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Soloing: Achievementology 12

Project Lore's Dr. Dorkins dives into the World of Warcraft PvP battlegrounds to get an achievement in this episode of Soloing: Achieventology. Dr. Dorkins faces some Horde in Strands of the Ancients on his quest to get 10 more points. Watch and find out what happens.

Reader Comments (36)

You think you guys can do more battleground shows

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChino

I may have to rewatch to be sure, but there is a talent in the Unholy tree that turns a DK into a ghoul upon death. That may be what happened in there.

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGene

Nice keep up the good work, love the achievements!

March 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRandomPerson123

is it just me or is the lighting and the camera position all wonky in this one'?

yeah BG hugs are a lot harder to get off then world PvP ones... got mine when I was rep grinding in a level 1 zone on my DK that was 64 when a 63 DK came in flaged at 1/2 health... attacked him, he died came back as a ghoul, attacked him again he died again and got my hug in... I might have felt bad about attacking a player that was at 1/2 health if it where a PvP server, but it is a PvE server meaning he willing flaged which meant he was fair game without it being a gank since I was same level range in same gear as him and he openly invited me to attack him by flaging optionaly.

Point is, if you get lucky enough to get a world kill rather then BG kill, its a lot easier to get a hug in since people arn't trying to get to GY in that 30 second cycling rez timer, since waiting a second to release could mean an extra 29 seconds in the GY if you just miss the timer.

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEgma

@ Kyrapt: the range add-on is called Nudge.

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterekh

Make Love Not Warcraft is an achievment in reference to the South Park episode where a rouge owns everyone on the server, because he has "no life" lol


Random video of the episode, check it out. :)

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteronthebuses

yes Unholy DK's do have a talent that turns them into a ghoul after death. it last for 30sec. and its a pain fight them , cus of that. My hunter uses the Metahud addon. it has a range indicator built into the Health Bar UI.

Nice work Dr.D. i love watchin you. i really see how terrible i am at playin a Hunter.lol

by the way

April 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVayder

haha this is great

the strain of pvp quickly builds up and he becomes stressed and frustrated xD

May 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter^.^

Can someone write out the macro for me couldn't see on the screen and really want it so as to do this achievement :D
great show btw x

June 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeadvicious

HAha...although i've gotten it the *easy* way on all my toons it was also the funnyest way in my mind lvl1 bank toon in booty bay some lvl 40 shot me or poked me i barely survived with 10hp 0.o...how the?..and/huged before he rezzed he was not happy lol same with my main also gott it on my hunter durring a fail 20 or so man raid on IF *half the raid died before even getting TO magni.

September 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdenalo

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