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Dual Talent Specialization to Cost 1000 Gold

Dual Specs
Image via WoWInsider.com

There has been much hoopla over one of the capstone changes in patch 3.1: dual specs. In short, it allows a level 80 character who has "learned" dual spec to switch between specs easily. Essentially, this means finding a Lexicon of Power or using an item made by scribes to start a ritual that requires 3 players to be present for on the spot switching, aimed at raids. It instantly changes all your talent points between 2 configurations, switches between two sets of glyphs, remaps hotkeys, and reconfigures action bars.

Well, there is a price to pay for everything. Our friends at WoWinsider received a tip from a player on the PTR that training for dual talent specialization currently costs 1000g. This is precisely the cost of training Cold Weather Flying, which enables players to fly in Northrend. This is not cheap, but currently players who switch specs 2+ times a week for raiding and other reasons, such as PvP, heroics, or just experimenting with other specs, have to pay 50g per switch and have to replace all their glyphs (an additional cost) as well as perhaps reconfigure their action bars and hotkeys. I think the 1000g will be much cheaper in the long run for serious players and will allow players to have a lot more flexibility in experimenting with new specs.

Many people are excited about this, and there has been a lot of speculation about the implication of a dual spec feature. There are the issues of it mainly only appealing to players who both PvP and PvE, its availability being restricted to level 80 players, and the new complication of loot drops for players with multiple specs. However, as a rogue, I am excited to be able to switch between my Hunger for Blood raiding spec and Mutilate/Prep PvP spec, as well as explore Shadow Dance.

This should be taken with a grain of salt as it is coming from information obtained on the public test realm. This cost is subject to change, but I think the 1000g cost is right where Blizzard wants it.

What do you think? Too expensive, or just right? Useless, or the panecea to the healer and tank shortage?

Reader Comments (38)

Really? 1k? This is something more for more experienced players in all forms and now your gonna have nubs switching from dps to healing just b/c they think they can gt more gear that way. 1k is WAY too CHEAP! Yes you heard me, CHEAP, should be 5k imo. Like epic flying is meant for the most hardcore players, I think this is should be as well. and for all you nubs that say 1k is too expensive, try stopping running around Dal countless times and actually do somehting for a change, I usually make 1k a day, that's w/ 2 hours famring, dailies and the ocasional heroics. And more if I raid that day.

February 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVoldenmist

Vold the fact that you think 1k is cheap and that you make 1k a day tells me you do nothing else in your life but play wow. And who the hell has time to put in 2 hours of farming in?? jeeze i'd like to be able to play a game without having to fucking 'clock-in' and grind for gold for a couple hours.

February 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

will have to carry the 2nd gear set with us when we switch? or will it be under a new tab in character or something?

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpala

Another thing to realize is that now drops will be fought over even more so for those that dual-spec and want their "alternate" gear

February 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteryeshallbe

This is fracking terrible news. I have 40g, I PVP and occasionally raid. I absolutely will not grind quests for gold, that shit is lame. They need to make dual-spec's purchasable by all WoW currencies, not just gold for the farmers.


February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterdisgruntledPVPer

I think they need to put it at around 350g becus Seriously who wants to blow 1000g and if they screwed up or want to cahnge there talents to Unholy Blood from Blood frost or from the paladin tree of 35 5 31 and Prot to Prot and holy u have to spend another 1000g

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteroaky

@oaky So that isn't actually true. Standard respeccing costs (50g at most) apply for changing one of your dual specs.

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHeartbourne

...hmmN... i have rogue that good in ..pve and pvp..and i dont need it ^^lol

April 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhiya

i have a rogue..and ..my rogue is good ..in pvp pve...raid ...anything lol^^peace yo!!

April 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhiya

1000g is ridiculous. Maybe not for those of you who've been sitting at 80 since a week after Lich King launched. But for those like me who are just playing the game, it sure would be nice to be able to have my leveling druid, or priest, or paladin to swap to a more group friendly talent build when going into dungeons. But my highest character is 75, and she's not even back to 1000g after buying the slowest flight skill, much less has gold to toss around to other characters for dual spec - the irony is that as a rogue, there's no need to buy it for her anyway.

At the very least, they should have it scale to levels like haircuts. Because looking at the reactions here (and auction house prices) a money sink for those at max level already seems like a good idea. But asking a level 40 (or 50) to fork over 1000g so maybe they can play outside of the single build that's all but required to level is just insane.

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTaz

Let's face it guys, BLIZZARD CARE ABOUT YOUR MONEY! NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS! Why do you think it takes forever to get Revered or Exalted reputation? Why do you think flyers and "cold weather" training are SO expensive? It is a fucking shame honestly. I try not to think about it and just enjoy playing, but you can't do shit or have shit in the game worth doing or having without spending countless hours playing and playing! Why does it take so long and what does this have to do with greediness? THE more you have to play to achieve something, the longer blizzard gets your $30 a month. Plain and simple. Think about it!

1. To get good PVP gear, you need shitloads of honor and marks
2. To get good raid gear, you must play for hours waiting for that one item to drop.
3. Mounts cost money and money = time playing.
4. People who play more are encouraged and rewarded: i.e.(Achievements, factions rewards, etc)
5. And now, dual speccing of chars that costs $1000 gold @ lvl 40! Just another reason to play more!

And for you guys that do dailies for 2hrs or more a day, imagine if you had spent just 1/2 of that time reading, how much smarter would you be by now?

And that's my 2 cents!

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAjAtkinson

yet another time sink by blizzard that a lot of characters will need to do just to keep up with the joneses. My friends have families and real life. I may have time for raising cash ingame for this sort of thing but they dont. They will quit the game eventually out of frustration.

If Blizzard keeps hosing casual players it will eventually drive them away. And if my real life friends leave it will be an incentive for me to look elsewhere as well. I like warcraft but the grinding for certain near-required items is a little silly.

Also, I dont think this is fair for certain classes (like warriors or mages) who have far more need of this feature than other classes, who wont need it quite as much. The cost should either scale with your current level or be for a set period of time on the server. An occasional payment to keep it active might work as an alternative (like 150-250 gp per character every 6 months to keep the second spec available).

April 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDDodge

They should also just put in a fee to allow people to legally buy fast mounts or dual spec.

I have a suggestion that might work.

My friends might have the cash but not the time to grind. Why not Blizzard just put in some optional extra fees in to allow players to legally buy the "hours of grinding" or gold required to obtain the mount and/or dual spec etc.

That way blizzard sets the price, takes money from the plat sellers (and blizzard makes more money) and the players get what they want and avoid the silly amounts of grinding if they have the real life cash.

Then people would be more cognizant of how much time they spend grinding to get the added features LOL (That might not be good for blizzard).

April 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDDodge

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