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DC Unlimited Unveils Series 5 WoW Figures

You Are Not Prepared!

If you have been following my blog - as you should be - then you will be somewhat familiar with my coverage of World of Warcraft's Extended Universe.  To date, I have focused on the series of novels based on the Warcraft property, covering two of them in-depth.  I even delivered a WoW Shopping Guide full of licensed and unlicensed paraphernalia.  Don't fret either, more coverage is forthcoming.  My point is this, I am infatuated with all things WoW.

I became indoctrinated in the collection mindset at a young age.  Early on I focused on Micro Machines and Transformers, then my passion for video games set in when I moved to the Dark WorldWarcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and Blizzard's shift into merchandising for the RTS, soon consumed much of my disposable income.  Thanks to DC Unlimited's latest announcement, Blizzard's ability to line their pockets with my hard-earned money doesn't appear to be slowing down.

The four figure collection comes with two well known characters, including a second running of Illidan Stormrage.  Illidan's second deluxe appearance sees him in his Demon form , complete with his Twin Blades.  Paired with the previous release, I will now be able to reenact our fight with him inside Black Temple before bedtime.  If only they would release some Warcraft pajamas...

Anti-Thrall Dual WieldingIllidan's second release is flanked by Lo'Gosh, aka, King of Stormwind Varian Wyrnn, aka the "Anti-Thrall."  If you have never heard of him then you have some catching up to do on WoWWiki.  The other two figures are just filler, a previously unknown Night Elf Hunter and a Scourge Ghoul.

I have enjoyed the action figures to date, but I want to see more in Series 6.  For some unknown reason, I still do not consider Illidan to be a boss mob when I view his figures.  Perhaps it is because I have come to know him so well through his lore before he went irredeemably bad in WoW.  Give me a massive Deluxe figure of Ragnaros, C'Thun, or more timely, Yogg-Saron.  Are you listening DC Unlimited?  I want my next deluxe figure to be epic in size, scale, scope and the lore behind the figure.  Puny mortals should be relegated to "standard edition" casts unless their name and reputation, like Lo'Gosh, have become grander than their flesh.

These puppies go on sale October 28th, 2009 for an undisclosed sum.  The figures usually sell out within weeks, so be sure to snap them up as soon as possible.  Otherwise, have fun looking for them on eBay for an incredibly inflated price.  You can already consider Lo'Gosh and Illidan's new form as part of my collection.  Anyone else going to be laying down the clams?

Reader Comments (7)

I'd buy a Hogger figure if they made it :)

February 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterProjectLoreFTW

I have seen figures in the game shops over here and they all look good,
I have not got round to buying one yet sadly but if i see one i want i will fork out for it.
I read the lore and stuff and i have the war of the Ancients trilogy book tis good stuff.
Project lore is the shizz!

February 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGeordiedude

roflmao Could you see a real sized C'Thun? Dude, they'd need a lift to get it into your back yard, forget the house. "With roving eye and all!" LOLZ

February 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHatell

i've got Vindicator Maraad and Korg (Brave) Highmountain, next to follow would be Skeeve Sorrowblade and i'll be acquiring Lady Vashj once they release it on April!

February 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMauphlov

Darn, October is such a long time away. I missed out on the first Illidan, but I guess it was a sign. This one looks way better than the first. I wish they'd make new and better ones of Arthas and Thrall

February 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterhArk!

Like the ghoul! But I'm running out of space for collectibles (and budget) (stupid economy)

February 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOzzel's Cousin Fred

You wanted Hogger? Close enough for me:


February 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBigRiz

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