Rogues Can Tank Too!
Bastosa has been writing an eloquent series of articles on Tanking stats this past week, and the latest post on Avoidance perked my interest. Before I ruin his credibility by agreeing with him while having a Rogue as my main, I assure you I have played a Warrior and tanked with her for some time.
Things have changed since the bygone days of Anatik, but even then, I stacked avoidance gear whenever possible. I figured, what's better for your healer and yourself than taking no damage at all? As many tanks will point out, itemization does not allow for tanks to go nuts with avoidance, especially back then. Hence why Bastosa labels avoidance (dodge/parry) the most important secondary stats.
The topic of avoidance did not lead me to think of my days as a terrible tank though, rather the fine art of rogue tanking. As Rogue4Life pointed out, rogues can be "viable" tanks by loading up on avoidance, which they will primarily gain from tons of Agility. The best known examples come from a single bored rogue, Gaeowyn and her Untouchables series of videos.
Gaeowyn managed to tank a few of the endgame bosses before she stopped creating videos:
- Solo BRD Run (the inspiration to the Untouchable series)
- Mother Shahraz of Black Temple
- 5-man Gruul With Rogue Tank
- Tanking Illidan Stormrage From 100% to 0%
There is no chance of Rogues taking over tanking jobs, so don't fret. If you haven't seen these videos then they should be pretty entertaining, especially if you happen to play the best class in the game. Any PvE player is likely to get a kick out of them though. Creative gameplay for the win.
Now if you don't mind, I am going to take a short break for the rest of the year, returning to your regularly scheduled blogging on January 5th. Till then I will be in St. Croix, battling my arch nemesis, The Sun.
Reader Comments (13)
First post
2nd nice one i love rogues also
i wanted to be first :) [im not that same steven] i hate rogues
yeah on our realm (Vashj) there was a rogue who tanked karazhan for fun and they had a full clear in 4 and a half hours the rogue tanking all the bosses. it was pretty funny to see lol
lol bro... we share the same arch nemesis heheh and very interesting article i was thinking of rolling a rogue for a while now... i think now its the time.. till i (finally) buy WoTLK
I don't think it's possible anymore due to diminishing returns on avoidences.
What the heck is "Diminishing"?
I seem to remember a video of a hunter tanking Nef back at level 60.
So. I have noticed somethings while on my NE druid...
Its that shadowmeld that used to be a 10sec cd now is 2 minutes cd and can be used in combat as vanish and automaticly avs combat so i can re prowl. so i think that rogues can use it as vanish while its on CD and i think its awsome
Peace out!
i don't really like rogues they hurt me in PvP with their invisibility ability
well, like, couldnt we jsut wear druid tank gear lol?
Thanks for the kudo's iTZKooPA. This was the first chance i had to post over the holiday. They are interesting video's and it takes a lot of skill and a disiplined group to let a Rogue tank. I am not sure how viable it will be for WotLK, but interesting to know that Rogue's can do something else other than DPS. That would have to be the classes biggest draw back. I am always hit up when the rare unable to find DPS'ers aren't available, but it isn't like I can fill a back full of Bandages to be the "healer".
Rogue's FTW!!
(spelling/word correction)
, but it isn't like I can fill a *bag or backpack full of bandages to be the healer.