Episode 15.5: Ahn'kahet
Recovering from their fear wipe, the Project Lore guys fight their way to Jedoga Shadowseeker in Ahn'kahet. How will the guys deal with this goon and the legions of adds? See what happens in this episode of Project Lore.
Reader Comments (31)
2 (i think :S)
nice going guys
Niceee, good episode cant wait to see u guys fight the last guy
Dorkins buddy, you better figure it out soon haha
I actually like how Alex brought up the item distribution topic. Like him, when it's a group of friends or guild members, I think rolling is the best possible option - keeping things fair. Other things would probably just overly complicate things.
next boss will be fun, though i wish Juggy didn´t tell them what to do and the guys just have to figure it out themselves...
Hey pl! good episode. i just looked at your game guides for warriors. well, i like dungeons. i like lvling in them too. i am always looking for either a healer or tank. most of the time a tank. so i wanted to tank. the game guide said tank-less dps-hard to solo. i dont know ow to plan out my talents now. im thinking most prot for talents and a little fury/dps. I might just make a dps, a healer, and a tank. i dont know which is going to be which. i want to go ally. races... sure, help me with those but professions i can handle. ty pl and good episode! keep it up.
imo dorkins would had more DPS then bowbins if it wasnt that little mistake x]
nice video..i like the way the boss is done ^^
Love it! Totally agree with the looting Rolls are the last bastion of pure luck.../roll to see if the game loves you...
Also on a side not
bringing up the loot distribution was a good thing :) I also liked it back when you guys disgussed the different roles in a party (healing, tanking and dps'ing), as it brought a little more to the episodes..
@ Trial
very good episode guys, it meets a lot of what people have been asking for, longer episodes, lots of action, and a nice flow in conversation so keep up the good work guys. Also funny thing with Dorkins saying he was in Aspect of the Viper, it made me think of how my guild would make fun of the word Devotion Aura lol. On vent they make it sound funny and as if it was just a pointless buff to have lol.
The last two weeks eps have been top quality stuff. Fun, entertaining, good action and educational. You are on a roll now!
Loot order I use for 5 mans.
1. can I use it now as an upgrade. Roll Need
2. can I use it for an off spec and no one else needs it for primary upgrade. Roll Need (ask group first).
3. Roll Greed or pass.
I use the add-on Pawn and Rating Buster to help determine weather its an upgrade.
lol i watched the whole time as Alex was trying so hard to get top dps. Using volley, plus focusing on the slave right away. Lol funny too since alex clicks
Good episode, was enjoyable. Also happy Juggy held off some things about the boss and tried to influence a suprise. I like the boss kills they don't know, because watching them kill it knowing everything is just boring lol
We always hear Dorkins talking about maxing on his dps..
but i just thought.. hes a dwarf and dont dwarfs get 5% increase damage for guns?
so why isn't dorkins using one?.. this is a little sketchy since i havent played my dwarf hunter since TBC now but im sure they still get the 5% bonus to guns
Discussion of Loot distribution was great. SKG and DKP were exampled. Another great system is EP/GP (Earned Points/Gear Points). You earn points as you raid (EP); numeric values depend on system set up with your guild. Then you're charged points as you accumulate gear (GP); these values are decided via ilvl of the certain item. Every guild member has these 2 numbers and dividing EP by GP gives you a Priority Rating (PR). The more your raid, and the less gear you get, the higher PR you have, and vice versa. Loot is distributed by the highest PR. It's a nice system and best of all it's manageable. More EP for Boss grinding? You can change that. Charge PR for Off-spec or not? You can change that, too.
I hate depending on rolls, luck sucks.
I believe
Need: when you can actually use it, or will actually use it, for the character you're on.
Greed: if you would like to sell the item, or have another character you feel you could use it on, or an alternative spec.
Pass: if you're not interested in the item.
I tend to pass most things in pugs just because I like to avoid confrontation.
Really looked like Hippocket died from the whirlwind she does. And then he got blamed for standing in the lightning =(
i just get into addons and i want to know what addons do Alex an Zand use
loot dispersion is a good point to bring up...i agree with u guys there..my other thing ive had a problem with is people not liking druids rolling o ncloth...specificlly boomkin and resto..any thoughs on this..i allow it and say dont like it patition bliz to not let them wear it u know
Dont use seal of vengence as a ret pally. Command or, even better, Blood/Martyr will up your dps a bit. Just a suggestion.
Awesome guys, can't wait for the next episode\
I watch your videos all the time, i was wondering if you could explain some of the simplest computer interface stuff you guys do for the noob in me. like for instance how do you guys bring up dps stats. I have a level 80 toon and still dont know how to do some of the simplest things in the game. I can`t be all alone, can i. thanx
Another good episode, however I have to agree with azui, I wish Juggy would let the rest of the guys figure out the boss fights on their own.
The wipes that the group has is sometimes the funniest part. For example, your fight against Keristrasza in The Nexus was so good because of the learning process it took for you to down her.