Battleground Olympics
Posted by
Project Lore Editor on
Friday, August 8, 2008 -
15 Comments Tags:
gold medal,

Something that may end up being a little rarer than the tabard is the vanity pet. It is a very cool looking chinese type dragon, and you can summon it using the Gold Medal that you have a chance to receive when you win any battleground. Check your mail after each win if you're one of the many pet collectors. Now you've got even more incentive to keep running those BGs. Don't forget to read up on the basic strategies for each battleground that SaintGermain posted a while back, if you really want a chance at winning that gold medal.
Reader Comments (15)
Thats so great :)
I was wondering what the talk was all about. Thanks for clearing that up.
My friend got the dragon after his first BG lucky guy lol
it has to be random ive won 3 bgs in a row and it wont give the pet to me so, who knows....
I had no idea how to win the medal. All I was doing was collecting marks of honor for a PvP mount next thing i know the party I was in won WSG and the medal was mine. It was a nice surprise
Mine was after 4 battlegrounds. I think I deserved it though after being top of the healing by about 30k more than 2nd :)
Nice easy tabard to get, took me about 10 mins.
Its also nice to see a change in the battlegrounds , as everybody who wanted the tabard was running battlegrounds, not just the 19, 29 etc twinks who usually clog the battlegrounds.
20 wins and no dragon :( still trying
Sweet tabard! To the battlegrounds!!!!
I got the pet on my main after my first win and on my alt after my first win too. Guess I got lucky.
I got both after my first bg too ^^
I was rather surprised when i played in a Europe server in the middle of a night, and suddenly one of those commoner NPCs spawned to booty bay. I went to the BG with my twink and got it right at the 2nd run of WSG. Now I'm just farming all the BG's to get it on my main.
1 win in AV and I got the dragon :D
The Gold Medallion has a 5% chance to appear in your mailbox if you win
i heard 1% if u win, and i want mine so bad, its a freaking DRAGON! prolly the coolest pet, and the tabard is pretty lame, but i collect tabbards, so its was an ok addition to my other 23 tabbards