Project Lore WotLK Beta 2.7: Halls of Lightning
After defeating Ionar in WotLK beta Halls of Lightning, Project Lore buffs up and forges ahead deeper into the instance. What other looming mobs await these heros and what Challenges will face them? Watch and find out.
For these episodes, the team used premade level 80 characters, they are Dumpins, Shnooberella, Lylelovett, Uglynaut, and Undone. Remember that this was shot in the beta, so things can and already have changed since then.
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This week, we'll have more for you at noon Pacific, so check out each episode!
For these episodes, the team used premade level 80 characters, they are Dumpins, Shnooberella, Lylelovett, Uglynaut, and Undone. Remember that this was shot in the beta, so things can and already have changed since then.
Use our Subscribe page to find links to follow us on places all over the internet. You can also use the Episodes RSS feed or Twitter to find out when new episodes are out, and don't forget to join our Facebook Group, Facebook Page, and MySpace.
This week, we'll have more for you at noon Pacific, so check out each episode!
Reader Comments (39)
Exciting episode i must say, however i was a bit shocked to see Undone using Seal of Vengeance for dps. He probably hasn't realised that Alliance Paladins has gotten Seal of the Martyr which is the same as Seal of Blood (The old Horde Paladins ONLY Seal), if he had tried out Seal of blood he would have seen a huge difference in his dps. So hopefully in the future we will see him using Seal of the martyr or maybe Seal of Command which is also better for dps than Seal of Vengeance :P
Woops sorry about the double post there :P
Yea like Tackle said use Seal of Martyr you will have a huge dps increase. I do find it kinda funny you didnt know you had repentance didnt you read the talents when you speced? Secondly if you go the correct spec down to IMP hammer in prot you can have a ton of cc with repentance + hammer of justice after.
@ Shnooberella: You should try out Arcane Blast - Arcane Barrage - Fire Blast, Repeat and use arcane missles when you get the proc for it. You wont have as much mana issues and you will do more dps in the end. Also if your having a huge problem ask your pally to judge wisdom on stuff or atleast bosses.
Forgot also at the pally you have something like priests have its called like holy shield you can put that on anyone including yourself and when they take damage it heals them. I never see you use it and it could come in handy sometimes you can spam it on people also theres no CD.
You are talking about "sacred shield". And it doesnt heal, it absorbs damadge before it is dealt to the person you have it on. But you are right it might be nice to use it on boss fights when your healer could use some help.
It doesnt absorb that much though, the big thing for holy paladins is that you also get +50% crit on your FoL :)
Oh my bad, when someone has the sacred shield buff and take damadge they gain a sacred shield, that absorbs a part of the damadge the next hit they take.
Jeff is offcially awesome for making that Alladin reference. Blizzard likes their CC I guess.
Okay, i was finally able to watch this episode. I think i hate ret paladins even more now. Repentence, iirc, is a retribution talent that lasted 6sec, or until damage was dealt to the target. Now it lasts a full60sec? What the hell, they hardly need that with thier current non-beta damage potential.
Ah well, guess i should just abandon my shaman dpser, adn switch my holy pally to ret. Seems like everyone else is doing that anyway. Of the 15 paladins in my guild we used ot have 1 ret, 4 prot, and 10 holy, now we have one holy (me) and 14 ret. Really bugs me
What addons do u guys use?
I think I heard a few bars of Richard Cheese from Alex.
i got the same problem can also only watch first 1min and 30sec that is to the middle og the first fight anybody got an idea what is wrong?
great job guys, i respect and envy u guys for how u play.
ive never had the experiance or the chance to be able do any of the stuff that you guys do.
Hopefully with the release of wrath, and everyone having their 70 epics taken over by 80 blues/quest gear, i may have a chance to see and try the new dungeons out :)
Thanks again. looking forward for the next episode.
Lol I loved the few references in the middle parodying 'Chop Suey!'- System of a Down, the becuse you wanted to comments specifically, that got a chuckle out of me :) keep up the good work ya'll really good to see some beta stuff even though it's just before wotlk (prolly won't be able to get it for a bit b/c of financial problems lol)
Gotta love the OP ret pally action eh? I look forward to seeing some soC and SotM dmg tho lol
Well, Jeff did mention that he has been a prot pally and its the first time he switch to ret pally. So, maybe he didn't know that Repentance isnt new.