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WoW Life Lesson #13: Gossip Is A Waste Of Time

"So I was listening to guild chat yesterday and you'll never guess what NoobLizard said. He was gettin all bent out of shape 'cuz Starfirezz said he sucked at holding aggro on Nightbane and that Starfirezz should be /gkicked for being disrespectful toward an officer but then Woodhealz said NoodLizard didn't know what the hell he was talking about 'cuz Starfirezz never said that and that Nooblizard was just didn't like Starfirezz because Starfirezz got that won that roll for that drop off Curator. Of course NoobLizard got pissed and /gquit but then Darklight invited him back after she promised that he could lead group A for Kara runs instead of group C with Starfirezz, but then Starfirezz logged in and heard the gchat and told Darklight that letting Nooblizard back in was bullshit and that NoobLizard should be booted for being an ass and pulling a powertrip tantrum and then Darklight said that... "

Or something like that right?

How many times have you popped on in gchat or vent and heard this sort of BS? Really. Is it worth the aggravation? Is it worth the time? No. Was it worth your time to read that paragraph above if that was the only thing on this post? Nope. Probably not.

Gossip is a big waste of time. All I ever need to know is when's the raid, who is going and what gear I need to bring.

Other than that, the gossip is just unnecessary.

Oh sure some people will say that they are just telling the story of what happened and why and all that stuff, but the real story here is that the person telling gossip is not telling the gossip for information sake. Usually the person gossiping just wants to be the center of attention.

You know it's the same in RL, gossip is a time waster, gets nothing accomplished except misinformation and is usually spread by someone who needs attention more than they need to maintain any sort of journalistic integrity.

Besides, those who gossip rarely know the real facts and rarely keep their biases out of the story.

So that's what's what about gossip.

But... what did you hear? lol

Reader Comments (24)

yeah i got booted from my guild beause i was doing horrible in the DPS meters even though i saved the raid three times

September 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermike

Guild drama sucks.

September 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterUrza

"All I ever need to know is when’s the raid, who is going "and what gear I need to bring."

... so I'm not the only one who had the idea of having an arsenal of weapons to use (never got as far as Armour), kept in my bags/bank, depending on what I took on...?

I KNEW it made sense to do it, at the time someone was telling me to "... pick X & stick with it"

September 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

An RL friend of mine was kicked from the guild I am two days ago, because him and the boomkin druid that was trying to off tank had an argument about how Attumen the Huntsman should be downed. He was going off in raid chat about how my friend needs to stfu and listen and hes an effing noob and stuff, and I just thought that, that isnt a way to talk to someone regardless of how they were acting.

September 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterXiTh

OMG don't get me started on this one, I got a whole bunch of drama thrown my direction because I had money problems and couldn't afford a game card for a while. When I finally came back, my "friend" and guildmastercompletely ignored me for the longest time, and I got nothing but attitude from most of the other guild. Another friend of mine had a similar situation happen to her simply because she couldn't play because SHE WAS IN THE HOSPITAL!

September 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRobert

Drama is just a waste of energy, this is why i like to just stay out of everything. Gossip does nothing but spread the disease of ignorance, so why do it?

September 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMrjn'ad

ya, oh boy guild drama, where do i start. First off I'm in a t6 guild (because of a friend in there got me an invite) and im in like t4.5-t5 ish kinda gear, the first raid i ever did I out heal our GM (a 2200 CoH priest), a resto shammy with 2300 heals, and 2 holydins with 2000+ heals while i was sitting at 1769 heals. The other healers didnt like that fact at all. Then another time i dont sign up for a raid, and i log in about an hour after it started and I get an invite from my GM to join them, i whisper her saying "ok I'll go but you have to let me do a couple dailies real fast to repair all my gear (which was broken)" she went off on me about how can i expect to raid end-game content if i dont have enough money to pay for repairs (which honestly it takes me like 10 minutes to do the dailies i need to cover the cost of them) and then she demoted me to the lowest position in the guild possible all because i showed up late for a raid and wasnt ready to go. you know, a raid that i never even signed up to go too. (i ended up raiding anyways, and yet again, pwned her on the meter). it's quiet pathetic really the drama my GM causes, but hell whatever amirite?

September 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDakiluzza

Personally, I don't monitor gossip and when it arrives, it goes in the trash bin. As a past guild banker, there is no slot for it, other than the round file, so that's where it winds up.

If a guild examines each player this closely, even going so far as to place stay or kick value based on how well you perform in game, my advice is leave on your own. This kind of scrutiny is opinion based and is never objective so dump the guild and find one that values your contribution and is about fun, and nothing else.

September 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBewore

"Besides, those who gossip rarely know the real facts and rarely keep their biases out of the story."

September 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWraithguard

my guild has no drama whatsoever...maybe coz none of us are 70 yet and are to busy madly grinding thru the mid 60's to gossip :S
theres alot of silly talk tho :)

Oceanic Convicts - Dreadmaul, Oceanic

September 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWargkin

your guild dont have drama theres alot of trash talking but thats just for fun. we get out our fustracion by doing so, and everybody knows its not personal
but i bid of a side point i was in a pug for za i was told i needed 1800+healing as a pala and i had 1799+
they inv me we got in we w8ted for ever and got saved and then they kicked me cuz i diddent have 1800+
they said i needed to have min 1800+ and all items "purple" and the only thing that was not "purple" but it gaves more +healing stats and mp5 then a t4 pala healer helm with the right gems, why oh why are people so crasy about your items, why does everything have to be epic even though a blue item CAN be way better

September 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergrillbar

My guild split in half because a 12 year old decided our leader wasn't spending enough time with him. True story.

September 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDroowid

mmm, ok, so now these comments are just turning in to the very thing Saint was talking about! Everything you guys are saying is just from your PoV. I bet there are others that could offer a different perspective. Save the qq for the people you have a problem with, don't dump it here! Jeez!

September 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRoq

lol good job in turning gchat bitching into website bitching!

September 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterzat

i got kicked out of guild cus i didnt want to go to MH -.-

September 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterasassinator

This is exactly why I made my own family only guild that all my alts are in.

I have my main in a larger guild mostly for running content but my schedule never really allows me to attend them anyway.

I DO wish there was some sort of alliance system in place that I could connect my nice quiet family only guild to. That way I can turn on alliance chat whenever I feel the need to find out what's going on, but 10 mins later can shut it off when it turns to this kind of he said she said BS. All the while maintaining the lovely connection with the people I love most, and have allowed entry into my sacred guild.. rofl.

Death Knight Crusaders ftw!! (my family guild on Blood Furnace)

September 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterReverend

yes drama follows where ever. if you want to drop your complaints here, who cares? u dont have to read it. complaining about other people complaining is another reason why fights get started, and more drama ensues. so its nice to see other complaints, it lets us know how we get so caught up in a game, we let our real life problems get involved with our games. you cant stop drama, you can only look away from it. it has nothing to do with others, but how take it yourself.

September 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterfriskydingo

and to make light of all this frustration and anger about /gdrama......poopsicles!

September 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterfriskydingo

My guild has been going strong for close to 4 years now. We have had our fair share of drama, but that's why the Guild Master assigned a group of High Council members to deal with it. The second we see any drama in guild chat about anything (we know who's being serious and when) we give a first strike warning. It usually never passes that.

If the drama is a guildie in the Small Guild Alliance (SGA) chat, the reprimand is more serious (amounts to an automatic 2 strikes) and the person is put on probabtion.

In 4 years, we've only really had to boot 3 members due to constant drama about trivialities.

Like we remind guildies:
1. We are NOT a raiding/PVP guild
2. Raid sign-ups are in GEM, be there on time with what you need
3. If you have a beef with someone in guild or in the SGA, talk to one of the High Council and we will mediate the issue

Simple rules, among a few others, that have kept us going strong so long.

September 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

i once got kicked from a guild...yeah it was harsh... all i did was pulled a load of mobs and ice blocked.. wasnt like i did by accedent. i mean cmon, so what if i cost everyone 30 odd gold..

September 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBilly palmer

RL drama sucks.... i had some group drama when one girl was pissed i needed a few drops in uld.... total BS. WoW is a game... that is meant to be fun!

September 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

wow is game unlike others because its an online game our atitude interfers as hard as you try to ceap your cool but i persinaly dont take things lying down if iam in a good group ill try and ceep it on the down low but other wise i wil say something and theirs a 99% chance your not gointo like it and thats when it all gowes down hill so you stop drama and you cant look away from it so what can you do how about to be allitle more polite to players look at their point of view for instance as you might have noticed my spelling sucks and i realy hate it when people point that grap out i know i have bad spelling somthing allse next if you dot like thats fine yo dont help ok tell me so do not go and make repeat my self a hundred times and than ignore me when you ask someone for help with a quest dont go oround asking high levels the chances are they wont help because their needs are more important than avryones allses when you ask to run a dungeon if its somthing like ZA or ST i admit i might ask for allitle cash in return depending on the dungeon and dont offer me low prices like 10g and than that iam greedy because blown your self a run i dont have t orun you iam taking my time to help you i dont care if your a guildy if its a low dungeon like lke scarlet or somthng i will do it for free btw my cahr names are athon bove manofsteal adraber darth worrior kelaris if you see any of these cahr renember what i said dont agree with me fine i dont care wanto start a riot hear ok iam ready for you you dont know me but i my limits are very low iam prepared to as far as i need to il lget persinal if i have to just renember tis anything you say can and will be used against you wanto take gdrama one step forward reply to me or contact on world of warcraft ill be checking for post avry day

September 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterathon

I think the progression and desire for new epix is the true motivator for most guild bs. I was in a strictly pvp guild for 2 years doing raid BGs and arena and out of the 50 or so people we had in the guild never once did we have any drama like the raiding guild type.

September 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSinfest

also too, there is a thing in the game called a whisper, but yet people choose to argue in guild chat or trade instead of psting each other....that would save us a couple of headaches.

September 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterfriskydingo

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