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The Joy of Ganking

Nesingwary Camps in NagrandAs we all wait for Wrath of the Lich King, I've been doing a lot of achievement grinding. It gives me something to do other than leveling alts, and I finally got my Loremaster of Kalimdor achievement the other day. In order to complete it, I ended up having to do a few raid quests along with some rarely done quests in Silithus. I also had to nearly complete the Raene's Cleansing quest line in Ashenvale, which provided me with the awesome Rod of Transformation to turn me into a furblog. Luckily, I was able to stop at the final step and keep the rod, allowing me to transform into a furblog whenever I please.

While grinding out the quests for this achievement, I've of course run accross a few low level horde who I would sometimes leave alone, but sometimes I would just have to one shot them. There's just something fun about running by, tossing an Earth Shock and maybe a Stormstrike, killing a player without breaking stride. If they're in my way again, they'll probably be scared that I might do it again. Hopefully that stops them from stealing my quest objectives.

Now, Bastosa has wondered about the joy of ganking, and doesn't see the fun in killing low level members of the enemy faction, but I do. Part of it is revenge. I can't count the number of times I've been killed by horde because I was not on an even playing field with them. Either I'm half dead from killing mobs or 10 levels lower than the enemy, and I find myself dead. Of course, I won't waste my time camping some level 30 undead warlock, but if I happen to see one, I will usually kill them. If I happen to see them again, I may kill them again.

If you're on a PvP server, that's what you can expect. I'm not out to ruin anybody's night, but to give you the experience of a PvP server. I dealt with it, so you can deal with it. While I won't just camp anybody unless they've done something to deserve it, such as corpse camping me, I can think of a few easy solutions. Here are a few of the things I like to do if I get camped.

Get your friends. Especially during early WotLK leveling, lots of your friends will likely be in the area and willing to help. While you're at it, group up and blast through some quests together. A group is much less likely to get ganked than a lonely player.

Go somewhere else. You can usually find another place to level. There are a lot of areas and subzones and more quests than you'd ever need to level. Move on to the next area and come back later.

Log on an alt (or a main). Grab your other characters and get some work done on them. Or, if you're leveling an alt, take your main and do some dailies. Maybe play the Auction House game for a while. You probably won't get killed in the AH unless there's some sort of plague going around.

Take a break. Make a sandwich, grab a drink, or get some errands done. While you're out getting things done, your campers are waiting for you to come back with no idea that you've logged out, balanced your checkbook, and beaten Little Big Planet.

What are all of your strategies for avoiding gankers? Are you looking forward to ganking in Northrend? How often do you kill the lowbies that happen to be in your way?

Reader Comments (53)

I kill lowbie horde whenever I see them....it's fun :D

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoe

.. i cant beleave im sayign this but ... first...

in my server, gankings gone way down resently

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercjus

log my main and kill them most of the time :P

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterflamearow

Goes to show how immature the Alliance are really they take pride in ganking whats so great about it? Ever heard of a BG, Alliance is full of 10 year old twats who don't understand the true value of a game while Horde consists of more mature players who dont spend hours on end camping corpses for fun

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnanun

true, but heres somethign to think about aswell. the age thing, both sides are about the same, just the 10 yearolds are camping bodys , as the older players are off leveling or something.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercjus

i dont gank mainly because it will then be an evil circle wich i will NOT participate in... or will I?

i have done some major ganking on Isle of Quel'Danas... but i think that is partly legel, revival of the world pvp and so on, but most ppl just dont like the feeling of being the weak or the vulnerable...

dudes... gankers have been vulnerable once... therefor they gank!

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThoMage

HA! Ananun, apparently youve never played the other side, Horde corpse camp just as much as allies do. On my Realm the number of 10yr olds is much greater on the horde side.

The way I deal with ganking?... I play on a PvE server, you'd be suprised how rarely I get ganked. You should try it.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAllenok

I'm a Paladin and on a PvE server but there are the rare times when i just have to kill a lowbie who has pvp on... that's of course the time a full brutal guy comes round the corner :/ i bubble and try to run, and if that doesn't work i try to out run him...

2 days till lich king, yay!

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZeck

You're going to get idiots if you play alliance or horde, its not a faction thing. I play alliance and get ganked by horde and camped by higher lvls constantly for no apparent reason.

But if you have a problem with it, or are going to get stressed about it, either get used to it or switch to a pve server. remember YOU CHOSE a pvp server, dont QQ about your own choice. They have bgs on both types of servers.

I wish blizzard would somehow let you PK people of your own faction, they usually annoy me just as much as the opposing faction, cause they can talk like idiots about anything (*cough*tradechannel*cough*) and trash talk you/about you and you can't do anything but /ignore them. it gives me more satisfaction being able to send them to the GY and have to run back to their bodies.

as for avoiding gankers.. i usually don't, i gank back (if possible). But if you are getting stressed about it.. take a break, its a game, enjoy yourself, if you're not, then stop and cool off

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergetsu

Lol Ananun, i play on the Horde side and even i find that comment Bull.. We Horde gank just as much and there just as many 10 year olds, Apperantly you've never PuG'd on your server,

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterScaper

I attempt to get away as a hunter i kite them until im in a safe place and as i have epic land mount now i can lay trap readiness and lay another one FD mount and then im gone

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbrightwings

How the hell did you get Loremaster of Kalimdor on Alliance? I'm at ~ 670 quests and have only Un'Goro and Silithus left to re-check. (I have the low level search on in my minimap and have scoured all the quest hubs from Teldrassil over to Wintersping and down, Zone by Zone (and I'll be damned if I'm going into Maraudon again in my life))

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKyndranigar

I usually just log and read up on Prject Lore ^^

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSpudnik

Furblogs FTW!

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertoque

"Part of it is revenge. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been killed by horde because I was not on an even playing field with them. Either I’m half dead from killing mobs or 10 levels lower than the enemy, and I find myself dead. " juggy see juggy do

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZeb

"Goes to show how immature the Alliance are really they take pride in ganking whats so great about it? Ever heard of a BG, Alliance is full of 10 year old twats who don’t understand the true value of a game while Horde consists of more mature players who dont spend hours on end camping corpses for fun"

Hmm. By posting this you are kind of contradicting your statement, you know.
- -
Well I noticed that in order to avoid ganking in contested areas, a lot of lowbies bring bored, high-level guildie friends with them to scare people and power level. Two in one.

And I've ganked people myself, but I never set out to do it. The only time I'll gank someone is if it's on my way when I'm doing something else.

I did corpse-camp a warlock once after we had a 1vs1 battle. We were the same level. It was more like a victory dance that lasted 2 minutes than anything else.


November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFruma

Everyone always says that the Alliance is this or the Horde is that. Fact is, it's fucking split even right down the middle. There are assholes on both sides. On every server.

As for avoiding being ganked, I usually /bow, /hug, or /wave. This works *surprisingly* well.

I have yet to be corpse camped, knock on wood, but if I was, I would just log off. There's plenty of other things I can be doing.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShaunior


The thing about ganking lowbies is this, if your on a PVE server then obviously you cant gank or be ganked. If your ganking or getting ganked then YOUR ON A PVP SERVER! If you play on a pvp server then expect to kill or be killed. Thats the whole point of a pvp server. The thrill and fear that while questing and farming you may encounter a player from the opposite faction.

Thats the whole point of it. If it wasnt then play pve. I honestly HAVE NEVER understood ANYONE that can QQ over being camped, ganked etc.. while playing a pvp server.

Its so illogical to complain about it , makes me want to slap someone upside the head and shout "WAKE THE F UP AND GET THE DAMN POINT OF A PVP SERVER".

Seriously, if someone has a better reason for playing a pvp server that doesnt involve the actual pvp-ness of it and has a good reason for not getting ganked. Let me know please. But it doesnt exist. And dont say that ganking a player x amount of levels lower then you doesnt make sense, is cruel and interupts leveling. If you dont want leveling interupted, play a damn pve server. Hell, level on pve and pony up the 25.00 to xfer to pvp. Then at a high level you might understand.

In closing REMEMBER.




yes, caps were necessary. CAUSE IM SCREAMING MAD ABOUT THIS.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterReeper

I can honestly say that I've never ganked a Horde player. I HAVE killed some (including outside battlegrounds), but have never been the one to initiate the kill...until last night.

I was in Feralas doing a quest where I had to free a bunch of creatures. As part of this, I have to kill a lot of mobs that are trying to keep the creatures from escaping. There I am, minding my own business when a Blood Elf who is two levels lower than me runs into the middle of my battle. Now, I'm pretty sure there's a Horde quest to kill these folks too, so I'd be perfectly happy to let him kill some of these and help me complete the quest. Unfortunately, my pet had other ideas.

I think what happened was the Blood Elf mistook my bear for one of the shaman in bear form. Honest mistake, really...so when he hit my bear, my bear hit back. Oops.

In the end, he died...as did all the mobs. He didn't rez right away, probably afraid I was corpse camping. After my quest, I headed back to a nearby ridge to watch. He came back and eventually started killing the mobs on his own. I left him alone, but eventually decided to send my bear in to attack a mob here and there to help.

Eventually he went on his way. Then I completed another quest and went on my way as well. I ended up riding past him on a road later, but was moving too fast to wave in time.

I wish I could remember the guy's name.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

I like to move my main to the area im levelling my alts so should I find myself dead at the hands of any Alliance char my Hunter can log in to track them down and enact vengeance

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEndomorth

Hehe, my old guild would always take getting ganked as an excuse for a mass alliance bloodfest, if one of us got ganked then 20 or more guildies would hop on a FP and come ge their own back, offense is the best defence :-D

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterManse

What I don't understand is how you guys know the age of the people ganking you, seeing as on PvP servers, you can only have characters from one faction. Camping on whatever side happens, horde or alliance.

Generally, if you don't like getting ganked (and in turn, doing the ganking) Then there are plenty of pve servers available to you.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJyorore

I personally like the idea of Lake Wintergrasp coming with WotLK because while I dont mind when someone kills me and i choose to fight back, but if im trying to do something and you corpse camp for an hour or two I get frustrated. Thats why I got my main mage off of Vashj an onto Nordrassil

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRabidWookie

I'm a Rogue. Its in my nature to gank.
But none of that lowbie crap.
Grow some balls and fight people your own lvl. :/

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRed

Nice Juggy, so you are that guy? ;)

Every once in a while I'll pop a lowbie too... I don't really mind that. My issue was primarily with corpse camping.

That being said I like your strategies... there is something even more satisfying about being camped by some douchebag horde, getting up and getting on with life for w while, then coming back 30 minutes later and they are still there!

When that happens you have won, because they are just pathetic.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBastosa

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