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iTZKooPA's Rogue (And Common) Macros For 3.2.2

Yea, I Don't Have Many Mounts...Pets FTW!

The war over the framerate issue brought on by Onyxia has been won.  But the dragon with cranial lizard properties did manage to score a victory, destroying my macros.  Again, I'm not sure how my macros disappeared into the digital abyss, they are supposed to be saved on server, but they did.  Since then I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to remember all of my macros, and additional time looking for new tricks.

I'll start off the list with my multi-class macros.

Random Pet
/run CallCompanion("CRITTER", random(GetNumCompanions("CRITTER")))

It doesn't seem perfectly random, but it does the trick.  Saved my sidebar from being full of vanity pet icons. :p

Random Flying or Ground Mount From List:
/run local g,f={a,b,c},{x,y,z};local z={["Dalaran"]=g,["Wintergrasp"]=g,["Krasus' Landing"]=f};f=z[GetSubZoneText()] or z[GetZoneText()] or (IsFlyableArea() and f) or g;z=(IsMounted() or CallCompanion("MOUNT", f[random(#f)])) and Dismount()

This is straight from WoWWiki.  I wasn't able to create a good one myself, and actually had a heck of a time trying to even find a solid random casting macro.  This is as close as I came.  It's limited by the macro character limit (255).  The mount collectors out there will have to narrow down their list substantially.  Replace a,b,c with a list of your ground mounts, and x,y,z with your flying mounts.  No spaces to save characters.

The mount in the top left of the first page of the mount list is 1, the bottom right of the first page is 12.  And so on.

/equip [noequipped:Fishing Poles, mod] Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole
/equip [equipped:Fishing Poles, mod] Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat
/cast [nomod] Fishing

A simple fishing macro that gets you ready to do some anglin'.  To use the macro be sure to replace the gear I have listed with any gear you have.  Hold a button down, a modifier in macro lingo, and click it twice to equip your gear.  Click it a third time with no modifier to begin casting.  Don't come to me with stories about the one that got away.

Oh Shit! Button:
/s Fox! Get this guy off me!
/yell Fox! Get this guy off me!
/p Fox! Get this guy off me!
/raid Fox! Get this guy off me!

I think the name, and spam, gets the point across.  The macro is hardly ever used, it would get annoying, but it's fun to pull out here and there.  Although it effectively does nothing, it's the most enjoyable macro I've ever created.

Especially when someone gets it.  Had one DPSer scream "Do a barrel roll!" We wiped because I was laughing too hard to heal.

Here are my rogue macros.  Many of these are just time-saving, but they've helped my DPS by remembering crap for me.

Auto Attack:
#showtooltip Fan of Knives
/cast Fan of Knives

I actually use a version of this macro for some of my openers and some basic attacks (Mutilate), but its use with Fan of Knives is often overlooked.  Since you won't start auto attacking when casting FoK, having a command bound to your FoK key is a good idea.  Personally, I know I often overlook right-clicking a mob or fear hitting 'T' to start attacking because I may turn it off.  Here's the no fail solution to guaranteeing that your still getting white damage while AoEing.

/use Name of Trinket
/cast Slice and Dice

I currently don't have any on use trinkets on Solidsamm, so this is currently unused.  During my leveling days I had tons, and that's where the basic macro came from.  Depending on the on use bonus you may want to fire off a trinket before Slice and Dice (additional attack speed) or before a finisher (more Attack Power for bigger numbers).  Easily merged into the Cold Blood Kill Shot macro (see below).

Throw/Deadly Throw Merge:
#show Deadly Throw
/cast deadly throw
/cast throw

Save an action bar button.

PvE Opener:
#showtooltip Pick Pocket
/cast Pick Pocket
/cast Garrote
/cast Cheap Shot

I changed my standard Pick Pocket button to this because I got sick of the mobs seeing me as I danced around or waited for looting to finish.  With auto loot enabled I can now run up to any mob with pockets, rob them blind and perform my opener.  If you're behind them you will squish them with a Garrote, the Cheap Shot covers you if you're in their face.

Spammable Stealth:
#showtooltip Stealth
/cast [modifier: shift] Stealth; !Stealth

Don't worry about un-stealthing with this applied to your Stealth button.  Smash that key all day long!

/cast Vanish

No accidental extra hits after vanishing with this.  Unless you right-click the target.  Dummy.

Cold Blood Kill Shot:
#showtooltip Envenom
/cast Cold Blood
/cast Envenom

This is another macro that I use with multiple abilities, my direct damage closers.  I've noticed my overall DD go up because the macro uses Cold Blood as often as possible, fitting more guaranteed crits in per raid run.  You may lose some DPS on a per-boss-fight basis, but if you don't blow CB on finishers with low combo points you should see an increase in overall destruction.

Tricks of the Trade:
/cast [target=mouseover] Tricks of the Trade
/script m=UnitName("mouseover"); if m then SendChatMessage("You've been boosted by Solidsamm's gnomish destructive properties for 6s. Make the best of it.", "WHISPER", nil, m); end

I blatantly stole this one from a forum (ElitistJerks I think), just adding a little flavor to the text.  My previous TotT macro was very basic, launching off my focus.  It often became useless when my focused ally died.  It's not a common occurrence but manually resetting the focus mid-fight is a pain.  The new macro simply applies TotT to whoever I mouseover, something I ended up doing anyways.  It also whispers them, but you can remove the second line if you please.

That's all I have right now.  I'll likely think of more in the future.  When I do I will drop them in the comments section.  Now that Solidsagart is level 80 and working her way to raiding I'll follow this informative post with a priest orientated in the future.  Feel free to share your tips and tricks in macro creation, any macro friendly sites you frequent, and any modifications you would recommend to the above content.  Especially on the mount macro.

Reader Comments (22)

First dawg
Rockin dat bladefist
knowm saying?

Shout out to muh Bro and his roomies

October 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUnknØwn


October 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristian

Nice macros. I'm going to try those out on my rogue.

October 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTurboLaxx

hey does that first macro work mounts it would save me allot of space

October 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

tha second macro is freaking confusing

October 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

can someone exlain how the first macro works?

October 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

hell i need them both explained

October 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Brilliant on the Coldblood + Envenom idea, I may tie in my new ... groan... USE trinket to that too.

Only problem is I like to only cold blood my envenom with 5 cp, not 4.

October 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEddie T

Do a barrel roll!

October 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDecado

I have a mount macro, but its more basic, and doesn't work in WG whilst its on unfortunately..

/castrandom [outdoors,flyable] Albino Drake, Bronze Drake, Red Drake, Swift Red Gryphon, Time-Lost Proto-Drake; [outdoors]White War Talbuk, Armored Brown Bear, Black War Bear, Swift Moonsaber, Black War Mammoth, Turbostrider

another helpful part of macro's that are good for social play is %t, rezzers usually use this with rez macro's like..

/s Rezzing %t.. Pleace wait..
/cast (rez spell here)

I use if for a greeting macro, just highlight a friend then click..

/s Hooray for %t!!

And dont forget camera distance with..

/script SetCVar("cameraDistanceMaxFactor","3.4")
/console cameraDistanceMax 50

October 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStumpy

nice macros

btw is there a page where they list most of the common macros or a how to for wow macros?

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterubasrawr


The pet macro runs a script to grab a random critter from your list of non-combat pets. Since you can pull them out anywhere it's pretty basic.

The mount macro is more complicated because of the flying restrictions. It checks your location, if it's a flyable zone then it grabs a mount from the x,y,z list, which is populated by numbers that correlate to the spots in your mount list (see the screenshot for my list). If it isn't a flyable zone then it grabs a ground mount, a,b,c list.

The macros constantly change because Blizzard constantly changes what is allowed to be used (macros get abused, or have unintended abilities, etc). That's why a list of common macros isn't too easy to find, and why I labeled this post with the current version of WoW.

As for website, I am sure there are tons out there, but I've never used any. I just used the basic macro guide on the WoW website, and messing around, to get to my point of macro writing. Which is pretty basic.

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenteriTZKooPA


you got the time lost protodrake i hate you so much you lucky bastard

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

i dont if anyoen will even go back to page after a few hours but this has be said @iTZKooPA and all other computer geeks out thier you have to realize taht not all of us no all this stuff for many of us like me only know the basics so you really have to break it down i i copy and pasted that macro i replaced the ABC and XYZ i typed everything and it still doesnt work so thats why i asked for help and that comment didnt really help

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff


If you can give me a better description of what is confusing you maybe I can help.

Look at the screenshot, that also gives a working example of the mount macro. 5 if my loan ground mount, 1,4 are my only epic flyers.

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenteriTZKooPA

I much prefer to use CB with Mutilate rather than a finisher. The extra combo point and the fact that BOTH weapons crit with a CB Mut seem to outweigh the benefit of a guaranteed crit on a finisher that will crit 50+% of the time anyway.

I had just covered a few rogue macros a couple days ago and we had a number of the same ones listed. You are missing my favorite though. The all-in-one poison macro.


October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKorzik


I know exactly what you mean. When i was camping Time-Lost Proto Drake I was using the macros that were on the internet and they never seemed to work and the same goes for what used to be my tanking macros. what ive noticed is that alot of the mistakes i was making when i would put in my info were about spelling (i was not spelling some of the words correctly). Also some of the macros on the internet don't work due to blizzard's changes to the macro system over time.

If ur going for a mount macro ive found that the one iTZKooPA is using works very well as well as the one ive been using which is more basic and seems to be a little bit easier to set up.

/castrandom [outdoors,flyable] Albino Drake, Bronze Drake, Onyx Netherwing Drake, Green Proto-Drake, Time-Lost Proto-Drake; [outdoors] Swift Zhevra, Armored Brown Bear, Black War Bear, Ice Mammoth, Black War Mammoth

Good luck on setting up your macros

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLynex

here is what i dont get do you need to make a diffrent macro for your ladn and flying mounts?

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

oh sweet it works doesnt seem very random though i got ice mammoth 5 tmes in a row

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

how abotu a simpler pet macro casue i cant get that oen to work

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

id imagine that you can make a macro like the mount one but that works with non combat pets

/castrandom and then name the pets you want to be able to summon

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLynex

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