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Controlling World of Warcraft - Keyboard? Mouse? Joystick?!


Via an overzealous nerd with shoes from the 80s

Generally speaking, watching another person play an MMORPG can be incredibly boring. PvP matches and raiding aside, the audience always knows what will happen, the avatar will kill the mob with plenty of HP to spare. World of Warcraft is no different in that respect; thank god for WoW's customization. Rather than watching the shining graphics on the screen, I watch a player's hands to see how they have mapped their keys for their personal settings.  It has proven to be far more interesting.

For every type of player that exists in Azeroth, there is a type of play style. One of the best warriors – one of those people you'd hate on Ventrilo though - I have had the privilege to play with moved around with the arrow keys, mapping his abilities to keys in the area.  A hunter from our guild didn't hit any hotkeys, relying entirely on mouseclicks.  A pair of my druid friends are a clear case of convergent evolution, mapping all of their healing keys as close to WASD as possible, including Q, E, R, F, G, C, V.

My brother, a Holy Priest from the beginning and a RTS master, only used 1-5 for his spells. Five spells isn't enough for any class, let alone a Priest.  He simply would hit Shift 1-5 to change his bars as needed, effectively giving him 25 keys to play with. His “uber-micro” from his Red Alert and Warcraft III days are what enabled him to keep up with the required speed necessary to be a main healer.  Those frantic keystrokes and movements to flip his bars to the correct spells at precise moments was stunningly beautiful.

And here I am, a fourth alternative to the default layout. I have applied a few tricks from my RTS playing days as well. The ability to hit CTRL, Shift and Alt with ease – years of training - frees up the rest of the keyboard for use with macros. In an attempt to give 1-6 as many uses as possible, I chose to map CTRL 1-6 and Shift 1-6 to additional bars instead of their default actions. The new keybindings allow me to keep spells, abilities and macros on my top and side bar, but avoid the need to mouseover to them. Mousing is for newbs. My personal attachment to palming CTRL has lead me to only purchase keyboards with raised keys and after I have played with them in meatspace.  On the flip side, my mouse requirements are incredibly basic.

Do you guys go about your business with the default layout, or have you changed the title's key layout as much as your User Interface?  Are you a mouseclicker or do you have a gear out mouse with as many inputs as a keyboard?  What is the craziest play style you have witnessed or heard about? Heck, I even use ` (the key next to numero uno) for Stealthing.

Reader Comments (55)

The most important spells i use are mapped around numbers 1 - 5. Me being a Holy paladin, I rarely have to use anymore spells outside of the important ones, only having to mouse over if I'm popping macro'd cooldowns or buffing people. So i tend to have 1-5, then another 5 more spells keybound to alt1-alt5.

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterValentinex

I bought the WOW mouse (from steel series) and it has 15 programmable buttons that i use. I think this mouse awesome. I also use the keyboard (1-6) and i use the f buttons (f1-f8).

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAzezyel

i put my most used spells in priority, 2 usually being the most important, and then my lesser important spells at 9-10. i have no problems hitting those however.

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGerandor

I can't imagine another layout other than my own :-)

I roll a mage and shaman as my mains and use WSAD for moving. I've mapped everything critical as close to my movement keys as possible, the more I use the spell, the closer it sits to my movement keys.

For example, my primary spells... like frost bolt / lightning bolt are F, sheeping / hexing = Q, fire blast / earth shock = E, ice armor / water shield = V... i could go on and on.

I only have one button mapped to a number, and it's my rooting spells (frost nova / earth bind) = 4.

My emergency spells are also quick real handy with ice block / gift of the naaru at SHIFT + middle mouse button. Buffs are all mouse clicks on the action bar since I don't have to hit them usually while in battle.

I find that whatever toon you play, you can classify spells or attacks into your primary, secondary, etc and map them accordingly.

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDomenic

personaly i think anyone who would call anyone noobish for the style the use whether it be clicking or keys is def to caught up in the gaming hype and a wannabe of the gaming comunity , someone like that gives gamers a bad name .. i have held top ranking on my server for pvp, arena and i can also play BG's and raid or group with the same button set as a clicker .. if you want to call someone a noob for their playing style do it because they are new to the game not because they chose to play in a diffrent way .. oh and by the way macros are fun but honestly i think they are a waste of time except in BG's and PVP.. if you have to use macros to beable to play effectively.. then i see that as compensating for a lack of strategy and skill in WoW.. CLICKER FTW!
oh and by the way if anyone has a problem with my opinion ...Good! because that just means you have your own style and you are a original gamer .

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersarutobisan

One word: Nostromo.

Buy one and never look back.

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPete the Geek

prot warrior, i use 1 for devistate 2 for taunt 3 for shield slam 4 for shield block 5 for revenge... then i gotta click heroic strike and TC... ://

fire mage i use 1 for fireball 2 for scorch 3 for frostfire bolt 4 for blast wave and 5 for combustion, thats bout it

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterteddy

I have not been on my priest in a while but for BC content I used nothing more than renew, flash heal, and prayer of healing. Occasionally I would need to dispel but it was infrequent enough I had them on separate buttons on the side bar. Mash a button click a name in raid ui easy as pie.

Now I run with a fire mage and have downed all bosses but malygos. There I use ffb, scortch, living bomb, and pyro blast with the occasional fireblast. I am always in the top 10 and quite frequently the top dpser i the group. My cooldowns are all handled via buttons I keep on the right like mirror image, icy veins, and combustion are just buttons I click while in spell rotation to help up dps as I no longer have any trinkets with cooldowns.

So I can see why there are people who minimize their button bar down to the essentials because it keeps you focused on what is important for the big fights. I think all the macros are for the PVPers who just want to sit back and face roll the keyboards for an honor kill.

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

Nothing much to my play style. I used to use the arrow keys back in day to move around while using the mouse to click something. My other siblings that play WoW managed to convince me that was stupid.

These days, I use the mouse to move and click something that's not set to the 1 through = on my action bar.

The one thing that still hasn't changed to this day is the fact that I have zero macros. (It's no joke.)

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

Being a hardcore pvper i have to know my keybindings inside an out, i have to center all abilities and spells around my left hand, so i use all the 3 modifiers on 1-6, q,e,f,g,t,z,x,c.
Thats god knows how many buttons but it works well and its doing me good as i gradually progress through the 1600s.

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNathan

i click, and i hot key. 4 button mouse, and a standard keyboard. i set up my bars, and play. thats about the extent of it.

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTomähäwk

I'm a mage, and have tried using the WASD buttons or even the arrow keys for movement, but feel like I have better control using my mouse for movement.

My main spells are 1-0, and everything else is clickable. But after going through dungeons and getting into the "Oh crap!" situations where I need to pop a trinket, my mana sheild, or a health pot and not being able to find it quickly makes me know that I need to bind some abilities to extra keys. It's just finding the right keys use.

Some things like food and water I think can remain clickable because I use it out of combat.

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSunalar

i actually play a hunter and since i love flight sims from the days when they were fun to play, i use my 2stage flight controller and have mapped all my shots to a different button, with 25 buttons between the stickl itself and the throttle controls my hands only move toward my mouse for chat and auction house, with the occasional changing of the pet from aggressive (stupid hordies) to passive (stupid aoe mobs) a friend of mine uses the middle of the number bar in the keybard for his spells and nothing else except wasd for movement

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

i used to use 1 to = along with shift, ctrl, and alt i also use my num pad

now with my Logitech G11 i virtually have every single spell, potion, food, ability, mount, etc. mapped.

im what u call an "anti-clicker"

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterConxcore

i was a pala healer specced
in section 1 ( thats shift+1) i used 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 they were attacked and spells i used when i was solo'ing/ questing

section 2 (shift+2) were all my spells buffs and all that needed for healing and buffing

section 3 (you get the point) was for things like professions hs and other things i normaly never use but just in case

and then i had 3 xtra action bars the 2 on top of the sections and on on my right side of the screen

the 2 xtra actions bar on top of my section was filled with spells i used both when healing and solo'ing like greater wisdom and so on allso i had emergency spells incase people fucked up in a raid like bubble and so on, so i basicly had everything i needed the 2 xtra bars i clicked with my mouse

the action bar on my right screen (action bar 3) was for quest items that needed to be used in some shape way of form a good xample is before TBC when doing daily's in quel danas

the rest was a,s,d,w for moving, m or mouse buttom 3 for map, mouse for looking, mouse buttom 1 and 2 for attacking and mouse buttom 5 for auto walk

of yearh and tap+t for next target when dealing with alot of mobs of low lvl when boosting people

think thats about it

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergrillbar

i use the default set up but keep a few spells on f1 f2 f3 and f4

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjokilla

1-4 or 5ish then i click everything else (only need 2 and 3, the occasional 4, me being a dpser and all)

craziest play style ever has to my friend who plays a rogue - he's a clicker, and he doesn't stop clicking...spam clicks hemmo like a mad man and when he needs to, he'll move his mouse ever so slightly over to evicerate...all he does...it's VERY annoying

on the other hand, my other friend (a holy paladin) uses 1-3 and combinations of macros set to shift, ctrl, alt and \ when used in conjunction with 1-3...he freaks me out (never wiped once when he heals though, so i don't complain)

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMagealitious

On my Warrior I use quite a few macros. For my Druid I haven't set any yet because theirs no reason for it until i get leveled. Just don't want to make a habit of hitting something until I know for sure thats always going to be there. This is my First Druid so I did Hot key Revive for partying, which is Ctrl+H

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMurruhlin

I am a clicker. Just that simple...a clicker. :)
The hotkeys just seem err... well i'd have to memorize them... >.>

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

I'm a clicker too...

I mean just cuz some1s a clicker dusnt mean he/she is a noob! Jus as the other guys sed it's how we choose to play the game. The person that uses the xbox controller, we cud say he's a noob cuz he prob plays halo too much but do we? No cuz that's how he plays

January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFladon

i'm a priest and i use a grid click combination on my 5 button mouse, in grid all 4 are bound to different spells with shift, ctrl, shift-ctrl, and alt combo's giving me 16 healing spells at just a click over a target. I steer with my mouse aswell but rely on wasd for forward, back, and strafe motions.
Q is bound to my wand, f has an attack cycle macro under it, e is my pw:shield, r is fear. c is my fade button, v is holy nova
1 is mindblast 2 sw:pain, 3 devouring plague, 4 sw:death 5 renew. g is smite, and something i hardly use at x. ( dunno what it is.

I have some shout macro's and trinkets bound to my num pad. Thats basically all my abilities. ( incase you wonder, holy light is the first spell in my attack macro so its under f. Mind seer / mana burn / mind controll i mouse over as i hardly use em. Pots, bandages, food i mouse over aswell.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

I am mainly a feral druid.

Buttons I use are: WASD for moving, QERTFGHV§ and numbers 123456 for different skills. And even those are not enough, so some more rarely used skills I've bound to alt/shift/ctrl -combinations.

Even then, I have addon (Dominos) that changes my bars for different forms. One bar for caster form, one bar for bear form, one bar for cat form and even one for cat form in stealth.

I also have a couple of bars for items, like trinkets and other usables.

I don't think a feral druid can be succesful without having a bunch of quickbinds, because of the constant need to shapeshift.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVeppy

all my settings are still default lol i just keep all my spells i use the most on the bottom left and top left action bars and all my foods and long cooldown spells like soul well and summon spells on the right bars i also never use punctuation.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNemesisnick

I combine every aspect depending on what aspect of the game i am playing. If I am raiding, I simply mouse click because it's just easier that way. But if I am pvping, I throw it all in, mouse click, mouse moving with hot keys, all of it. depending on how heated the battles get and we all know they can be a blast. Also I suppose depends on my mood, hahaha.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCypherblok

i have steady shot on Q and pet attack on a mouse button :] sadly though thats all i need......

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertheone

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