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Gatherers Making A Killing

Sometimes I have to stop and think that I made the wrong choice as far as my professions go. Being a tank I have grown accustomed to always being out of gold due to massive repair bills, but if I had made the smart choice I would have picked a profession to help balance that out. I didn’t.

I am an enchanter/engineer, so I have two crafting professions. This means I don’t gather up mats, I have to buy them to level my professions. So it is safe to say I have spent a fair bit of time trolling the auction house looking for good deals.

With the expansion being so new, there are lots of spikes and valleys as the market settles on a price for these new materials, but there is one trend that holds true no matter what. You gatherers are making a killing selling your mats! Prices on some of the more sought after mats have been just mind blowing.

I know prices vary highly from server to server. But I am guessing we are all seeing the same trends. Being an engineer I’ve had to buy up lots of cobalt, saronite, and titanium bars to level up high enough to craft my goggles. This was an expensive process for me. The prices were just sky high, early on I saw stacks of lower level bars going for hundreds of gold each. Prices for herbs and leather haven’t been particularly low themselves.

I imagine that those that are supplying these mats are getting very wealthy from them. I have several gathering friends that have straight up told me they have more gold then they know what to do with. That sounds like a good problem to have? I am pretty jealous of you guys that have built in income everyday from smelting titansteel.

I’m fully aware that enchanters don’t have it so bad, and that enchanting mats are fetching a small fortune as well. My priority was leveling enchanting with those mats. Perhaps now that I am at 450 I can start to get some money back there. As far as my engineering goes, I am looking for clouds and gathering eternals… but these income methods seem to pail in comparison to the true gathering professions.

It’s clear that there is gold to be had in Northrend if you know how to do it. So how are you doing? Are you gathering up a small fortune? Or are you the one lining the gatherers pockets?

Reader Comments (43)

I just started doing BS/mining again (Im a pally) the reason I did is I heard the armor you can make off of it is really great starting gear for lvl 80 and stuff so I just started that. My plan was to get mining up very high and just sell my ores and get stuff for lvling BS(I am pretty poor right now) so I am thinking now I made th eright choice.
On my server copper ore, yes i said it COPPER ORE, costs 9g 50s 90c on the AH per stack!
This blew me away and they give you the money that you'd get basically off of 70 dalies. So yes my gathering skills are bringing in tons of money now :)

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGrant

I dunno if you can say enchanters don't gather. I was making 200G a stack on the northrend dusts for a while there.

So, simply split the days take and milk the powerlevelers...

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdave

I have a hunter and my professions are Mining/Blacksmithing. I do regret taking those on, because at lvl 72 my professions are still not being closed to maxed. SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJanke

I love being a miner. 60g a stack for cobalt bars and 50g a stack for mithril bars is all you need to know. plus the toughness is a nice bonus

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

Toon #1: skinning + leatherworking = poor, got mount 8 levels late due to funding issues. treading water with pots/repairs/etc.

Toon #2: mining + blacksmithing = poor (crafted weapons sell poorly in my experience). mining ore wasted on smithing.

Toon#2 switch: mining + tailoring = enough money, but not rich-feeling. spent it all on making high end bags. so I get $ from selling ore/bars and get mats for tailoring from humanoid kills and to a lesser extent, the AH

Toon#3: herbalism + skinning = rich. Had more money than I needed, and the crafted items I wanted on the AH were cheap due to levelers dumping a dozen items at a time on the AH. Had mount money 10 levels early. Could afford enchants+(mats from AH) for all gear.

Thought I'd try it again:
Toon #4: herbalism + skinning = rich again.

Toon #5: mining + skinning = freaking rich. way rich. IT kinda helped that this guy came on line before Burning Crusade. I made an absolute killing on raw ore and gems for everyone picking up jewelcrafting.

Toon #6: mining + jewelcrafting = poor again.

Toon #7: mining + skinning = freaking rich again.

I think I found what works for me, anyway.
So, for me, I prefer to have the money than the ability to craft par and sub-par stuff.
So my opinion is: take 2 gathering skills as soon as possible, pick one that needs mini map and one that doesn't, or you spend your whole time switching your map radar.

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterN.

JC Engy fortunately I planned ahead and my alt miner enchanter is helping me weather the price fluxuations by gathering my own mats. Unfortunately with 3 crafting professions I have very little surplus :( .. so far

Dailies are my main source of income, but the massive distances to be travelled to do some of them represents a rather large financial hazard :(

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOzzel's Cousin Fred

I'm just gonna say.. What gathering mats sell for on Executus is insane. My level 25 has well over 300g... My 73 dual crafter (like you), has much less comparatively. I feel your pain.

It's Winter Veil though. Go get some eggs. :D

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPercolatte

Lvl 78 Undead Mage (Aggramar) -
Lvl 70 Undead Rogue (Aggramar) -

I have been a miner/skinner on my Mage since day one. It has been very profitable for me. My Rogue is a LW and JC. My secret on the WOTLK expansion was early exploration into icestorm to max out my mining. Producing titansteel early on was slow, but insanely profitable when people finally needed it. I run a guild and have bought all the tabs. As a perk, I buy my highest ranked members their epic mount training (if they don't already have it). I'm focused now on the 3 person Mammoth mount. I should have it soon. :)

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEtherous

For money making profs. i would say to go Alchemy/Herbalism. Alchemy is one of the most profitable prof. of them all, because unlike most of other, you can sell 1-2-5/player and that limits your market over time. In Alchemy you never run out of buyers, raids/dungeons and other stuff are made with flasks/potions/elixirs and they come and buy more when there pots run out, so alchemy is a gold mine. Herbalism is another great one, players will always need herbs when the can't gather. Inscription works with herbalism so all you Herba/Alch out there can make some serious cash from the Inscription guys. Enchanting is not a very good way to make money, yes i know that everyone needs enchants, but they are very expensive for the Enchanter (mats can reach up to 95% of the price you ask for the enchant) and there's the same problem on 1 player you don't have a limitless sell capacity like in potions or herbs. As for mining is good for everyone, but is best for tanks, so if you are a tank screw all profs. and go find a pick axe.

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterIronhoof

mage: tailor and enchanter im making a killing selling the ebonweave robes and gloves all the dps classes are wanting em and ive made going on 10k selling em for 1k each and i have yet to sell a single enchanting mat making it easy mode when i get that awesome raiding gear that needs to be enchanted

paladin: miner and engineer making a killing off cobolt and the other metals and doing ok with the engineering ting buy selling the crystallized elements

needless to say im banking it if i combine both toons cause these professions are making me richer and richer by the day 3 man mammoth here i come

December 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterryan

I went Mining/Blacksmith with my Warrior's, just felt best and so far I've made more in the the AH then on quests, so that's a thumbs up.

As for my Hunter, I went Herbalism/Inscription. Though buying Herbs to level up Inscription was a lil' expensive, I made that all back when I finally learned to make Glyphs. It's the easiest thing and should be the most focused item to sell for Inscriptionist. The last few days I've made all 78g (what I sent from other toon) back with 3 Glyphs on the AH.

I've heard that Enchanting makes good money actually, so I don't know about others. Some people go Herbs/Mining and just do that for money, which isn't bad but you do miss out on a lot of the benefits of being able to make items, but the gold is still very nice I suppose.

December 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNerrectuz

I learned really early the only way to make it in WoW is to have lots of chars with all skills and profesions so i never spen any money on AH for mats been playing dor 2+years and Never bought mats! of course its slower to lvl profesions but unlike most players i like to take my time lvl my chars and skills i only have..

lvl 78 \hunter LW / SKIN
lvl 72 Warlock Herb / Alchemy
lvl 71 Mage Mining / JC
lvl 60 Warrior Minning / Engin
lvl 54 Shaman Mining / BS
lvl 52 druid Mining / Tailor
lvl 52 Priest inscription / enchant
and a few others above chars are All maxed on all the profesions for their Lvl's

this hasent made me rich as i dont sell matts but means i never have any trouble buying my chars mounts :) epic or normal.

December 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNotabot

im a tank on wildhammer eu and i just thought for profs u should take l/working and maybe alchemy for the simple reasons that the trinkets and armour kits u can get (ie +90 stamin on bracers from lw/ing) and the 75 stam 59 dodge trinket from alchemy it can realy boost your stats

December 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersouljahxx

btw to my last comment im a lvl 80 tank that has cleared nax not tht that matters tho :P

December 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersouljahxx

Hi am a lvl 23 draeni and i dnt no what armour i should get i like running in getting crowds then just AoEing them and getting mass ex p.

December 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCairn

i have herb and mineing and its a huge money maker...saronite bars where selling for 250 a stack and adders tounge for 150..its was insane..

December 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteranthony

Back in the good old BC days, JC/Mining netted me around 500g a day without much effort, and if I pushed I could make around three times that. Now I pull in around 1200g for the same small effort (read: one or two hours of farming). I haven't tried a full-day farm, but I don't doubt that if I wanted to buy that rediculously expensive mammoth, I could do it in a week or so.
I'll let you in on a little secret (okay, maybe not really a secret) but if you're bored and leveling an alt like me, do herbalism and mining (which I did with my first toon). Even the low-level stuff sells pretty good. I discovered, much to my dismay, that I wouldn't be able to just go BUY copper to level my alt's blacksmithing. At 45g a stack, you probably wouldn't either.

As it stands now, the endgame bar-stock prices have settled to something a little more sane (except titanium and titansteel, of course)

~who once had this pop up in Aszhara general chat:
Hey kids, what's shakin?
Oh great, the hoover vacuum is here. I might as well go pvp or something.

December 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterillee

I made 16,000+ Gold in 1 week after the release of WoTLK and after i reached lvl73/74 i think it was.

Started up my mount, went to sholazar basin and ran in circles near the edge, every single ore was available for me, I prospected them all and sold all raw green/bue gems in stacks of 5 for 120/500g (depending on the type), now titanium bar was truely a goldmine, 500g each.

A week later I had my mammoth mount and other people started to do the same thing, so good thing I made this move a week earlier as the place got crowded :P

So yes, Mining + Jewelcrafting = win

January 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRichard

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