Project Lore Horde Ragefire Chasm 1.4
Posted by Project Lore Editor on Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 38 Comments Tags: Horde, ragefire chasm, rfc
The Project Lore Horde lowbies find themselves facing Taragaman the Hungerer in Ragefire Chasm. Watch Project Lore Horde down this boss and get loot in this old school instance.
Reader Comments (38)
kool and 1st=)
5 mins late? shame.
Lulz, Boss Fight?
Nice one :)
Naxx movies next?
is it just me or does lyle look kinda pissed?
Hilarious, Singing more singing in this one, and Gettin lvled while drinking, that's classic.:D ..
Lyle focus on teh game ;)
Rock on. very nice Project Lore.
Heya PL !
Seems you`re all enjoying this more than you would anything else ! I almost couldn`t stop laughing on any of the episodes !
Yeah , Lyle looks stressed out or something , he ain`t even laughing all that hard at the other guy`s jokes . And he doesn`t even care about the Oom factor :).
I guess he`s just concentrating on his task , tanking !
Other than that , best wishes and w8ing for the last episode of RFC ! FTH - For the Horde xD.
Anyone know where I can get Jeff's Shirt?
how the hell does lyle mark so quickly is it an addon or is he just extremely fast at marking???
You can hotkey the marks. I use F1-F5 for the different marks and just tab through and mark em up.
Lyle wasn't serious at all, he was suicidal :D and he's enjoying it, for once he can do 12 pulls w/o wiping unlike in higher lvl raids where you pull bit by bit :D
I was like: "Kamikaze!!"
i have a problem, i click play and all i get is "Last time on Project Lore.." then it cuts off like the vid ended. anyone know what i can do?
keep them fury DPS going zand =D
Finding these surprisingly more enjoyable than any other instance, keep up the good work! Look forward to seeing another low level instance week w/ hordies somewhere down the road.
I am LOVING project lore horde style
These ragefire chasm videos are AWESOME! So relaxed and everyone is just having fun, it really is great, keep it up guys!
Should hit up WC next - not many Ally would have been inside of there!
Should also grab some low lvl Ally and go to the stockades and dead mines - ive never seen stockades and only run deadmines as a higher lvl.
IMO i dont think they should be doing DM or Stockades, they rolled horde, and WC - RFD would be more horde-like
the big pull song
BIG puuullzz nothing youuu can dooooo about itttt
BIG pulls doo doo doo BIG PULLZZZZZ
BIG pulllzzz nothing your can do about ittt, just hope your tank has aggro and your healer does not go oom
BIG pullzzz now were all dead with out a soul stone and the healers one only one runing!
BIG pulls doo doo doo BIG PULLZZZZZ
BIG pulls doo doo doo BIG PULLZZZZZ
BIG pullzzz allways the tanks falt!!! big pullz the tank blams the healer BIG PULLZZZZ now the group is disban and you have 60 sec to get out !
@MrCoffee thx
Anyone know what addon Dorkins uses to show upgrades? For instance, that cape had a (+0.60% Crit +0.51 Dodge) Next to it.