This Week on Project Lore: Taking a Break in Orgrimmar
It takes a lot of work to put together an award winning show like Project Lore, and we're gearing up to get more great new video content ready for you. This week, we're taking a little break after a great weekend at the Streamys to get that done, so while we do that we'll be re-featuring our first horde week when we went into Ragefire Chasm underneath Orgrimmar.
We hope you enjoy this blast from the past, and next week we'll have a brand new set of videos for your enjoyment.
Remember, we have started our Horde Fan Guild on Tanaris, so roll up a toon and send a tell to someone in <Project Lore> to join!
We hope you enjoy this blast from the past, and next week we'll have a brand new set of videos for your enjoyment.
Remember, we have started our Horde Fan Guild on Tanaris, so roll up a toon and send a tell to someone in <Project Lore> to join!
Reader Comments (30)
I still think the re featuring is stupid
For those of you wondering the addon that shows +/- stats in tooltips is called Ratingbuster, and can be obtained from
-Meatshield out
I'm so glad you guys are taking a break.. I'll miss ya, but it seems like you guys work your butts off.
i realy hope you guys do naxxrams cuz seens the time you finishd of karazhan its all ben about wotlk and now when its ben like 5 mounths i think its time to show something HARCORE^^ cuz gun drak utgarde keep arent even challenging and we whana see the heroes kick some undead ass^^
I wouldn't bring the gear into question. Dorkins is already wearing a few pieces of T7. Even Bowbins has some Naxx gear on. So, clearly they're getting geared up. Personally, i find it great that we now have to Hunters in PL! Just wanted to throw that out there.
And Naxx is now on Farm status for some guilds at this point. My old guild on Kael'thas server on the Horde side, Rancor, does 10 and 25 man Naxx with no problem.