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Female Toons - Take II

RL girls or not, they're taking this bear down!

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a post exploring the relationship between a WoW player's RL gender and what gender they play in-game. And all you Project Lore readers out there are so great that you provided tons of comments for me to ponder over. Let's take another poke at the subject.

One of the things that I didn't address earlier, but that comments certainly did, is whether girl gamers have inferior or superior skills when it comes to playing WoW. Personally, I think it's all about experience no matter what gender you are. I'm sure there are just as many noob guys who play. But regardless, the stereotype is that girls can't play. Or that just because we're girls, we make good targets for taunting and sometimes harassment while playing in a male-dominated setting. And there's a lot of us who don't appreciate being treated differently for any reason, much less such stupid ones.

Magradon commented:
I think us girls need to take WoW by storm... I’ve had WoW stalkers and guys who actually profess their love, talk about visiting me…and all I ever did to deserve it was to be nice. /ignore

And Nightwisher elaborated on similar experiences:
i get ALOT of shit for even playing wow and being female...  boys just cant take girl gamers seriously. though im pretty sure my fully epiced resto druid would stomp some faces if i actually liked PVP’ing.

My experiences have been less extreme and more amusing. Like when a guy toon properly positions his /dance so it's right on my chick's ass. Lovely. But my purpose today was not to spread *Girl Power,* even though there are plenty of us who certainly kick butt in game. Really, I just want to have a bit more fun on this topic. So on that note, here's the flip side of the situation.

I actually have a lot of fun being the instigator sometimes. One of my favorite things to do when bored? Find a random male toon. /flirt. Wait for a response. /slap. Run away! Makes me laugh hysterically every time! I don't know, maybe doing that sort of thing makes things harder on other girls in game. I hope not. But regardless, it's hilarious. I try not to take things too seriously, and typically my targets don't, either. It appears that there are others roaming here on Project Lore who also use sex appeal to their own advantage.

Like AlysiumX:
ok ok i admit it, im a guy playing a girl character but thats only for the +5% chance for grp invites

Way to keep it real.

While I previously guessed that girls do not generally play cross-gender toons, it seems that you lovely ladies out there have proved me wrong. So props to brandywine, Hatell, elfennau, Cyan, Wrongway, Halcath and Percolatte, among others for breaking that misconception I (and based on the comments, apparently others) had.

But it still seems that guys are a bit more likely to fall into that roll. Whether it's "cuz i dont feel like watching some guys ass when i lvl up" (thanks Marcwaznthere, for your articulate explanation), or if you're like jimbob who admitted, "i just have an ‘affinity’ with female toons, go figure!" I guess we all have our reasons for playing the way we play, even if we don't think about it much.

Female toons? That's just how I roll!

I thought Alayea phrased it best:
Female players FTW!

So, let's get this discussion going again. Regardless of your RL gender, do the benefits of playing a girl toon outweigh the other crap that some of us put up with because of it? Can you really get away with more when you roll female? And will you silly boys out there ever realize that a girl toon, no matter how hypnotizing she may be, is not your personal play toy?

Reader Comments (66)

Well, as I posted in your previous blog about Female Toons, I usually don't roll a female toon unless it's it's a caster (except for druids). I don't know why but I can't get the hang of certain male casters (such as Blood Elves, recently Recustomized my female BE priest to male and it feels weird). I really don't mind playing a male character, it is nice to have a female character now and then to mix it up. I'm trying to roll male only because it's odd going into a vent for a guild or pug and everyone thinking you might be female.

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLuntiX

Whether your playing a female or a male toon, 9/10 people will assume your male either way. So that first vent conversation is always entertaining when everyone starts freaking out about a female voice on vent. Just playing a female toon though does get you a lot more attention, loot and grup invites even though it shouldn't.

On the flip side to that though, it's always fun to flirt with the male toons in the downtime to raids or just when your bored. And all those guys who find out I'm actually a girl and not a guy playing a female toon and treat me any different by being obsessive (there are a lot of those guys out there) get a quick trip to my ignore list. All my best wow friends liked me just as much before they found out i was a girl.

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSilver

Well personally I've never played a female character, as a guy in real life. My guess is that guys either do it for the benefits (like group invites and whatnot) or just because it's something to look at while you play. Personally, it's never mattered to me. Although, I think the main reason is because I do role play, and it's very difficult for me, even in my writings, to get into the female mindset very well. However, if I was on a PvP or PvE realm only, I suppose I'd still just play a male character either way. I'm more of a lore fan and I get into the game, so playing a male character makes it feel a little bit better for me since I am a male.

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWonocva

I'm posting on your blog twice in one day, but oh well. You'll get used to me!

I don't honestly see a lot of difference in the way I'm treated. My name and gender both pretty much clue in everyone who runs into me in-game that I'm a girl, and I'm okay with that. I also (apparently stereotypically) played a healer for a long time before becoming a full-time moonkin.

I do think I get flirted with more, which is flattering unless it's a noob, in which case /ignore or Report come to my aid. I also think that sometimes some of our officers worry about our feelings more (we have several female raiders), but I don't have a problem with that either, as I've made it plain not to spare my feelings if there is something I need to fix.

I think there's more issue with other girls playing WoW. I think WE still see ourselves as a minority in the gaming world, and many of us having used our girl status for our benefit sometimes see other women as a threat.

Okay, this topic is apparently one I have a lot more to say about than I realized! I actually only revisited Project Lore today to tell you guys that I had chosen your blog as one of my top 7 on my own blog, http://battlechicken.wordpress.com. I really appreciate the work you do here; thank you!

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmbermist

I have much respect for women in wow. In part because my guild leader and best friend is in fact a girl. I have played with her for a couple years and her skills match up and even destroy some of the best pvpers on the realm. And i think we all know there are some pretty bad male players out there its just women are get more attention in failure then in success. :)

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGabereal1

Well i think its crazy that some guys flips out because priest that owned you .. when you was a paladin yourself,,, and shes female.. then theres nothing bad in calling her a bitch. and say she should go back to her Hello kitty, well myself.. i am respecting female wow players.. ( lince ur fantastic. ) .. and therefore i always always ask of people in my group/guild/raids gender.. cuz all wow players is not supposed to be boys. then the game would be rather Boring.. we need some P!nk minds in this game :-p ( even though i know some girls hate pink ) girls is thinking on a often more positive way ..
not like all thoose lvl 35 huntards you gank as a lvl 23 pala ( it was so fun) keeps spamming : noob ! bastard ! mthrfcker . and so on..

well girls i respect you : Mourned, hunshat, Ôwnage, Roflcopterz and ragerx . EU bronzebeard

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjens

Maybe it's just me or my server, but I don't see very much in-game cross-gender "fighting". I usually expect the female toon to be a male player IRL, that is until I hear the voice on Ventrilo. There was a Night Elf Priest in my guild, played a female toon, and was a female IRL. She was a damned good healer. I just don't expect a big population of female players. It's because of the way our culture is.. really. Our culture subliminally tell's you what a "normal" female should be doing, and what a normal "male" should be doing. And according to popular media, i.e. women's magazines. YOU SHOULD NOT BE PLAYING WOW, YOU SHOULD BE DOING MAKE-UP AND FINDING BOYS. Don't listen to those stupid magazines. Break the stereotype women, do it for all of us. Just go watch 10 minutes of T.V., and when you see a commercial come on for house cleaning and other things related to house keeping, tell me if it's a guy or a girl in the commercial. It will be a woman, everytime.

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRonaldinho

I have never degraded and will never degrade a female toon on WoW for my own manly amusement......ok, i don't make a HABIT of doing it. I reapect female players and know that in fact most of them can probably kick my argent ass. That said, I would love having a girlfriend that actually played, (and was good at), WoW. I just think it would make life so much easier.

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCozmus

well I only roll female toons because the actually do look better than male guys (except the orc and tauren, but then again the tauren male and female look quite ehm *cough*) anyway I also roll male toons, but it doesn't really matter for me what I play or even what's in front of me, I can say as a guy that I don't care if the other player is a guy or a girl in real life if they are good at what they do than they are the best choice for it, even if it's a guy playing a female toon or a girl playing a male toon... So yeha I think this one comment is for both the blogs written ^^;



March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHitmen

Im a guy, i play a girl character and it just scares me how many weird people are there. There was even someone that confessed his love to me. I would change my character gender but i dont want to give money

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSalima

I didn´t comment in the last post because I`ve always thinking, "There´s nothing better than being a badass dwarf beating the sh~t out of ppl", so all my chars are dwarfs (DK, Pally and a Rogue), but I keep on thinking "What´s so amuzing about playing with a girl char", so I decided to create a female dranei hunter, and it kinda feels weird about playing with her, like she´s my little sister that I can take care of her.

So, I still keep playing with my dwarfes but it´s a funny experience playing with a female char, I´m even thinking about making a female NE priest just for the fun.

But I digress with you Mr. Pixiestrx, all the chars are toys, because WoW is a game. :P

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEl Wero

A male friend of mine plays a female character because he likes the NE female "bounce" on the log in screen. That is when I said, "my eyes are up here buddy!"

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPenrose

As I mentioned in the previous blog on this topic, I'm a guy playing all female chars, but if you ask me my gender in game I am going to say "female" 99% of the time just because it is fun to mess with people's heads. (something I am very good at >:D)

I personally have never noticed any "special treatment" from other people just because I play a female character. As has been said before, most people will just assume that EVERYONE is a guy, but especially so if they play a female character. I got tired of correcting people for calling me "dude", so I never mention gender unless someone asks me first. But even being a guy, I despise being called "dude". Why? No clue. I just don't like it.

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXian

im a dood and i play a chick i dont care whats the diff? if ppl want to know if i am a girl IRL i tell em the truth or if theyre flirting i go "yea... im a guy IRL pervert"

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjames

my friend changed his toon from a boy to a girl his 80dk was pinkbunnyman now its pinkbunygirl and my friends and i wont stop giving him crap at school because i dont see the point of paying money to change a characters sex, but if u started as a girl thats different go ahead but anybody knwo why guys are cahnging their toons to girls for a cost of real money? it seem so weird and my friend used the i dont want to stare at a guy excuse but i say its a video game who gives a shit?

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterxxdeathangel

I'm a guy and for me, playing a gender boils down to what it is I'm playing. Warrior, pally, & hunters are always male characters while warlocks, priests, & DK's have always been female. Druids, Mages & Shamans are my no rules classes.

Before you call me sexist, keep in mind that I've only played my DK as a tank. I wouldn't even know where to start as anything else with her...

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSelke

And will you silly boys out there ever realize that a girl toon, no matter how hypnotizing she may be, is not your personal play toy?

Actually, she is. Providing that I pay monthly to play the game and that it's my character :)

I'm male, and I play both male and female characters. For instance, female Tauren? No thanks? Male Gnome? No thanks. (People wonder what I have against male Gnomes, and I honestly don't know :S)

In the end, I think it's all about playing someone you think look nice :)

But yeah, some people are just weird. On my first main (female Human Priest), I remember getting all the loot in Zul'Farrak because the other caster thought I was female :D

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZatkhar

I have never experienced any negatives with my female toons. In fact some 70 gave me 90 some odd gold for my female troll's 60 mount just cause I was nice to him. But there is a girl in my guild who plays Belf Females almost exclusively. She was healing an instance and someone (who was already being a dick) died. While he was waiting for his rez, he kept calling her a bitch and that she couldn't play cause she was a female. Yeah that was an experience. I do find that it is boring playing a male. Whenever I am my female toon people just come up a talk to me. I have more friends on my female toons, and always have some one to talk to. This might be a little skewed though as my my male is a Mage and my female is a Healer.

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHalcath

I'm a guy and i have known ALOT of girl gamers whether is be in WoW, Guild Wars, whatever. These gamers also include my little sister and some of my cousins cousins, and i know a good chunk of these girls can kik my ass in WoW, its all a matter of (i cant think of a better word) Talent and experience that people have not gender.

and don't steriotype or creep out the women guys, you could be missing out on a new friend ^_^

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersaxonn

i said it once and i'll say it again, female toons played by guys BY FAR outweigh the amount of female toons played by actual females.
therefore=if i'm talking to ANY player, i assume they are a guy. Without question. The only time i ever find out if the toons are Female in RL is if i hear their voice in Vent.

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

In BC, my main was a female human mage. My logic behind it was 'Well, since I'm gonna have to wear a dress anyway, might as well go female.' Guys have attempted to flirt with me many, many times. It's more entertaining than anything, really.

As for girls being viewed as less skilled than guys, one of my best friends, who happens to be a girl, is usually at the top of our raids whether she's healing or specs shadow to DPS. I don't treat my female friends any different than I do my guy friends.

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWaton

Most of my toons tend to be female. I generally find in most games I prefer to play female characters. Its never to due with the attention its given me from other players (I think I've been /flirt'd once randomly since 2yrs of WoW playing) I personally just find female characers more engaging. Not because I want to perv at them or that I've ever been on a RP server, but I can't help get into a game more I feel my character has a sence of 'coolness' or be it 'kick-assness' and I just find that only comes with female toons.

As for women playing the game. I went out with a girl who played WoW and she had progressed much further raiding then I could have dreamed of in BC and was always top listed for raid slots and I knew only a handful of her guild mates knew she was a woman and those were not the raid leaders. Its just down to expierence and being a male dominated medium, guys generally have more gaming expierence but not skill.

WoW tho is one of those games I believe is great for introducing non-gaming women into gaming, theres alot of satisfying momments (leveling, gear, new places) and unlike most games it doesn't feel like it has a trival end. This is where I think female WoW players suffer because most of them are first time gamers. But still I'd never assume a female gamer has less skill than a bloke.

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCadia

Ofcourse girls are worse than boys at playing games, what a question! No really, makes no difference.

The few girls I knew who played WoW were as good (or better :S) than me so I geuss we're all just the same.

Actually I have a friend I've been playing with ever since I started (helped me with zalazane and then we kept questing and grouping together just for fun). We were really good, also thanks to the fact I'm a Tank and she's a Healer.
One day we were talking about how RL sometimes blocked playing WoW and I asked her if her girlfriend ever said she should stop. She said like: Well that's a bit hard since I'm straight and a girl. I was all like: Oh, I assumed you were just playing a female toon for fun. Nothing has changed since then, maybe I'm a bit more gentle now XD.

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAggrø

Honestly, I have never cared about what gender people are...it usually doesn't come up with a text-based chat system...So in all reality it doesn't matter to much as long as you aren't flaunting your genitalia around.

All I really care about are 3 things

1) Can you play the game?
2) Can you play the game well? (I can help you if you cant :p)
3) Are you extremely annoying like a 5 year old?
4) Are you drunk?

If you answer yes, maybe, no, and no I can probably deal with you and have a good time...

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTaskun

I only have three toons that I ever really play on, and being a woman myself I started off with all female characters. I played my Gnome Mage up to 80 -- and now that I've experienced how it is to be a female playing a female, I've made a male Tauren Druid. Let's see how differently I am treated when it's assumed that I'm a male *^_^*

Another weird thing to look at is which race you play as a female. As a Gnome, I have to admit that I never really had too many creepy/hilarious situations of males flirting with me, etc, unless they also played on Gnomes. However, on my Draenei I am approached quite regularly. Although I think my Gnome is pretty damn sexy ( What? I do! ) I can see that most male players would choose a Draenei over my poor little Gnome -- as they would choose a Night Elf over a Dwarf, or a Blood Elf over a Troll.

So it's not just being female that attracts a lot of male players, but being a "sexy" race, too.

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAurofel

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