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Schedule For The Week of 12/14/08

This week we have got more of the team's first run in a Northrend instance, Utgarde Keep. The boys are really moving along since most of them have already seen the instance and know what to expect. Find out how they do this week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Also, don't forget to check out our Utgarde Keep Guide and let us know if anything is missing by emailing editor@projectlore.com!

In addition to Ugarde Keep, we also have more of Zand and Dorkins finding their way around the Howling Fjord in Soloing: My First Quests in Northrend, so check those out on Tuesday and Thursday. Here is this week's full schedule for your perusal:

Monday, December 15th at Noon PST - Episode 12.4: Utgarde Keep

Tuesday, December 16th at Noon PST - Soloing: My First Quests in Northrend, Part Five

Wednesday, December 17th at Noon PST - Episode 12.5: Utgarde Keep

Thursday, December 18th at Noon PST - Soloing: My First Quests in Northrend, Part Six

Friday, December 19th at Noon PST - Episode 12.6: Utgarde Keep

Saturday, December 20th at Noon PST - The Weekly Wrap Up

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