Project Lore WotLK Beta 1.3
Project Lore explores Utgarde Keep further and discovers a stable of proto-dragons. How will the guys do against these new mobs? Will they get toasted or put out their fire? Take a look as Project Lore faces new challenges in the WotLK beta.
Here are the armory links on the live servers for the characters in this episode: Dorkins, Goggins, Lylelovett, Shnoobins, and Juggynaut. Shnoobins decided to go with arcane for the Wrath of the Lich King beta and Juggy specced elemental.
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Tomorrow at noon PDT, the guys will be running into the first boss in Utgarde Keep, so find out what happens!
Here are the armory links on the live servers for the characters in this episode: Dorkins, Goggins, Lylelovett, Shnoobins, and Juggynaut. Shnoobins decided to go with arcane for the Wrath of the Lich King beta and Juggy specced elemental.
Head over to the Subscribe page for links to follow us on your favorite sites. Use the Episodes RSS feed or Twitter to find out when new episodes are out, and join our Facebook Group, Facebook Page, and MySpace.
Tomorrow at noon PDT, the guys will be running into the first boss in Utgarde Keep, so find out what happens!
Reader Comments (39)
Yarrr, first, and great episode as always, keep it up!
P.S - awesome as usual
keep it up!
is this just me or the stream just stopped at 14:05?
i couldn't watch it to the end :(
Really a freaking dragon stable. And now miners have toughness, that is freaking awesome. WotLK FTW.
1st comment. I'd love to see you guys try and take on more than 1 enemie, then see what would happen if you whipped out some of the bigger and badder skills. Would it still be the same?
Oh, so I'm not the first, didn't see that...
Another great episode, but I would really like to see you progress a little further per episode. However, your witty and sarcastic banter paired with your child like glee at all the new skills keeps it hilarious as always. Love you, bye.
Can you guys talk about some priest beta?
well they arent taking dmg since think about it.. when u hit lvl 70 u dont have full epic gear.. i mean when u hit 70 all you got i crappy greens and blues..
Now i want WOTLK!!
profession skill! wow, thats crazy .
Well i have to say after watching this im am more excited about wotlk than before made me wooties in my pants
great job
Just question, what are the specs on the PC's your using, the game looks to be running extremely smooth.
LOL goggins, "...fuck this game"
keep it up guys its making me want the xpac more and more!
i already have a prediction about skinning's skill
Hit rating for having such a steady hand!
Who really knows though, but dang im happy to see toughness too, but i might go back to skinning/LWing if there is no epic weapon tiers for Blacksmiths.
couple of quick questions,
What is the turn around for each episode? The date that you actually do the instance, and the date it comes on project lore, how long is the delay? Some of the abilities that you guys are talking about, have changed, were removed, etc.
For instance, in the beast mastery tree, when we were shown cobra strikes, the talent below that was aspect mastery, but that was changed like almost a month ago.
Aspect mastery was moved to replace master's call, and master's call became baseline. (btw, should try and use/explain master's call, its pretty amazing)
And the other thing, something that would be awesome, if you guys could all roll Death Knights, level up to 60, and then record yourselves doing Hellfire Ramparts, except all 5 of you as Death Knights. only need 3-4 blood specs, the other 1 or 2 people can be any spec.
Its really fun, and I don't think many people will see it when Wrath goes live, because people will want to bring their lvl 70 friends, so not many people will do an all DK instance runs. They are really fun though.
Man, after seeing all the classes new talents and looking at the rogues talents......rogues got the shaft. All the classes have at least one thing that just owns, really awesome. Rogues on the other hand...have shit.
Seems the hybrids get the cooler stuff
Agreed with Reyson
Also: what prof skills did engineering jewelcrafting and smithing get? Sounds like herbalism > mining skill wise :\
I'd like to say your show keeps me up, however i'd like to see more of the instance and more on the talents. Your show of what new abilities each proff gives was really sweet. And I can't wait till you all hit a boss. Also can you show other classes ablities in some way?
You guys are great. Your shows are a lot of fun. Thanks for the great info.
1.3 cutoff too soon, didn't finish. Anyone else have a problem with this episode?
So are priest going to be out dated in the expantion. lol Holy crap that is great how the shaman keeps up the heals. I am very jealous. Hope the priests can keep up.
On "priests are obsolete", not at all. Every class has its strengths, but one of the things they are trying to do is add a bit more versatility to each class. And with the changes to spell power, what were previously purely healer characters/specs/gear can actually throw in some damage as well. And each type of "resto/heal" class, and "tank" (warr, feral druid, pally, dk) has their strengths and weaknesses. Plus all tanks have the opportunity to take some talents that really help them hold threat on multiple mobs (mother bear, natural reaction and a reduced cooldown on challenging shout for ferals for instance)...
All in all, from playing the beta, I'm very excited about the live. Really looking forward to it.
And I don't mind at all that you guys are showing us what amounts to a "real time" run through new content. Seeing your excitement is fun, and discovering not only new content, but talents and animations.
Oh, and if you want to see something really pretty. Take the boat from Menethil Harbor to Howling Fjord around sunset realm time...
Oh wow, i haven't had time to watch any of these for the last few days, so I kinda just sat down and watched them all, three eps of WotlK Beta is just epic. So epic it burns my soul. That might also be the martini i'm drinking, but whatever, haha.
I loved this! I just don't like, as someone that as her main for a long time, had a Resto Druid that everyone seems to think that now they all have to be Shammy's to be good healers. Its all about game play and how you do it. :( I still hold that Druids have some of the best HoT's of all the classes, and if you stack Tree of life with Swiftmend and Tranquility then you can do a heck of a lot of healing without much mana loss if you've done your tree right. I wonder how Druid's are gonna get extensions on their trees in Lich. CAN"T WAIT!
I love the excitement! ^^ its so great to see you guys almost wetting yourselves in happiness over every little thing. Its adorable.
Aaaaaaaaand of course, "...fuck this game." Love ya Goggins! Screw Alexis, Goggins is the shit.
Man, you all need to tone down the awesomeness a bit, with comments like you guys are making they are gonna nerf all teh nice stuff before we ever get to play with it. I hear "OMG, resto shaman this and that" every episode. And the best comment was "Is this even fun anymore?" Come on, don't get classes supernerfed before us non lucky peeps (didn't get into beta) get a chance to see some of the much needed improvements (Shaman). Just my 2 cents worth.
P.S. More killing and less bullshitting, but other than that, you guys are the best. We want to see more WotLK!!