Five Titles That Make You a Badass
Posted by
Ghostbeezy on
Monday, March 2, 2009 -
50 Comments Tags:
better than you,

Then all of the sudden, WotLK dropped and we got a metric crap ton of titles poured upon us. Ambassador, Chef, Salty, the Love Fool, the Seeker, and Elder are all titles that have been crammed into the new world we totally have come to love. The real question is, What are the best titles? Is Champion of the Frozen Wastes the best? Does the Seeker or Guardian of Cenarius mean that you are the baddest on your block? Maybe, However I will be giving you a 5 title primer. A primer that says, "If you have one of these titles, they garner respect, admiration... or will at least keep you from getting ganked." Lets be honest, That's all that matters right? If I have X title, it makes me E-Peen way bigger than yours. Nonetheless, on to the titles (in no particular order)!
- Arena Titles (Challenger/Duelist/Rival/Gladiator): This title is one that garners instant respect. Not one of the old world "Private" titles that could be gotten much easier. The simplest PVP title meant you had to be in the top 35% of the arenas in your team bracket to achieve it. It meant you slaved for hours in PvP, and you could pretty much gank at will. It means when you turn to tap a node, people really wouldn't want to attack you. You also only keep the title for the next season of arenas. These titles are fresh, new, changing always and mean that you recently have been polishing your armor with the blood of arena noobs. If someone even attempted to target you, you would give them a rain of pain so bad they'd need a "Rambo Shower" to cleanse themselves.
- Salty: This title is maddening, but so rare to actually see in game. This title has many components, of which I'll just list a few. You have to fish up the really rare fishes from Ironforge/Orgrimmar known as Old Ironjaw and Old Crafty. You have to go to your weekly fishing tournament, Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza and win it which is one of the hardest things to do in game to date. Completing the entire Accomplished Angler achievement will garner it for you, but as a person who's currently trying to complete Salty -- I've found little harder than fishing up all the coins, fish, and manuals needed for it. This is still one of the rarest achievements in the game. Only 52 salty titles are given a year per server, so put that in perspective.
- The Immortal: First off this achievement is like the Highlander, except not. THERE CAN ONLY BE 25! The premise is during one lockout period, you have to fight, and kill every boss in Naxxramas without anyone dying during the boss fights. Frogger doesn't count as a boss, neither do any trash pulls. So you can make people stand out of rooms, you can even sub people in and out (though only the 25 that pull Kel'Thuzad will actually obtain the title). It's quite the achievement to get people with the same latency, the same skill, and laser like focus. Our guild has personally tried to do The Undying, and we've had a few unfortunate losses of focus that prove 10 people barely communicate. So to scale up to 25 and pull it off sets you aside as one of the baddest PvE asses that are out there. If only that title came with the highlander theme song, I'd give a kidney for it.
- Loremaster: Though this basically says you don't love sunlight, it's one hell of an achievement and title.It's 2,720 on the horde side or 2,878 quests on the alliance side. This is not only a good idea because the sheer amount of gold that you'll make but you actually learn a lot of the back story of Qarcraft. It'll feed your offsets and let you practice and hone your skills with your other spec's of your class. It's also a great way to pass time between raids. It'll really say you're a completionist. Someone who has loremaster really has a dedication to the game that you can respect and admire. I've only seen 3 people with it on my server, one of them being Juggynaut. Loremaster also awards a tabard with the infamous exclamation point. So you don't have to wear a tabard that isn't that great, and you can celebrate how much you've dedicated to the game.
- Of the Nightfall: This is the Twilight Zone achievement. This is the 10 man 3 drake up Sartharion achievement. Now dont get me wrong, the title sounds extremely weak. Ghostbeezy of the Nightfall? That is worse than being in the front row of a madonna concert and your picture being put in the newspaper. It's embarrasing like the time you were chapperoned by your parents on a date, and your father has to sing "Hooked on a Feeling" while you get driven to a bowling alley. However, the title MEANS a great deal more. It's a healing/tanking/dps check the whole way around. You really have to be on your A-game, and not a bunch of people on servers world wide have this achievement. So when you see that title pass by, you understand that person is one of 10 elite players of the guild that they represent. That title is one to be proud of.
I know, I know there are some of you saying, "What about Magic Seeker, or Conquerer of Naxxramas?" I don't count either of those as titles that even should be acknowledged. I personally enjoy having an adult life and from time to time even basking in sunlight. If you were one of these people to have those titles, while I respect your dedication... I can't include you in this list. You may or may not have a social life, in a may not sort of way. Plus so few people have the title, and even less actually wear it. It's a scarlet letter of anti-social behavior. What is your vote? Which titles do you think make you a warcraft ninja? Which titles do you strive to achieve?
Reader Comments (50)
Great post... I have the Bloodsail Admiral title on my main, and I like to wear it all the time because it shows that I was willing to sacrifice my high reputation with Steamwheedle Cartel to get it.
the only one of these i have is challenger. but unforunataly a stiff breez can destroy an arms warrior in PVP now. i can barely get away from a gaveyard in a battleground without getting deathgriped and killed befor i get out of stunn.
I have of the Shattered Sun and Jenkins but who doesn't have Jenkins. I really wanted the Love Fool. Maybe next year hehe
2% 30k HP away from IMMORTAL title and the retard 15 year old mage Dies to PULLING Aggro after CHAIN! LOL! GG!
anyways Nightfall is the only title that means anything tbh. I enjoy parking my plague proto drake on top of the lamp post in Dalarn with my nightfall title in shadowform and /flex /afk
yeah ive got the Challenger tiitle and i dont know where i got it from, might be pretty epix, might not. lol
i have the elder title im rather happy with being as how i have run a guild called the legion of elders that started nearly 3 years ago. nice haveing the words elder madstig the legion of elders over my toons head
"Ambassador" used to be pretty respectable until the Elders came along and gave everyone free rep. D:
you don't have to get old ironjaw or old crafty to get the Salty achievement.
"Only 52 salty titles are given a year per server, so put that in perspective."
That's maximum. If someone wins the fishing tournament, there's no guarantee they'll get the other achievements. In fact, I think it's quite likely that they'll kill themselves first while they're trying to get Old Ironjaw, doing cast #2256, and some level 5 noob gets it on the 1st try.
nice good job baggin on people who happen to have a lot of skill and dedication...Like really are you really going to make fun of people for having no life because they have achieved something on the game that you haven't? I personally have a girlfriend a job and i go to=out constantly the title just means when i do play I play seriously and i get things done.
i'm afraid i'm one of those "Conquerer of Naxxramas", as cool as it would be to have some of those 'elitist' titles i'm one of the guys where RL just comes first always. Wow is awesome and great way to chill with the guild after a long day at work. But when it comes down to it i find it a little hard to respect the hard-core gamer sometimes.
I find mounts a simialr expession of dedication, there are 3 things mounts can say about a player, 1 they are good at farming ie: Baron mount, 2 they are good at raiding ie: the pheonix mount or 3 they have been playing wow since the begining: red kodo, white mecno... .
I personally ride the ZG raptor most of the time as it shows off my solo hunter skills and is the only way alliance can ride a raptor.
I have ''The Undying'', but I just love the ''Jenkins'' title.
While working on ''The Inmortal'', you realize how important Team Work is ^.^
i have the Loremaster on Shadowsong - Meleshooter BM Hunter
I sport my Elder title, just like the way it sounds.
The ONLY title that counts imo is "Hand of Adal" i know its a TBC title but it give me a certain satisfaction to know that there are not that many out there
Hi all,
well, i've got the Guardian of Cenarius title, and the mount to back it up! hehe.
though im not pursuing any particular titles at the moment, the Loremaster did catch my eye!
i'm currently vying for the Tabard of the Achiever.
Actually you don't need Crafty/Ironjaw for Salty title.
On favorites: I like "The Seeker". 3000 quests completed, and yet the title implies you want more. :)
My first title was "of the Shattered Sun", which I got in the course of going straight from neutral to exalted because I was paying off a 5k gold loan.
I have respect for "the Undying / Immortal" and "Loremaster" because that does take real dedication to pull off. I have to say that though it doesn't evoke as much respect as those titles, "the Explorer" has its own quality. Firstly, you have to have a good deal of patience in order to track down every nook and cranny to get that meta-achievement. Second, I think it shows appreciation for all the landscapes that make up the world that is Warcraft.
Just my two cents. ;)
I have loremaster, took me about 3 days of mopping up quests I'd simply missed :)
As for Salty, you don't need the rare fish although I do have the Orgrimmar fish :)
Im a pally so im big on the title "The Argent Champion"
plus Qarcraft lol
i always use my "Chef" tittle its pwns
"You have to fish up the really rare fishes from Ironforge/Orgrimmar known as Old Ironjaw and Old Crafty"
Incorrect, you don't need to fish neither of them (I have both but just because I wanted to :P)
Hmm... From the current ones I have, I would say my favorite is "the Hallowed" and the one I would want to get is "Loremaster". I only need 99 quests in Eastern Kingdoms and little over (or under) 200 in Kalimdor.
And why do I want to get Loremaster? Because Lore is the only thing that made me play WoW in the first place so it's only appropriate
"of the Shattered Sun" personally, loved it when i was on my old server, before i transfered (shock horror) to a roleplaying server (mock me if you will), when i proudly wandered the streets of orgrimmar, clogging up people's screens with "Magealitious of the Shattered Sun", now it's "Zuljo of the Shattered Sun", not quite as long, but still a show of dedication to a rep faction that has a reasonably long grind.
Other than that I have Jenkins, working on Loremaster and getting Explorer while i get that, but what i really want is Twilight Vanquisher, that would be awesome (and the drake would be even better to have)