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New Episode! 5.1: Botanica

Episode 5 has begun, and part 1 has been posted! Project Lore enters the Heroic version of Botanica, talks a little bit about tanking, and takes on Commander Sarannis. More tactics for this fight can be found in our Botanica Guide. Let us know if you know a good way to taker her down.

Characters featured in this episode: Dorkins, Goggins, Lylelovett, Shnoobins, and Juggynaut

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There are new episodes every day this week, so check them out at noon pacific time each day!

Reader Comments (22)

Gotta say..thse episodes get better and better, love the part where stop and talked about tanking, you guys should try and focus on all roles and on future episodes maybe talk about each class more especific...Alot of time showing how too CC and how too get the boss...Keep it up ^^

August 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFrdi

Almost forgot:
Near the start of the instance there are some mobs named Mender. If you guys had a priest you could mind control these Menders, which can buff your casters with a +295 spell damage buff for 30 mins.

August 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFrdi

and mages can spellsteal some mobs that give about 120 spell dmg for 3 mins .
and yes the series getting better and better and if every HC is clear karazhan???

August 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMagefrank

Menders are the ones that give 295 spell dmg. Either spell steal the buff off it or have a priest MC it to grant the buff to all the casters/healers in the raid.

August 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTauranicus

Nice episode. Loved how you stopped to talk about tanking and compared warrior tanks to paladin tanks.

"We're not teachers..."
Yes you are! :D

August 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShaun

MUCH better guys, I thought the episodes felt more 'complete' with the extra session to talk about tanking. I think the episode may have been slightly longer, and that's definitely an improvement. Having like 5 sections of small content per instance doesn't really work. You need to keep fleshing them out with things like this.

Class discussion and also the questions section you mentioned a few news posts ago should definitely flesh the episodes out a bit more. Perhaps now work on fleshing out the lore element, a tiny introduction as to who what and why the instance is there isn't too brilliant considering as this IS Project >LORE<.

But much better guys, really enjoyed this one. Keep improving!

August 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZaffe

Oh and not to sound nasty to Alex, I know he sort of leads the show but it was definitely refreshing to see someone else take the stage even if it was only for a short time. Having other peoples input on the episodes makes the content much more 3 dimensional and much more interesting. Keep it up!

August 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZaffe

ive really grown to like projectlore. keep up the great work!

August 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterandrew

Pallies do have consercration and do run out of mana but u forgot about auras and other spells that add threat to holy damage. Anyways warriors run out of rage pallies run out of mana warriors regenerate rage pallies drink mana potions or use seal of wisdom and even have blessing of wisdom which dose restore mana farely fast depending on the lvl so yeh they both are about the same, but in the exspansion pallies will be the best tank in my word dodge ,sheild bash ,new sheild buffs like holy sheild it's going to be really great. Sorry about the long post just kinda annoies me when people say this is better than that when it depends on the player ,not the class. Other than that cool vids keep them coming.

August 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterUbopgrader

While it was nice for you to take a minute to stop and talk about tanking, would have been better if you weren't doing so in such a biased manner.

Warriors are the best single target tanks, thats true, but paladins are the best AoE tanks, their threat is based on reflected damage, not mana. If they are taking enough damage, then they will be getting tons of mana back from all of the heals. So the more the boss hits, or the more mobs on a paladin, the better his threat.

I'm not trying to attack you, or say you guys suck, I really like these actually. My main is a protection paladin in a guild working on getting Kil'jaeden down, so just made me a little sad to see that even you guys are still pigeon holing paladins to some degree.

So other then that one little indiscretion, the episode is great, as are all of the others. Looking forward to the rest of the run!

August 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNeoEvincar

It's great that you talk about the roles and stuff. but that you didn't even mention druids when you talked about tanking made me disappointed big time

August 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSacrito

I have to agree with most comments here, this episode is a nice step forward!
I don't know much about tanking, but with that little section and the comments afterwards, I'm learning a lot!

Keep listening to the suggestions and the show will only get better and better!

August 12, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlienie

Guys keep this up! I love the show it'll help me once me and my friends start running these when we all hit 70 so Its great to see this.

Great job guy,

Big C.

August 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCruneiros

really big step to forward guys. i really enjoyed this new style video, because so you give even more info about the game specifics (sorry about writing mistakes). keep it up and cant wait for next instance. ( when you will do blood furnance?)

August 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlkaranti

Best episode yet very informative and the length of it made me not dissapointed :)

August 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEric aka Uglytree

You guys interrupt each other a lot :P

It's probably just because you hadn't done the "talk about the game" thing before. All I could ask for is to hear from Goggins and Dorkins some more. Also, when you're explaining tactics, it would be pretty helpful if you edited in some clips from either that specific instance run or another that really highlight exactly what you're talking about. Maybe even point some stuff out on the screen that we should be paying attention to.

You guys rock :D

August 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShaun

Hey guys, great job, i've seen everything since day 1 and congrats, its great show, its funny, and its greatly informative for us WoW players(especially former private like me, since raiding on private is way easier due to bugs)

and i got 2 questions, will there every be something similar with horde chars(since i'm a horde player) and when you finished all the 5-man ones, will you do the 10-man and 25-man? Hope so

Btw hope you guys continue on to do the same on WotLK's instances

grats once again for the show

August 12, 2008 | Unregistered Commenternebrakaneizzar

oh and start polymorphing them into boars instead of sheep if you have the ability =D

August 12, 2008 | Unregistered Commenternebrakaneizzar

Great Show Guys!!

I just want to throw out a big congrats on the show, and everything you've done up to this point. Keep up the good work, great idea's, improvements, the works. As a suggestion, you guys could mention a kick butt site:


amazing sight for the dpsers, the works.

August 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZelen

I love your show guys, it's awesome!

About the part where you said that a downfall of having a paladin tank is that they can't generate threat when they go OOM... well I don't see that as a downfall, warriors also can't generate threat when they go out of rage. to this you would probably say "Well, warriors are superior because they can generate more rage by taking damage." Paladins do this too, the level 70 skill spiritual attunement:

"Spiritual Attunement (Rank 2) A passive ability that gives the Paladin mana when healed by other friendly targets' spells. The amount of mana gained is equal to 10% of the amount healed."

Thus paladins generate mana throughout the fight by taking damage, and thus being healed, which enables them to hold threat the whole fight. We generally say "It's a rage bar that starts full." and that is pretty much the only difference. This suits my tanking style, since as my rage bar starts full I can front load all of my threat and the dps can hit harder sooner.

This perception that Paladins cant hold threat in a long fight is fairly widespread, but speaking as a paladin tank I can assure you it is not true. I've cleared many heroics, including the Black Morass (no time to mana up in this one).

If I were to compare the 2 classes I would say that Warriors are better at single target tanking and paladins are better at tanking multiple mobs. Additionally warriors have slightly better damage mitigation, and they also take more consistent damage (easier on the healer).

I love the show guys, you are all awesome, I just thought your listeners might appreciate hearing the perspective of a pally tank. Keep up the good work!

August 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRon

Sorry, don't want to leave Droods out! rather than paraphrase this all and butcher it I'll post what Aergis from the maintankadin forums writes:

Warriors will have a slight mitigation advantage over the other two tanking classes at most levels (though this evens out a bit and stays pretty close through most of the raid game). Their threat generation is innate to skills, so they don't have to spend any of their gear slots on threat. The downside to this is that they can't get gear to upgrade their threat: it's mostly a fixed quantity that doesn't improve with gear upgrades (though their weapon and shield do provide some improvement). As they level they will see improved threat generation from new skills trained. Their single-target threat is good, though they may need lead time in some situations (the habitual "wait for sunders"). They run into some problems when trying to tank multiple targets.

Warriors also have a great variety of special tricks they can pull out for emergency mitigation. Overall, at most level ranges Warriors will have the best staying power of any of the tanking classes, somewhat offset by relatively limited threat generation. Thier overall staying power, situational tricks (like Spell Reflect), and great variety of panic buttons continue to serve them well.

Druids have comparable mitigation to the other two tanks by virtue of their high Dodge and high Armor values. Their generally high HP pools are great for absorbing large hits that can't normally be mitigated (like spell damage), and they have some unique abilities that help them deal with AoE damage Their overall mitigation is slightly less effective than the plate-wearers over time, but not so much so as to cause problems in most situations. They have good single-target threat generation (slightly superior to warriors), and good threat generation on up to three targets.

Druids as tanks have two features of note. First, they are holding aggro by dealing substantial damage: a tanking druid is doing a great deal to help a boss die faster, and not just by holding aggro. In addition to very solid damage-dealing (even when tanking), the druid is providing some great DPS buffs to their party. The second, and truly unique, feature of druids as tanks is that when their tank target is down they still have a lot to offer the party. Unlike warriors and paladins, druids don't need to swap gear to switch from a tanking role to a melee dps role. While a gear swap would help them crank out a bit more DPS, they are still making a substantial contribution if they're in cat form wearing their tanking gear (much moreso than a Prot warrior or Prot Paladin).

Paladin mitigation is roughly comparable to warriors (they're mostly wearing the same gear), reduced by the need to allocate a few gear slots for int/spellpower/mp5 They have a few "panic buttons", but these are overall more situational than the ones available to the warrior. The aspect of the paladin that really shines is threat management. Paladins generate threat through spell damage, much of which is applied through passive procs, DoT's, and stacking effects. The upshot of this is that Paladins will generate slightly superior single target threat to warriors, comparable threat to druids on up to three targets, but on more than three targets they are vastly superior. Their use of mana rather than rage also means they can "frontload": start a fight by throwing a lot of high-threat abilities, allowing DPS to start immediately.

Like Druids, Paladins are holding aggro by dealing large quantities of damage. Unique to the Druid, however, is that most of this damage happens when a mob hits them. Paladins really WANT to get hit, as most of their abilities trigger on hits taken (and these abilities operate independantly of the global cooldown). On single mobs that hit very slowly, however, many of these skills take a backseat. They also have a lot of utility in a tanking role, providing a great variety of debuffs. Their threat management options are second to none: Blessing of Salvation and Blessing of Protection are very powerful tools for reducing the threat of other players in the party.

August 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRon

Great episode. Keep up the good work. As a side note, because im a pally tank, i'd say that practically a pally tank can't go oom at a raid or a hard heroic instance, since with his passive ability he gains mana equal to 10% of the heals he recieves. During a kara boss fight, even if try really hard, you cant go oom theoritically.

August 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThuzar

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