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The Experiment: Making The Selection

Not Your Typical Huntard

Also didn't expect a nose ring.

When I introduced my girlfriend to the classes of WoW, I had two guesses in the back of my mind, a druid or a hunter.  This may seem stereotypical of me (sorry to the bra burners out there, but it seems that many women like playing a nurturing role even in their high fantasy), but my assumption was based on my girlfriend. Although, the statistics did play a part.  I have known a few locks played by women, but the whole aligning with dark magic and demons just doesn't fit her.

Despite the high probability of Lesley selecting a hunter, I honestly thought she would go with a druid.  This guess was based more on the knowing her part and less on the numbers and graphs I love so much.  She is a rather earthy person, doing her best to be one of Al Gore's minions, giving to Goodwill, hiking around the planet and things of that nature.  The keyword there is nature, she loves it.  Perhaps it was the "primal connection to the beasts of Azeroth" that drew her to the fold of ranged DPSers.  Now that I have dwelt on this further, I should have had a Shaman in the running.

Race selection was a little less straight forward.  At first she was leaning towards rolling a Tauren rather than the short and stocky Dwarves.  Apparently the switch was influenced by me a bit.  My description of the Alliance versus the Horde possibly labeled one side as the "bad" guys and the other as "good" guys, although that was not my intent by any means.  In lieu of describing the factions at all, I should have just pointed her to Blizzard's description on Horde versus Alliance and the races.  That would have rendered any subconscious feelings I have about the "misunderstood" Horde moot.

A little personal history, I wanted to roll Horde from the start, but all of my friends went Alliance...After being forced into my faction choice, I was then forced into my racial selection by my ex-girlfriend.  I had basically no choice when I entered WoW. T_T.  Lesley's perception of the Horde may have been swayed a bit, but I had little to do with her selection of a stocky female as her avatar!

I am a bit baffled as to why she settled on a Dwarf, or even the Tauren for that matter.  She has had little experience with high fantasy (or, and possibly more accurately, never really cared for it) as evidenced by not knowing what an Orc (or Ork) was.  In conjunction with that, aside from viewing SolidSamm in action, Lesley knows nothing about Warcraft either.

Despite my best efforts, there is a slim chance that I ruled out her playing a human.  When we first started discussing the whole prospect weeks ago, I mentioned how unimaginative selecting a Human as a race was to me.  Who knows if she took it to heart, or even remembered it though.  Night Elves, Gnomes and Dwarves may have been all that was open to her.  Draenei you say?  Space goats may have gotten ruled out for being such an oddity until Ms. iTZKooPA becomes more familiar with the universe and its lore.  Perhaps as an alt if we get that far.

For reasons unknown to me, it ended up being a stout, female Dwarf hunter.  I highly doubt she looked over and analyzed the racial traits and figured that a Dwarven Hunter would get a small bonus.  I would love to be surprised by such a fact though!

The whole process took more than an hour to complete, and at that point we packed it in and called it a night.  Lilyterran, the fierce dwarven hunter with generations of training, has yet to encounter a single quest, or even load the opening cinematic.  Now to walk the fine line of helping while not hand-holding...A battle for another day.

Oh, and I forgot to sign her up via Recruit-a-Friend.  What an idiot I am!  Think Blizzard will let me beg my way into it?  And thanks for the tips, keep em coming!

Reader Comments (25)

I didn't think you could roll Dwarf females xP

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCievia

Always Roll A Dwarf!!!

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDwarves Rule

You're assuming alot from these graphs that simply isn't true. Priests can be shadow, Druids are more likely to be a dps or tanking spec just by numbers alone and a quarter of the women on the classes graph play hunters. A dps class. Yes, very nurturing.

I don't think you know a great deal of women who play MMOs regularly tbh.

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJenjen

That is great. My wife rolled a dwarf hunter for her first character. She enjoyed the pet aspect of the hunter a TON and the more shoot from afar aspect of ranged damage. After she got the hunter to 60 (the level cap at the time) she decided to go for another class more needed in rading and rolled a mage to lvl 60.

One recomendation for helping your lady friend get into the game, my wife anyways, really enjoyed the profession aspects of the game. It was watching me level up skinning and leatherworking that got her interested enough to pick up the game. Get her started in professions she would enjoy and it really helps break up the game and at least from my experience makes it more appealing to lady gamers.

Life and 2 kids later we have been away from the game since before Burning Crusade but we had a blast playing and raiding together and when we quit playing she actually had more 60s and lootz than I did but that may be because she stole the new gaming box I built ^_^

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlog

ummm jenjen hunters nurture their pets, kinda obvious what he ment

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZeb

I think that it's a shame you gave her a bias against the Horde. I mean, really, how many times have the humans tried to enslave the Horde?


I think it's a great idea that you're getting your g/f into the game though. It's always nice to be able to share your hobbies with the one you care about!

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShuoven

Wish I could meet a girl who would let me embrace my "nerdness" and maybe have some of her own. It's always the "stop playing that stupid game" from my experiences.

Well, maybe one day.

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterManovan

lol @ Manovan

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterzoova

BTW a female dwarf is simply a beardless male dwarf! That is all.

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterColgann

I recently got my girlfriend in to WoW.
I kinda forced her to roll horde, but I rolled a gnome mage to play with her NE druid.

She first rolled a Troll Shaman, then a Blood Elf mage, before settling on a Blood Elf Hunter (she got battlechest).

I have a troll hunter, orc shaman, BE priest and Tauren druid (priest and druid were made to help her level via Refer-a-Friend triple XP bonus via questing together).

She is now (in all honesty!) my ex-girlfriend and I think my refusal to play WoW with her all the time (she kinda got a little hooked), helped ruin my relationship.

But at the end of the day, I still got my Zhevra mount. (Y)

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean

I'm a girl and I freaking love being a warrior. Killing stuff is where it's at. Though, I am a human, cause, like all girls, I like horses. :) And I just got to 60 today, and got my swift mount!

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

I'm a girl and my main is a free-wheeling, combat-spec'd Rogue! I'm level 79, and I can't seem to muster the energy to quest to 80, so I'm farming my way there.
I have tried other toons, but I'm so spoiled with stealth that I cannot live without it! There are lots of girls in the game, and the strategy of...agility over stamina vs. attack power, etc.... is fun! Real life is complicated....it's fun to be ingame and whale on something!

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSuzey

Being a girl myself and knowing girls on both sides of the spectrum (ranging from WoW is a waste of time to WoW is beyond awesome) I certainly enjoy my time spent in game. Although I find pidgeonholing female gamers into healing roles a bit naive. I play a feral Druid as well as a mage, hunter, and priest on the server I'm on. Playing a Druid allows for plenty of versitility which is what drew me to that class in the first place not the fact that they offer a chance to act as a healer. As for race I go with whatever I want to at the time as it can always be changed later. :)

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCyan

Since Ms Itzkoopa is a dwarf hunter now, she might want an engineering friend or be 1 herself, after all, since when does end-game bosses drop epic guns? and yes, mechanical squirrel FTW! XD

January 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAldei

I remember when I got my daughter her own account. The very next day they came up with the zebra mounts. I was po'd beyond belief. But I've moved on since then and trying to get my friend signed up right now. And his wife. that's a mount for me and my hubby.. Yippee

January 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternickyjean

Being a female gamer, I agree with Cyan that assuming a gal will choose a healing role to be rather stereotypical. I know plenty of guildies that are female who love to dps the living daylights out of their foe. Myself, I prefer melee dps because I like to do it up close and personal. Unfortunately, I'm stuck being a resto shaman until my guild has more healers. :(

January 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I'm a girl and i play a lock. I love being evil and menacing. It's a great way to unwind after work to summon up some minions and go kill some things. The idea that cos i'm a girl i should be either a good person or a healer is rubbish

January 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

me and my girlfriend - who is actualy standing near me as i write this just joined on the recomendation of a friend, i started an account and then on the advice of my friend invited her to also join so ew could get more xp. she picked a orc shaman and i went with a belf hunter. she went elemental and is now at lvl 35 and counting. she went this because some1 she met in game said she could easily heal and do dps well. this was to her liking as she said she wanted to stop me killing myself as i already had 10 mins rez sickness at lvl 7. she likes healing and dpsing so its unfair to say that girls prefere to heal she loves kill stealing from me

January 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdave and sarah

Im a warrior (kick ass) and my girlfriend rolls a preist (of course) and shes holy, were both undead, and my bro rolls a rouge he as well is a undead. We almost all started the game at the same time so its relly not hard for us all to find a group lol. However i do agree with you on how girls choos races/class's first off no girls make orcs undead or tauren... tahts obvious and mean there ugly. However the do sometimes have undead (not very often) but mostly have Belfs on the horde getting kinda annoying. The sad thing almost all girls make and ally and thats a no duh why, because ally has the "good looking" girls such as human dranei and Nelf. Now as for class's it'd have to be preist, druid, (Nelf druid), hunter, and sometimes pallies. Hunters because they can have cute pets, druid because they can turn into a cute cat and what not (and cause Nelf's are hot) preist because every male tank wants a chick healer, and pally because humans dranei and Belfs can be them. Thats what i think that girls choose and mabye its different for some of you but in my realm thats what they do.

January 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeidare

awww manovan, don't worry, not all girls are like that. It took my fiance 2 years to get me into it but now I play and just got my main up to 80 :D

January 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPenny

I am a female, my first class? Well, the first I actually took the time to lvl was an undead Mage. I now have three Death Knights a Tankadin and my fave... My shadow Priest. *sparkly eyes* Well, Shadow for leveling purposes, go back to healing when I get her up to 80.

But what I really want to say is, I work at a Subway. Every time I close there's always someone walking in talking about DnD, WoW, Warhammer, or some other MMO. (One guy had a picture of a Lion on stilts stalking a Giraffe with "WTF HAX!" at the bottom and I cracked up laughing.) Every time I join their conversation, they look at me like it's a shock. I had several actually drop jaws at me.

So my lesson is: Don't peg all women as the, "OMG! I need to go shoppin' for some shoes and this cut little skirt that I saw in Vogue yesterday! squeal!" I will sit down with my lvl 5 DnD Druid and strike your but down with my d8 weapon and my kick ass Viper. All the while (yes I do this at the same time) I'll be farming some rep with Sons of Hodir. (Though the fact it's all quests bums me out. T_T) and fishing in some random city.

January 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHatell


I know what you mean about people being amazed that I'm not obsessed with shoes.

You know you can hand in the relics of Uldar (sp?) for rep now to sons of Hodir? You get about 350 for 10 and it's repeatable. At last I don't have to do that stupid quest with the dragon anymore, I hate falling to my death so I do.

January 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJenjen

@Jenjen OH THANK GOD!!! I knew there was a reason for saving those other than to turn in for booze. XD

January 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHatell

i must say that by (most likely) mere coincidence most of the girls I know that play wow are hunters. (but heck most of the guys are hunters too >.< ::sigh:: i don't get it) Anyways, really I have to say that I've seen girls playing just about any class and race. Stereotype imo doesn't really fall into place. It's simply what ppl like to do more. (which means i believe the ratio stays the same More dps than healers and tanks).

January 28, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

i started playing because i love wow... my fiance got me playing and whatnot. now im addicted

started with a druid night elf because i wanted a caster and an elf and preists are lame imo :P

really with i had started with a pally .... so sick of hearing how druid healers are not good healers because they dont have "big heals"
::grumbles ::

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNightwisher

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