Episode 9.5: Kara Week 1 Wrap Up
Alexis is back to wrap-up Project Lore and pals first four fights in Karazhan. You'll also get a viewer's question answered by Project Lore's favorite tank, Joshua. Find out this and more in this week's community wrap-up.
Reader Comments (51)
25th!! woot!
I just want to say I am a huge fan of your guys pod cast. I couldn't make it to Blizzcon but I would still really like to meet you guys. I was wondering if it was possible do you think you guys could make an appearance at the NY Comic Con Feb. 6th-8th. That way a lot of fans like me on the east cost can meet you guys. You can get more fans, sell your Project Lore merchandise and sign autographs. Also after the Comic Con ends at night you all can go around New York City kind of like a mini vacation. For more information on the comic con go to nycomicon.com. I hope to see you guys there.
i have to say greatest wrap up yet :) alexis was soooo relaxed and didn't use any corny or damn overused expressions and it really went smooth:) also great advice and by far the best and most professional advice so far from lyle:) great work keep it up guys :)
This was a great week. Can't wait to see the rest of the bosses.
To Juggynaut.
I have a Warlock and I'm having issues gearing, and over all not doing as much DPS as a Warlock can normally do. Do you have any tips on how I could improve my DPS?
ok u guys gotta leave alexis alone, she's pretty yeah but jees, staring at her boobs? god u guys are fags, show SOME respect huh....anyway, i have a question for Alex aka Dr. Dark, i started a rogue awhile back, and i see why they rock, but ive never used one till now, and im not so sure about what talents to go with for leveling, im level 47 and im going good, but slower than usual, i die a lot, do you have any advice for my rogue/talents/equipment/or gameplay?
Thank You,
Sam Albright aka Biforion
Well i agree with pretty well all the comments so far, but there are two things:
1. lol i think Alexis know's she's pretty, i'm sure she gets the comments all the time, but plz try to remember to stay polite. We're given these comments out of privilege and i'd hate to see us lose them to very inconsiderate embarassing things being said about her.
2. I also think that the wrap-ups should be longer :) make them as enjoyable as the actual episodes themselves. I would love to hear one or two more questions be answered. Heck i'm sure there are enough of them being asked :P
:) gj over all tho guys, love the show keep it up!
hey i love the show and i see alot of dpsers but i was wandering what do u guys think of ret pallys and will they be in more raid when wotlk comes out when repentance will be upgraded and will put an target into meditation for 1 min and the cooldown is a min. and also works on humanoids, giants, dragonkind, undead, and demons.
no point in saying it again i guess
but i will
ret love baby
I am Zchlade from Frostwhisper (EU) Alliance. I know the answer to your question from episode 9.3. That door was meant for the Black Temple attunement (before the burning crusade, and just in the beginning after Karazhan was just opened). What was meant to happen, was that IF you cleared Karazhan in less than 4 hours, that door would open and stay open for 2 hours. In that room there would be a boss, and that boss was required to be killed for the Black Temple attunement. The idea was, however, scrapped at the last minute.
WOTLK come out on my birthday!!!!! and meet me on knaz'goroth on alliance im called Huntersev the mighty even know im only lvl 51
F***ing love DrDark
P.S.: As a rogue... ur ugly then me.
Can you show us the code for your Skull X moon tank macro?
This site is great, but please stop doing wrap-ups with this chick. They're pointless, and so some reason this girl is insanly annoying. Maybe she is currently blowing somone in the group, but that doesnt mean you have to put her in the show.
I want to see some holy paladin stuff!
whoa dude Ringmasta dnt say that crap man! u dnt kno her so dnt b acting like a lil weenie about it just cuz shes most likely HOTTER THAN UR GURL.. dnt hate man.
its amazing what u can find on the internet found this on Alexis
Ok, if you care about the whole message i sent to Girl Got Game you'll atleast answer "What the hell is alexis's char name?
(and realm)
i liked the speed through the trash pulls with the music and the audio over it, just more than one boss per episode would be nice, i know thats more work but thats what id like to see :P
I agree with BalTha about not spending enough time on strategies for the individual bosses. I realize that strategies can change depending on how you have your raid set up, but maybe this could be taken into account as well.
I think it would be cool if Alexis or another female played a part in the raid. There's quite a few girls that play this game too.
i heard she say ''tell us if you want the shows to be longer'' or something like that and In my opinion i think they are a little short it's just one boss and it takes max 10 minutes in karazhan to down a boss so it would be great if the show's were longer.
Another think I'm finding more and more useful for AoE tanking (As a warrior), is this macro:
/cast [target=mouseover, harm, nodead] [] Devastate(); Devastate()
It uses devastate on whichever mob you have your mouse cursor on, so just press 'v' for nameplates and you can just spam it while you move your mouse to each nameplate.
Also, using this macro with Sunder Armor will allow you to mouseover sunder a sheep without breaking it, as long as you have a different thing targetted.
LOL @ fat americans making a show out of someone else's great work (WoW), geez...
Hey guys i've been following your videos for sometime now especially on WotLK content, and recently i found out that Goggins is a star in both Drake and Josh AND iCarly on Nickelodeon!! Dude that is so cool! btw, Alex (Dr.Dark) im a 70 Nelf rogue in T5 gear, do you reckon you could give me some good rogue addons? imma good player but kicking can be hard and i need to keep an eye on Slice n Dice etc, any tips?
thanks guys :)
PS - Alexis is so hot :D
u are so hot alexis <3
good job