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Project Lore WotLK Beta 1.12 Wrap Up

Our favorite Rick Roller brings to you this week's wrap up of Project Lore. There was a lot of fun had in Utgarde Keep in the Wrath of the Lich King beta, and the guys finally defeated Dalronn the Controller and Skarvald the Constructor after wiping a couple of times. Alex also answers some viewer mail, so check it out.

Remember, you can find Alexis on twitter, so follow her @syschinslater. Our Subscribe page has links for you to follow Project Lore on your favorite sites. Use the Episodes RSS feed or Twitter to find out when new episodes are out, and join our Facebook Group, Facebook Page, and MySpace.

The guys can almost see the light as they head for the final boss. Who knows what they will find waiting for them. Check back on Sunday for next week's schedule!

Reader Comments (37)

This was a great week. Great set of episodes. I really enjoy watching the new instance and listening to you guys work our new strategies. Keep up the incredible work. Can't wait for more.

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRob

uhh Karazan,... looking forward to that.... how about doing some old world instances.

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMalthe

Well I saw this 1st and commentet it first. I saw it 0.5 min after the realse :D

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFunlight

just nvm :P

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFunlight

Again, with the issue with Prot Paladins and mana. Prot Pallys have a passive ability called Spiritual Attunement. When healed they get a % of mana back. During raids, paladins never go down in mana with 3 healers and etc. Even doing runs in 5 mans they dont use that much mana because they generate so much threat that they dont have to use out all their spells.

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterXwind

Oooh Kara yay! Looking forward to seeing that!! Really been enjoyed watching the wipes this week as well!

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKrafla

I'd love to see kara, i've tried to run it twice now and with no luck on a completion, so that'd be great. Also very interrested on seeing the other possible drops in the new instance. Looking for something for a fury spec warrior, maybe a killer axe. Love this site, can't wait to see whats next to come.

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBaru

dorkins why did you go Beast Mastery and not Marksmanship or Survival?

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterzanun

Hey people at project lore.

I just saw the newest episode and the wrap up and i thought... GOD have alex never seen a druid tank?! dude i play a druid tank myself and we rox!! :P
i got roughly 17.5k health unbuffed and i dont have any pieces of t6 very little black temple and Mount Hyjal gear.
And i would suggest that u try to gear a druid tank up and try to see them tank :)

Also i was wondering how many accounts do the guys have? I was counting them and if its to be whit all of the chars then they have 8 difrent accounts? is this right? also cant juggy or gogins answear please they are the coolest of the 5 guys :)

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLunagirl

This week made me want to just go out and buy wow right now. Sadly my computer just is not up to snuff right now. I should actually be getting a Mac this winter/Christmas.

I know this is a weird request but does anyone think maybe i should I should invest in the PC or Mac version of WOW. PC seems to be a slight winner as most of the gaming rigs seemed geared toward them and its easier to find the PC version of the game.

Mac makes the obvious choice of no viruses really come into light and can always be put onto a computer the play the game. But of course I can't ever seem to find a copy of the game.

Its your call guys.

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJason B

Man, YOU GUYS JUST ROCK!! I have never seen a gruop jsut go through a whole new instance with such great Team work. I got only one quick question for your tank:

What kind of advice you would recommend when using the new talents for the prot tree?

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Costello

OK, first of all I wanna say the show rocks. You guys set quite the example of how the game should be played. Lots of people today are only worried about endgame stuff and getting equipped. Most of those people are even way better equipped than the project lore group, and they still wipe a lot in heroics, even in trash. I think that's because they stress too much about repair expenses and all. They forget this game is supposed to be for fun with your friends. Dorkins put it perfectly when he answered someone's question about whether it would be too late to join the fun.

Now for my question:

You guys talked about tanking, DPS and healing, but quite barely. Since the group doesn't have a good example of all the classes in the game, people who don't play those classes get less benefit from it, I think. Like Fury Warriors, Pallies, Druids and all. I'm not saying you should have all the classes in the show, but I would just like to see more talk about those classes and how they would fit in a group. How about that?

September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRod

As for your question on the time spent on showing trash mobs, I would have to say speed up for the straight out obvious pulls, but normal time for the "harder" or "harder to time" pulls such as having to time between 2 different pats.

As for Prot Palis, do you know of any (in your guild or as a friend or what not) that are testing on beta or even PTR? I have my Pali that is normaly speced prot, but I did it as retro on the PTR due to wanting to find out if they got it right this time or not. I have tried to OOM my Palidin which is not a geared Pali even in my tanking gear (yes I am retro spec with prot/holy argo gear because like I said I am prot on real servers) and could not get my mana below 90% trying. (when was spam healing I could, but not fighting) Do you know if Prot Mana is better or if you still have to worry about spreading your threat and maybe not using the high threat high mana spells on most pulls due to OOMing to fast if you did.

From what I have seen on hunters and Palis (those are 2 of my 3 mains) Wrath is going to be much more difficult, because like you said this stuff looks "OP" but is really geared towards leveling to 80. My BM hunter could solo upto and including the first boss in Blood Furnace (at end of 1st boss I still had full HP and MP and pet still had 90% HP) my "Retro" Pali in holy argo/tank gear with sword and board could solo up to the first boss, didn't try the first boss due to the run wasn't going near as good as the hunters and so didn't want a repair bill even though I might have been able to didn't want to risk it. Remeber that both of these are 70s that are still in 1/2 the hellfire quest rewards from walking into helfire at 60 with very few actual 70 blues so even though this was probably possibly to do in epics before the talent changes is quit an improvment for a junk geared player who doesn't even have gear for the spec he is.

September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEgma

way better wrap up than normal :) alexis sounded way more natural this time than in the other wrap ups :) keep up the good work and can't w8 for the kara raid..

September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEugen

The Protection Paladin isnt given enough credit. It is the only class that has a AOE Ranged taunt. You almost need one for Lady Vashj if you only have two tanks. I have a Prot Paladin that has 17k unbuffed health. The Prot Paladin does get 10% mana back from the amount he is healed. But overheals do not count as mana..because technically he wasnt healed for that much. Yes a Paladin can run out of mana kinda quick if the mobs don' t hit the Paladin for anything. In fact i have to bring a stack of mana pots to karazhan because i run out of mana. But, what you can do is turn your back to a mob making it so he hits you harder and the only Mitigation you have is armor. Take a hit or two and your healers heal you back up and viola, you have some mana. Not to mention, Paladins also have a Seal that gives mana back. It is called Seal of Wisdom. Throw that on a boss and you will have a hard time running out of mana.

I tanked Supremus in BT the other day and I never went below 80% mana, even in Kite Phase.

The way Paladins get aggro is from Holy Damage. In the expansion it will be different...They will be battling for gear against Warriors for Stam/STR gear. Paladins have a skill that they should always use called Righteous Fury. It Increases the threat generated by your Holy spells by 60%. So your threat relates to your spell damage, unlike warriors where they need expertise so they dont miss as much. Also they have a skill called Holy Shield. Which Increases chance to block by 30% for 10 sec and deals 155 Holy damage for each attack blocked while active. Damage caused by Holy Shield causes 35% additional threat. Each block expends a charge. With Improved it has 8 charges. The more you block with this active, the more threat you generate. Not to mention every time you get hit, Retribution Aura and Blessing of Sanctuary activate doing holy damage to the target. With all of this active constantly, Consecration down, and Judging either Righteousness or Vengeance, I average over 1000 TPS.

The pally tank is not appreciated as much as it should be. When $%^& hits the fan, a pally can AOE taunt and hold all of them easily. Seeing a pally tank on here would be cool, but there is more to a Pally tank then most people understand.

September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRyan

YAY my birthday is on the same day Warth of the Lich King Comes Out YAY YAY YAY and the epi was kool i LOVE the Bosses Good Luck Guys =)

September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBen

I thought the real-time was awesome, imo much better then being sped up. I really liked the beta episodes, awesome stuff. But the best part for me was actually the real-time.

September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDarthozzan

Ok you guys rock and i love the show, I am in the navy and stationed in Italy and bring the podcasts to work with me so i can watch 3-4 episodes together. I want to say i love the longer trash mob episodes, when the were played in fast forward i would watch the episodes on slow-mo just to get a better feel for the instances. Anyways my vote is for longer complete episodes. And just to let you know your show keeps me going and you guys are helping me help the country by supporting our troops in Iraq. Keep up the awsome work and i would love to see one of you lvl up a DarkNight for the show. US NAVY, and WOW in that order my priorities.

September 20, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjason stewart

Hey guys and girl,

Just like to say I am loving the show keep it up! and zomg pet out dude, huntard basics 101! lol

I am looking forward to your next show, so good luck!

Kul Tiras - EU

September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterScuttlebutt

Nice & very funny wrap-ups by Alexis! Show us your real singing & dancing skills in another "rick roll" video--that was GREAT! Let's see her play with da boyz now, as we KNOW that she kicks ass! :)

September 20, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterluna

And P.S love the way you have used a frame of alexis froze like she is singing "im a little teapot".It made chuckle anyways lol.

Kul Tiras - EU

September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterScuttlebutt

was wandering if u healing was the same person thats on icarly show my sister watches

September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeremy

Hey alex, i have a question for you, what happened to Dr. Dark, your rogue? I just noticed that alot of episodes you play as schnoobins.

September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBloodroar

@Jason B.
World of warcraft OSX and Windows XP versions are on the same disc!

September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDan

Hey guys i like the show your doing i have 1 request tho..

would you pls do a whole seggment on what each chars in your partys /s spec is for WoTLK im very intrested to know what talents you are useing. I understand that 1 of you is a prot warrior and 1 is a resto shaman but your spec is the big mystery at this point


September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRobert

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