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Bear Mount Returning Via WoW TCG Loot Card

Selling on eBay for Way Too MuchNo, not the Amani War Bear. That will be going the way of the Dodo once the Echoes of Doom patch hits. For your information, the patch previously known as 3.0.2. is rumored to be going live next Tuesday, October 14. So if you do want the mount, then get to work because it will no longer be obtainable after that.

When Tigole first announced the upcoming removal of the Amani War Bear, players (well, most players) were distraught at losing such an exclusive and prized item. To hold off the storm of anger Tigole promised that Wrath would offer another bear, a Polar Bear. As we know, that bear is going to be given away this weekend as part of the BlizzCon 2008 goodie bag.

Fear not bear-lovers, for you have another chance at scoring a bulky mount that shows off your dedication to World of Warcraft. Upper Deck Entertainment announced the new loot cards for the Drums of War TCG expansion and the Rare card unlocks a pissed off bear mount!

  • Slashdance (Super Common) – This card is the new Piccolo of the Flaming Fire, and as such, will get abused to hell and back. Unlike the Piccolo, which forces everyone around you to dance, the Slashdance card will give you a targetable consumable known as the Party G.R.E.N.A.D.E.. When thrown, all those in its radius will break out into the international language of dance.

  • Owned! (Uncommon) – Surely this will be bound to keys or added to macros worldwide. What is a teabagging and spitting macro without a little flag taunting in the mix? Owned! will grant the lucky gamer with a flag which can be staked into a fallen opponent. Said flag sports a large thumbs-down icon, allowing all to know who you just ganked.

  • The Red Bearon (Rare) – This is the one most of the readers are here for. The Red Bearon will grant players with the newest mount (pictured above) to grace the lands of Azeroth. Being a Rare card the mount should be somewhat exclusive, not to mention incredibly pricey on eBay. The angry beast will come in both a normal and epic variety.

Personally, I do not play the WoW TCG, but I do pick up a few packs here and there when I see them. Mainly I make the purchases because I enjoy the artwork and want to support the team behind the game. The lure of the awesome loot cards certainly helps. Damn cross-branding.

The Drums of War expansion pack will hit retail stores on October 28th.  So when you go to pick up Guitar Hero World Tour, Red Alert 3 and Fallout 3 you might as well grab a few packs.

Reader Comments (9)

i want the owned flag!!!!...nothing like planting a sharp stick in your enemies face!!, and glaoting while ya' do it =D

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterreynen

gloating*....=/...english you have FAILED MEEEEE

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterreynen

Screw the mount, I wanna impale all those who have dared to stand against me!

I don't like ganking, (mainly because I'm too nice), so I always end up being attacked first, but I always manage do turn the tides.

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

lol i arrives on my birth day!!! ;)

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPromitheus

anyone know more about BlizzCon 2008 goodie bag allso iam nice person to but i still gank because i dont like horde

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterehhhhhhh

>.> <.< People forgetting the bear people will get for completing the achievements For the Horde and For the Alliance after Wrath launches?


I know I'll be downing some Alliance leaders at 80.

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGene

ill show you downing

October 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercocopuffs

OMG Wotlk comes out on my bday, that bear is super gay. I went to blizzcon and got my polar bear mount. HUZZAH. Although the murloc on it is annoying, I want that OWNED! and Slashdance badly though. Very cool.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDiego

i wont to buy a cool mount

December 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdeathglaveo

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