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Blood Furnace

The Maker


  • Melee: A melee attack which will hit everyone in melee range and appears to have a threat reduction component.

  • Domination: Mind Control on a target that increases the target's damage and healing by 100%. Domination is non dispellable

  • Acid Spray: Melee range AoE spray of acid

  • Exploding Beaker: throws a beaker at a target, dealing 1000-1200 nature damage and knocks target into the air


The Maker is a very straight forward fight. Tank him facing away from the party, be ready for domination with CC, and just DPS him down. The only thing that might make this fight difficult is an unfortunate mind control at an inopportune time, but keeping everyone topped off with health will make this fight a breeze.


Damage and health increases, but nothing else complicates this fight.


  • Poison Bolt: Deals damage and puts a DoT onto a party member

  • Poison Cloud: Slowly expanding ring of poison appears directly beneath Broggok that damages anyone inside of it


To start this encounter, you'll need to pull the lever in front of the gate. Before facing Broggok, you will have to kill four waves of orcs that emerge from the four cages in the room. The order that the cages open, if you're looking at Broggok from the entrance of the room, is far left, far right, near left, and then near right. On normal difficulty, group one is four non-elites, group two is three non-elites and one elite, group three is two non-elites and two elites, and group four is one non-elite and three elites. On the fly crowd control and good communication are extremely helpful in these fights. Polymorph, Fear, Freezing Trap, even short term things like blind and scatter shot will help you get situated and minimize damage. It can also be useful to stunlock a mob to free the tank to grab other enemies. Since the first wave is non-elite, they can be AoE'd. The second wave can be handled similarly, but waves three and four should be tanked and cc'd as much as possible. Once the final orc from a group is killed, the next gate immediately opens, so the tank should move into position to get the next group before the last mob dies. As soon as the last wave of orcs is killed, Broggok will emerge. Note that you will not leave combat between waves or before Broggok comes out, leaving no chance to rest, so be prepared to use potions, health stones, mana gems, or any cooldowns to refresh mana and health through all of the waves. Once Broggok is active, the most important thing is to move him away from the poison circles that he drops. If you survive to face Broggok, you will usually be able to beat him, since none of his abilities are difficult to handle.


All of the orcs in the groups leading to Broggok are elite. The first two waves have three orcs each and the last two waves have four orcs each. Each successive wave will be released on a timer after the previous group if it is not killed, so you won't be able to keep one crowd controlled for a long break. Broggok is the same if you manage to down the orcs unscathed, with increased health and damage. Survive the waves and you should be able to make it through Broggok.
Keli'dan the Breaker


  • Shadow Bolt Volley: Launches shadow bolts in all directions hitting all players in 40 yard range. Normal 1000 damage, Heroic 2000 damage.

  • Burning Nova: Keli'dam will emote and turn invulnerable before casting this massive AoE, giving you time to run away.


By attacking any of the Shadowmoon Channelers they will all be pulled, starting the boss encounter. Keli'dan will not be released until the last channeler is dead. The channelers will cast Shadow Bolt and Mark of Shadow, which should be dispelled before engaging the boss if possible. If you don't have anyone in the group who can dispel the debuff, you can keep the last channeler crowd controlled until it falls off of everybody.

Once Keli'dan is released, the major thing to avoid will be his Burning Nova. Once you see his emote and he becomes invulnerable, melee including the tank should run away from him until he casts it. Ranged should also make sure to be out of its range. Once it goes off, get back to him quickly to avoid multiple shadow bolt volleys.


The fight prior to the boss is the same, but now Keli'dan will pull everyone who is not in melee range to him when he starts casting the Burning Nova. Everyone needs to turn and run as soon as this happens.

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