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WoW Life Lesson #11: Things Are Always Easier With A Good Group

SaintGermaine at MagsSo it's been awhile since I wrote a WoW Life Lesson and you may be wondering, "Why?" Or "Where has SaintGermain been?" Or "What's he been doing?" Well it actually has a lot to do with this particular WoW Life Lesson.

You may or may not know what it takes to put together Project Lore. Some of you may but for those others, let me give you a little idea.

It's a lot.

And whether or not your familiar with production and post production, you can probably guess that it's tougher that it looks, just like Sunwell - It may look all nice and friendly, but it is a tough SOB that is as relentless as that noob who keeps yellin' in SW for gold to buy weapon skills.

And for those of you who have been lucky / skilled enough to do a little Sunwell farming, you know very well that it takes a team of people to get the job done, and if you lose a healer or an OT, then it's even harder.

How many times have you been in an instance and a DPS dies or the MT hits the floor and a tank-ish toon has to pick up the slack for that fight? If it turned out okay, it probably took much longer than it would have if everyone would have been up during the fight. Even with Kael'thas getting nerfed to the ground, you still need 25 ppl to kick his ass ( okay 20 if you're in T6 gear, alright... maybe less ) Even with Mag being nerfed into oblivion ( shown above ) you still needs about 10 ppl. ( We did it with 19, I think. )

The point is that in game and in RL, you can get more stuff done with a good group of people. And with WotLK coming out soon, you better believe that it will be the good groups of people, the guilds that work together or the collection of buddies that play together, that excel in this fun game of life... er... WoW.

Have fun leveling...

and find yourself a good group.

Reader Comments (17)

With everything being nerfed my guild has seen stuff we never thought we would get to see, I really like it because I now am in the fun end game stuff, but i feel bad for guilds that had to work to get the right to say we downed every boss in BT but now guilds that just got into gruuls are pwning BT

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJerg


November 3, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertauren egg


November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPathada

It's always about co-op and group chemistry. There are always people who think they are better, thus yelling at people all the time.

Personally, I prefer a friendly low-gear player than a whining hardcore grinder. (Of course not that low-gear that he/she can't get his job done)

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

@ tauren egg & Pathada

Lol, you got pwned

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

I can really relate to this lesson my guild has hads its very low points and it allways relied on the core members working as a team to pull us back up to being able to raid again.

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMonkeydwarf

yes finding the good group makes life easier but then theres the wrong group and the right group which isnt easy to find, finding the wrong group i have realised is pretty damn easy

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnanun

True enough, good grp, with ppl who know how to play their class or improvise/adapt, is vital to all instances.

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAltucor

This is so true its unbelievable. Even with wrath coming out in less than 2 weeks, people are now coming back to the game, dusting off the interwebs that has collected on their toons. Its one thing for these people to go to Gruuls, Mags, SSC or TK because they will most likely have 20 other people geared up to CTA. But its when these people want to do 5man heroics or KZ you can really feel the brunt of it.

I did a Heroic Mech last night with a tank that absolutely sucked. We got through it, as painful as it was thanks to the healing of yours truly, but there is no way this tank should have been doing heroics yet. Heroic Mech with a good group is 30 minutes... w/ a bad group, its hours. So my suggestion to all those who are coming back from months off... just wait till the expansion comes out and pick up gear as it comes and let the good players do instances.

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMcmanus

I have had the hardest time finding a really good guild to run with. I really enjoy the game but our server, Fenris, has very few guilds who are actually really good into getting in End game content.

I think for Wrath im going to hit 80 as soon as possible, and that will open some windows for my resto shaman b/c those good guilds will be needing me. Hopefully.

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHenry

Ive been in some PUGs, some good some bad but the thing that really gets on my nerves is when a boomkin or a mage or a shaman is compelled to send mobs flying in random directions when i'm trying to get aggro on them, or sending them to other mobs, when a hunter disengages right into a mob (disengage is good for shade of aran however)

but most of the time i usually have a blast with random people, its less serious. And if i get a bad group then i just try to work with them, it all works out in the end.

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlkaid

I'm a big supporter of finding a core group of people that work well together... I was lucky enough to meet some great guys through my guild, and now the 5 of us run together almost exclusively. If something is going on, we'll wait for some of the others or we don't do it, lol... It helps that we get along great, and we have progressed past vent, and just use skype (I think it's easier!) They have even turned me on to COD4... I think what helps is the chemistry. We have become pretty good friends, and we help each other. I am the "n00b" in the group, and the guys have been nothing but amazingly patient as I learned how to effectively heal, and learn the ins and outs of the game. We 5 man Kara last night, and had a blast!

The always sexy,
Realm: Eldre'thalas

(And if you're interested to see the gear of the others, they are Akupachu, Lumdle, Pruneaupower, and Môna)

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDrogheda

Oh, St. Germain. Good post, except for the egregious spelling error in the third paragraph. It reads something like:

"And whether or not your familiar with" - Should be you're not your.

If I didn't have a few good friends all together in the same guild I never would have stuck with this game. Well, I might have but definitely would not enjoy it as much as I do. Our guild head is over in Iraq right now so we're trying to recruit like crazy in his honor. Building up a solid guild is really where the social aspect of wow becomes more important that just leveling.

November 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKrowtz

its really gd for the things getting nerfed because im lvl 68 and have 1 green and the whole group goes by with ease

November 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSteven

For instances the WoW LFG or LFM system sucks. Even when I have gotten a good group, if one person leaves or does not do his job properly, its no fun. I have yet to run an instance and after say, "Good job that was a lot of fun".

November 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

This is such a rough time in WoW right now, most people arent trying anymore, because not only is everything easy, it's futile. My guild has lost more members due to guild drama within the last 2 weeks then they have in this past year. I'd say so be it, but most of them are core raiders, and maybe this will give me a chance at a promotion. But we've lost a lot of good players, hope the other guilds are still staying together!

November 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFrankinator

I was a MT pre-BC and good god i had no life, i stopped playing right when BT came out and rerolled alliance just a few months ago. im really happy about the turning into BC from 40man to 25mans cause with 40 plp u have 1/2 of them that were in ur read cause u need 40 when trying new bosses and not cause i want them in my raid. now that theres 25 mans 10mans and heroics(awesome implants in the game imo)u can get closer with ur plp and as a team do ur progression. im lucky myself i got 4 irl friends that play as much as i do so we can run stuff and help eachothers out.

as for WotLK i hope they make it hard cause good god doin Steamvault on 20mins with no one lvl70 is kinda lame.

November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTheovertaker

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