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Episode 5.1: Botanica

Project Lore confronts Commander Sarannis in Heroic Tempest Keep - The Botanica. Will Project Lore take command in this fight or come up short? Check out the tank talk and of course, the first big boss fight in Heroic Botanica.

Reader Comments (39)

To many comments to bother reading them all, but they forgot 2 points on paladin tanking.

A) Paladins gain 10% mana for outside heal total so though paladins threat is based on mana generaly the Paladin will have enough mana to be casting up untill the Healer goes OOM if they are tanking...the execption being is if the Paladin runs out while not having threat and so not being healed becuase if not taking damage then they arn't gaining mana (but if running low that fast and it doesn't need CC JoW also works well at keeping a Paladins mana up)

B)Paladins also have 2 other forms of threat control that other tanks don't have, Righteous Fury increases the threat from the Paladins spells (well holy spells but that is all Paladins have) by 60% (90% tank specd) And Blessing of Salvation to reduce threat of everyone else by 30%, though the general "new" mages will want Blessing of Wisdom older ones will know that Salvation will allow them to not have to hold back as much and so know its situational where as a real long fight will be BoW while mage has to hold back more, or in the shorter (pretty much anything non raid) fights BoS to be able to hold back less. same thing goes for rogues just replace BoW with BoM in the said example. Since Righteous Fury is not a blessing the Paladin is free to cast any other useful Blessing on itself to help him tank such as Blessing of Sanctuary to absorb damage, Blessing of wisdom to help mana, Blessing of kings to increase all stats by 10%, etc

Point is Though Paladins argo is tied directly into mana there is a lot a paladin has to be replenishing mana or modifying everyone else threat to keep higher threat then the rest.

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEgma

*forgot to add

luckly the Paladin gets to chose what he casts on others and if the new players don't like the buff they are getting and wanted something else, well to bad the Paladin knows what they want for tanking and like they said tanking and healing are thankless jobs so if the DPS class wants to whine that you are incressing their survivability rather then their DPS because they want to try to have the top DPS oh well let them whine. *Though the mage example BoS rather then BoW would incress their survivability and their total damage since they could do more damage before pulling argo and dying from it.

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEgma


August 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWyrm

Hey guys! Lovin the show, jsut a question for Lylelovett..
What addons do you use? Im kinda stuck atm because i hate the standard WoW ui >.< A blog entry just sayin what u use would be nice, thanks :)
- Vendethiel, 70 night elf warrior of Al'Akir EU

August 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVendethiel

lvl 70 tankadin

i've main tanked a lot of 25-40 man raids bosses like Magtheridon.

Check out our videos at honorscode.com to see me tank

August 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterhonorshammer

That is one HUGE blood elf.....

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaikea

Love the show guys! My guild's just getting into doing regular heroic runs and I tossed your site as a good source for them!

Two points I thought of.

First, in the Sarannis fight the adds arrive on a timed basis; the first set arrives after X seconds, then every Y seconds after that. It is therefore possible to take her down before the first adds arrive. All three DPS'rs need to be pumping out over 900 DPS to do it though. I've been in groups that have managed it too, so I know it can be done - it's a major benchmark in power to accomplish.

Second, I'll second the comments on paladin tanks. The paladin tank is the best aoe tank in the game. It is also the MT for almost every raiding guild on my server because of how much aggro control it manages. No other tank can chain pull like the paladin, something which challenges the conventional wisdom that tanks have mana issues.

August 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDoomstay

WTB talks about druid tanking. Nice job leaving them out QQ :P

August 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKwatee

The tanking discussion is simply laughable. There is essentially no real discussion of mechanics, and the class commentary is not only incredibly superficial, it's totally wrong!

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTankadin

Eh, people are just discussing the basics of tanking; give them a break.

I've tanked as warrior, druid and paladin. I tanked pretty much every BC heroic as a warrior. I enjoyed playing a prot warrior because you feel as if you are doing quite a bit, with managing heroic strikes and shield slams.

Now that I've levelled a paladin (to 62 so far), and have run a lot of heroics with paladin tanks, I would prefer to be a tankadin for WotLK than any other tanking class.

I don't like tanking with my druid. DPS FTW.

Great episode guys. The addition of class discussion, no matter how simple, is appropriate and adds to the overall appeal of these movies.

You guys rock!

August 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGaiwyn

Just to add to the pally tanking description you were talking about.
Pallys have a passive so when they get healed they gain mana , so in long fights they dont run out of mana because they will generate mana from getting healed as tanks should be :D

August 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAdam

Love the episodes. A good add would be a next button to get to the next episode quick.

September 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZooni

The big mechanic guys do AOE damage. Be sure that casters are far away enough to not get hit by hit.

With the birds, the humanoid commands them to attack a specific target. If that's the healer, then trouble! Try to CC the humanoid, so she can't command then adds.

At the mobs before the boss, the Steward does an arcane flurry. Try to interrupt it (or stun the mob) because it does a lot of group damage.

There's some nice and solid tank talk in there. A bit a point for noobies is that although the tank does not a lot of _damage_, he generates a lot of threat because of threat modifiers.

Also even though paladins depend on mana, their mana gets regenerated if they get healed. The same mechanic applies to warriors who rely on rage. The warrior needs to get hit quite a bit to generate rage. But yes, in general warriors can last longer.

The adds on the boss only spawn when the boss is not killed before they come. My general strat is to fear them (Intimidating Shout) so there's time to CC and (re)grab aggro.

September 15, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbucket

Thing is, Prot Warriors do not depend on others to generate threat, but the Tankadins do.

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos

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