Soloing: Achievementology 14
Project Lore's Dr. Dorkins, with a little help from Juggy, goes after the Jenkins title. Yes soon Dorkins will be an official Jenkins. Watch how he does it in this episode of Soloing - Achievementology
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Reader Comments (51)
Grats Dorkins on the Title
lol this shouldve been the first achievement he tried to get. gj dorkins:P
So just where is Juggynaut? You make it look like hes sitting next to you!
Zand looks like a kid on christmas morning, just saying :p
Fuzzbut Jenkins ftw
Great job. Can you solo that achievement or do you need help to unlock a door to that room?
Next time do There's Gold In That There Fountain Achievement
grido i dont think so the mobs looks easy but they do dmg :) maybe as a feral/resto druid :) really a cool achievment do this dorks its a funny one and read the text on the coins there tell the stori of dalaran :D Arthas Sylvanas Archimonde Uthe but even Thrall has a coin with its ovn stori in the Fountaine and to get out the wishes of the young days of the most poverfull people of warcraft is just simpli COOL
lol gj dorkins i just did that one last night and my name is better whatthehell jenkins. woot woot nice episode
but you need 430 fishing to doo this :)
oh and yes you can solo it i'm a prot warrior and solod it with no problem. mind you it took me a hour to figure out how to open the door. i never ran any of the brd, brs, ubrs and lbrs.
Remember, its 33.3 repeating of course. Grats on the title! Its a fun achievement, it really is.
I managed to solo this as a BM hunter with also a monkey. I did not have an all 80 heroic gear yet, but I did max on herbalism and had some trinket that heals me (only like a 1000 though, but still better than nothing) and a healing potion. You'll definitely need them as when you use your Feign Death, the rookery counter basically gets reset (doesn't say so in the achievement tracker, but it does in real). Yes, even when you have done damage to them all at least a bit (i.e. explosive trap and/or volley). This means you have to stay up as long as possible. Did take a few runs before I realized FD is the last thing you want to do if you really are going for that achievement ^^""
I'm glad you showed an achievement that people cannot get in a heartbeat. You really need to show more like those, lol. I mean everyone with an IQ of above 90 can figure out how to do the easy ones XD
lol i got this title with a 70 pally friend of mine ( prot). I was a combat rogue also 70. :D
nice job Dorkins Jenkins!
On the off chance no one had seen it
you know, when Zan was explaining what the plan was I was expecting Juggy to run in yelling "JUGGGGGGGYYYYNAAAAAUUUTTT!!!"
LOL!! Happy for you Dr. Dorkins Jenkins. ;-p Love it.
I've not gotten this title and likely won't but I have always had a soft spot in my heart for the Jenkins Legend. ;) A bunch of my guildies hadn't even seen the vid when the title came out. They were very confused.
Dorkins Jenkins ftw :D
I can't wait to get mine.
Would that mean you're now Dr, DJ? LOL
Nyahrgh! what about me i requested it to In fact i even called you The good doctor! lol
Lol my jaws are killing me, nice eps :D
Dr. Dorkins Jenkins, have a nice ring to it :D
When I saw that achievement, I said "this is for Zand to do..."
Congrats bro!
Maybe it's just me but doesn't it seem odd that the video cuts out at the last minute and we didn't get to see either the achievement box popping up or a shot of Dorkins with his title?
I call shenanigans! : )
nice dorkins
i must say though...those ads at the the bottom of the screen get quite annoying when im trying to take my daily dose of project lore
Ah yes... yet another "Soloing" achievementology that was done with a partner. Please, just rename this to "Achievementology"... I don't recall you doing any of these quest solo. You didn't even do the 'Run around Elwyn Forest and buy pets" solo. Juggy is always there helping you.