-brewing in my head. What do you think? What do you want to see in patch 3.3 along with the fall of Arthas?

Reader Comments (31)


PL won't do a ToC video. Remember Naxx? Naxx 25 was on farm for a few months before they did a Naxx 10 video series that lasted a month.

They haven't done Maly or OS let alone Ulduar. It's quite a shame that they don't provide videos that are up-to-date with the current game content.

August 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSam


Man, they have their own business to do...ComiCon has passed, and there are a few events that all the PL guys will probably go (BliizCon...) before getting back to the videos.

I want more videos too, but anyway, PL is not their main project, so, up-to-date videos will probably not come.

August 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWittgenstein


in my opinion they should comit to one thing PL hasnt had a good video in months not that the mount runs were bad but when the last time the whole gang got togather

August 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

@Revons: you wouldn'nt believe the amount of people wearing nothing but epics that have no clue on how to play their class, even characters with 90+ days played on them. Just yesterday we kicked a disc priest that didn'nt wanna specc in to guardian spirit because for him it was a wasted of talent points and he never had to use it. Where any Disc priest knows that this talent is a major tank savior. Also: yes 2 pieces of T8 from emblems. But: also 2 pieces of the lowest T9 gear in about 3 weeks (2 emblems of triumph every day from doing the daily dungeon). I find it ridicilious.

August 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFengel

@Fengal Disc priests dont have guardian spirit.....holy does........lol

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRayl

at first, i didnt think icecrown raid was going to come out until the very end of wrath of the lich king. now, seeing how fast blizzard is throwing content at us, im starting to think, well maybe icecrown is the next big instance, coming next patch! oh dear, this is wayyy to fast, even some hardcore players are just getting their hardmode achievments and other less hardcore people arent even at yogg yet. i think blizz definitely needs to slow down, content wise, let people get this great content you gave us done before you throw another one at us >.>

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyle

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