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Gatherers Making A Killing

Sometimes I have to stop and think that I made the wrong choice as far as my professions go. Being a tank I have grown accustomed to always being out of gold due to massive repair bills, but if I had made the smart choice I would have picked a profession to help balance that out. I didn’t.

I am an enchanter/engineer, so I have two crafting professions. This means I don’t gather up mats, I have to buy them to level my professions. So it is safe to say I have spent a fair bit of time trolling the auction house looking for good deals.

With the expansion being so new, there are lots of spikes and valleys as the market settles on a price for these new materials, but there is one trend that holds true no matter what. You gatherers are making a killing selling your mats! Prices on some of the more sought after mats have been just mind blowing.

I know prices vary highly from server to server. But I am guessing we are all seeing the same trends. Being an engineer I’ve had to buy up lots of cobalt, saronite, and titanium bars to level up high enough to craft my goggles. This was an expensive process for me. The prices were just sky high, early on I saw stacks of lower level bars going for hundreds of gold each. Prices for herbs and leather haven’t been particularly low themselves.

I imagine that those that are supplying these mats are getting very wealthy from them. I have several gathering friends that have straight up told me they have more gold then they know what to do with. That sounds like a good problem to have? I am pretty jealous of you guys that have built in income everyday from smelting titansteel.

I’m fully aware that enchanters don’t have it so bad, and that enchanting mats are fetching a small fortune as well. My priority was leveling enchanting with those mats. Perhaps now that I am at 450 I can start to get some money back there. As far as my engineering goes, I am looking for clouds and gathering eternals… but these income methods seem to pail in comparison to the true gathering professions.

It’s clear that there is gold to be had in Northrend if you know how to do it. So how are you doing? Are you gathering up a small fortune? Or are you the one lining the gatherers pockets?

Reader Comments (43)

I chose alchemy / Echanting and i reget it. Although i have made over 1000g DEing all the northrend greens and selling the mats. They sell like crazy

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTuLaBeRrY

I chose Enchanting/Tailoring and do not regret it. I've never had to buy mats. Plus the ability for Tailors to find "additional" Frostweave on humanoids is fantastic. The stuff sells easy. And so does DE mats.

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNeonia

I'm mining/BS, and since I'm still a few BS levels away from making the epic items I haven't been selling anything, and therefore haven't made any money off of it. In fact I've had such poor luck finding titanium nodes that I've bought some bars to actually make my titansteel everyday. Hopefully though after crafting my 2h weapon I can make some of my money back from selling all my ore and such.

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

lol same im a prot pally tank (on the horde tho and only lvl 77 currently) and i just bought my cold weather flying i have 500g left which isn't much for me

don't laugh but i still don't have my epic flyer

oh yeah and i have the same profs as you bast =P

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSathas

I have alchemy / herbalism on my main, and leatherworking / skinning for my hunter alt. As such, it enables me to avoid buying stuff off the AH. I refuse to pad the lines of people who charge ripoff prices.

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

Mining/Jewelcrafting is the cash cow of WoW. I can sell the ore as is, or smelt it into bars, or prospect and sell the uncut gems, or cut gems for other people, or sell high level cut gems. Let's see...that's 5 different revenue streams from two professions. Let's say I am never in need of cash and I usually have plenty to lend to my guildies.

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOggrillain

I have skinning and leather working with kinda go hand in hand with each other the only problem is that as a rogue my down time is quite high after farming for leather this can be costly on the old food front.
after just getting my leather working to 425 i have spent over 2k gold on the ah on mats its getting crazy

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjonny

Engineering/Mining: I'm making a lot of money lately selling Eternal Fire which I get from mining and using my zapthrottledohickymabober. I used to make money fishing up pure water in Nagrand.. alas.. those days are over.

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrandy

I've got Herbalism/Alchemy.

It's not a money maker, more like a money saver. Doing the flasks/pots I needs for my raids is truely nice. + making a little cash from guild members needing flasks for raids.

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterENgkebøllen

Im a skinner and minner. I just use my profession to sell mats. On my rogue i made 16k gold from 70 to 80. My Death knight has the same professions (i stick to what i know) Im currently 71 and have 11K gold. :D. And im on a europe sever so i guess things could be even better over the pond

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoshy

ya same here. I do Skinning/Mining and I love it!!! Lots o gold that way. Anyone out there that is broke and just lookin for gold I highly suggest picking up these professions and givin it a try.

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDankBud420x

I have 3 high level chars that have all their prof maxed out.

Hunter: maxed out mining and skinning.
Mage: maxed out tailoring and chanting.
Pally: maxed out mining and JC.

I'm still broke. not b/c i don't farm but i am a compulsive buyer of stuff i don't need. yes i make a lot of money farming and selling them in AH but it is contraindicated with my compulsive shopping in AH. I need to tone it down cuz i want to get my epic flyer for my pally.

Thank goodness for dailies. :))

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBruit

both my main and alt are miners, one's a 450BS the other is just bumping 400engineering. but needless to say i have been able to level then both up fairly easily since ore and smelted bars are selling so well. I've even made about 3k gold selling some epic BS gear. (all do to the fact that blizz made them all BOE) First time us BS are really raking in the cash. So being a gatherer helps out a ton getting my own mats to sell some epic gear. Or even just to sell some bars. Though i don't expect my engineering to make much gold (never really has for me) i'm glad to know that it won't dig a hole in my pocket thanks to titansteel. All in all for those that don't gather, maybe talk to your friends and guildies and so about working out a deal with those who gather. My other BS/JC friend and i work it out by me getting mats for gems that i like and he levels up his JC :)

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

I'm proud to say for the moment that I am self sufficient. I've been selling SOME of my LW mats I gather as I am capped now. I was too lazy to get my epic flight form when I hit 70 so I think all that money will start getting me closer to that epic crow.

Druid for life.

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSawari

my mage is a tailor/enchant and my warrior is a 450miner and 200skinner. 1 is a gatherer and makes a ton of $$ off the cobalt and saronite, along with titansteel. and DEing greens makes a ton of gold in the AH...
but im not good with money lol! i spend more than i make per day so thats why im in the crapper kinda

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterteddy

my main is skinning/leatherworking, skinning makes me lots of gold on the AH but i havnt kept my leatherworking up so im thinking about starting a new profession.

in other news... my school banned project lore from our network! we get issued laptops each year and i used to love checking the blog, or reading some game guides to get me through some boring classes but its all over :(

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

I'm shocked to hear you don't have an alt with mining/skinning/fishing as a strong focus. A good choice would be a mage.. since you don't have to think about food.


Mage..... herb/alch/fish
Fighter.... ench/skin/cooking
Death Knight.... herb/inscrip

Whatever you guys do... don't grind a profession with a DK until you hit 80 and have all the gear you want.. having to go back to newbie lands and find them pilfered by people just selling mats (herb/min) on the AH is quite annoying.

Fish sells very well since Sage fish, Snapper, and Oily Black are all component fish.

Herbs have skyrocketed because of Inscription.

Minerals have always been profitable. More so after BC when they added Jewelcrafting.

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAngel

I was originaly a tailor/enchanter, not exactly the best money makers around. In the last month or so I had paid out for the mats on my Dreadsteed (about as much as you pay for an epic mount now anyway), paid for most of my wifes epic land mount, as well as regular flying mounts for both of us I was broke.

After hitting up a few levels in Northrend I decided to drop enchanting (it was the lowest of the two profs I had) and pick up mining when I heard from some guildies how much they were making off of it. I spent nearly a week doing nothing but leveling my mining (plus/minus a few days spent just mining copper nodes as they were selling for around 20 gold a stack) Now I'm back in Northrend with my mining up to par for cobalt, and my tailoring is just a few levels shy of frostweave so I'm up to date on my crafting, and making money for a change!

December 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMoose

I chose mining herbalism and i'm very happy with that.Though I'm only 47 lvl i have plenty of gold around 1,5k only for selling herbs.My mining is only 55.I think at lvl 70 I'll be able to get my flying mount and with some grinding I'll get epic flying as well.
Also when I go to Northend I'll lvlup my mining :P.
Many say that 2 gathering proffesions suck but I don't think so because if I need something (enchants, Items etc) I'll be able t buy them.The only thing thaat sucks is that I cant get the BoP items but who cares, I'll get better with honor.
Oh yeah pvp ftw.
I still like raiding, but PvP is my thing.

I have a question also.I've heard that Zand always tells that he sucks at PvP but I don't know why I can't believe him.So do we get to see some PvP in soloing?

Sorry for my bad english

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterfog4o

i am a holy pally and my profs arent anything to shout about (130 engineering, 36 skinning) i havnt even needed any profs throughout my whole wow career i picked up eng fo the goggles and skinning cos it looked easy to do but i just cnt b bothered with them now im at 80 i myt start to do a lil more but honestly i got ma cold wether flyin at 77 and still had 900g left which i only used on the odd enchant and repairs.

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbullrog

I got Jewelcrafting and Leatherworking and i hate the fact that i got rid of my 375 mining for the damn LW that is just taking all my money. Only one thing that is good is the fur lining. At 70 when i got into raiding ZA i already had better gear that i could make with LW and i regret to have ever switched the profession.

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRúna

Skinning / Mining on my Rogue on Suramar. He's only level 77 atm but I've still made a fair amount of income from just the first mats I farmed. Light Leather and Copper Ore still sell reasonably high over here so i take the guess that these professions are still lucrative? Or maybe it's just the post - xpac release frenzy. Either way i am happy with my professions and hope to level my toon and my professions as to make my gold easily and having fun in the process.

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLikkitysplit

Wow, no one has the combo that I have?


But, I havnt been able to do much because I've spent so much on Guild stuff and leveling(currently 77).

I just figured that more people would have that combo. It makes good gold.

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBlacktiger

YES! i got 450 skinning a while ago and in one day i earned 1500g on just artic furs (approx. 105g on my server)

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

I am a blacksmith/miner. I make good money selling what I make, and selling extra mats like copper or tin. But I have to say, I HATE the prices some people charge. Do you really need to charge 15 gold for 2 copper bars? I try to be fair with my pricing and I make plenty to do stuff/repair/put in gv/buy new weapons and armor.

December 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

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