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Gnomeregan, Sen'jin, and Phasing

Some of the content in this post may be considered spoilers to those who have not leveled to 80.

A lot of players ask questions like "how was Gnomeregan taken over by a bunch of level 40 troggs and why can't level 80 players clean it out?" or "the Exodar crash has been a few months ago for a couple years now. Why doesn't this change?" One of the reasons the world doesn't change is that Blizzard wants a "static MMO world" to a large extent where they have developed content that they still want to be accessible to players as they spent a large amount of resources developing it. Players also largely don't want to see content disappear. The disappearance of the Onyxia key quest chain in order to progress the story was controversial.

The second answer to questions like this is that as far as lore goes, "level" is not a direct measure of power. It is unclear if Kel'Thuzad could best Ragnaros mano-a-mano. Lore-wise, cleaning out Gnomeregan is not as simple as a level 80 mage walking in and spamming Arcane Explosion. Gnomeregan has some additional radiation issues, but generally you can't just use levels to compare say Edwin VanCleef to Jammal'an the Prophet.

The 8 "well-developed" capital cities have lots to do and there seems to always be some corner to explore, yet Sen'jin and Gnomeregan are extremely static and boring. Orgrimmar and Stormwind were attacked by the Scourge prior to the Horde and Alliance's invasion of Northrend, and all the capital cities usually have something going on with the world events. Sen'jin and Gnomeregan are left out completely. I wonder why they can't phase the Sen'jin and Orgimmar areas after you do the starting quests and maybe some "construction" quests like with the Argent Crusade in Icecrown which progress you through a series of phases.

Some of my favorite content in the game has to be the aftermath of the Wrathgate incident. The phasing of Orgrimmar and the Undercity were fantastic, shocking, and memorable. Somehow I can't imagine why they can't do something with Sen'jin and other undeveloped areas. I think it degrades some of the "troll identity" in the Horde to not have a home city and having to slaughter trolls all the time. I smiled to myself when I completed Exalted Champion of Silvermoon and was able to choose "Bladebourne of Silvermoon" as a title. This is one of the reasons I have problems playing as a troll. Trolls and Gnomes were not even included in the original WoW cinematic and their inclusion in recent content always feels like "token representation". Vol'jin didn't even go into the Undercity during the attack on Varimathras and I really wanted him to bust out some voodoo.

I hope that perhaps in the next expansion they flesh out Sen'jin and Gnomeregan, maybe through phasing, and give people a reason to visit them when they are at max level. I don't often go to Silvermoon City or Thunder Bluff, but I never go to Sen'jin. Is it worth it to build these cities up, or do you think the excuse of trolls largely being absorbed to Orgrimmar and gnomes into Ironforge valid enough to leave them as is?

Reader Comments (42)

Silvermoon was attacked by the Scourge too. I think Blizzard did a good job of showing the aftermath of this in game with the dead scar and the destroyed half of the city.

About the whole phasing thing with Gnomeregan/The Exodar/Sen'jin, I completely agree with you.

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSathas

Agree on the phasing. You'd think by now, even without level comparisons, they'd have something built for themselves. Do they just not care? That can't be, they're still their own race.

Hell, maybe that'll be the "Old World" patch that was mentioned in a blog before. Can be seen by the addition of Isle of Quel'Danas. Technically Old World, but new stuff. So maybe they'll be some kind of island for the trolls and some new area in a "mountainous" region on the map for Gnomes? Never know, it could be interesting.

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWonocva

Great come back with a very good post. I agree with you 100%

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGrant

the problem with phasing low level areas would be that you couldn't help any lowbies level up anymore.

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternoobalicious

I agree with Noob, though I would much rather see new content. It's not like you really need help getting to level 10...

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGeo

I could understand why Gnomeregan is not "rebuilt". There was a good post about it in wowinsider (one of the lore post). The radiation that is in Gnomeregan would take years to clean up, maybe more. The events in this game as you level from place to place really only span a few months maybe a year. So yes you could clean out the troggs but no you couldn't live there after.

As for the Trolls I have not done much looking into their background. I do know there are different tribes and most hate each other. I would love to see more about them. I think they are very interesting.

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRedaurora

100% agree. The phasing in the last expansion pack is pretty cool and would be nice to see some changes in the older content, I'd love to a content patch that throws one of the captials into total chaos using this tech. But ultimatly I want to see the world change a little as a result of my toon's efforts.

But if it came down to a choice: updating the lower lvl areas or have new (higher) lvl places and things to do... I'd go for new zones that my 80 toon can quest in. (unless the quest to free Gnomeregan was a lvl 80 event!)

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTom

Can't help lowbies level up anymore? GOOD! Far too many people who are just joining the game in recent years are getting higher level friends to run them through instances. They're not actually learning how to play the game. As a result, they get to level 80 (or whatever may be the current highest at the time) and have NO IDEA how to play. This is bad for EVERYONE since it means if you get one of these in your raid, they're useless and you may wipe as a result.

I'm trying to level up a character who's currently level 39. Am I just getting run throughs by my level 80 guild mates? No. I want to learn how to play this class the right way. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to find someone else to do an instance with because so many people are just getting friends to level them up faster.

Ultimately, this is a problem that is only going to get worse as level caps get higher and Blizzard continues to give people ways to level up faster.

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

It's just that blizzard only care about their new expanson, and they just wanted to shield themselves saying "We want that the new players understand how was the world before WotLK... etc, etc.". But if they did wanted to show how was the game before, there will be a quest chain about the rise of Varian as a king in Stormwind, like in "The Wrath Gate".

Now I'm talking about the lore here, but we all know that prior WotLK every race and faction has his specific problem to solve; Ironforge against the dark dwarves that later summoned Ragnaros, Orgrimmar versus the warlocks of the burning legion, etc. And Lady Prestor was the one who brought trouble to the humans trying to divide them and destroy them, so she is needed in the throne room with Bolvar and the young king of Stormwind.

But we all know that like 90% of the ppl that plays WoW only focus on leveling alts or having the best gear available and complaining about other classes.

This is sad T-T

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterElwero

I think it's long overdue for the Trolls and Gnomes to get a cool place of their own instead of an itty-bitty village. Sure, they don't have to be on the scale of a capital city, but leaving them the way they are currently sucks.

(Disclaimer: I'm a big troll fan.)

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

@ Elwro


April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTom

Looking back, gnomes DIDNT play a role in any of the lore. I hope they do flesh out Gnomeregan. As for the next xpack: I believe we are going under the great sea to learn more about whats causing the murlocs to come to the surface. They gave us water mounts for a reason people!

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHerofTime

God I hope Gnomer doesn't ever get taken back! That place sucks!

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEddie T

I believe trolls and gnomes derserve new homes maybe a phasing quest to conquer a place for them or a new city in the next expansion I mean really gnomes would have a cool high tech city and troll city would be the best place to party im just sad that they are so left out =(

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSleepyman

Then there is of course Hyjal still listed on the maps, but not at the moment being used. That could be used for something?Surely. But whatever blizzard do next, with patches, expansions I am sure we are all going to love it. :)

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteronthebuses

it definitely makes me excited for future patches and expansions :)

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

sence i've started playing, i've wanted a completly new relm typle. it would be similare to a pvp relm, but their would be two bases in zone that you would be able to capture, if one side has bolth bases, than that zone would be controled by that faction. if one faction captures all of zones than they get a prize. (a item that would be nice for their class or a nice amount of gold scaling by level)

i wanted this because if you talk to any faction ruler, he or she will say "our armys are out at battle with the allaince/horde. its good to see young (race)s like your selves defending our factions good name, blah blah blah." but we're are these armys and epic battles, ever thing has remained exactly the same, hogger is still at large in elwynn, and war song gulch is still in a state of conflict.

after playing for awhile i've relized that this would work better as a battle ground that players could join for weeks, or months at a time, and leave without geting the deserter de-buff.

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDRAMATIC CHIPMUNK

next expansion, quest to free gnomrenge event is intriduced,

expansion after that, WOOT we get gnomrenge back!!!!

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDRAMATIC CHIPMUNK

It would be too hard for Blizzard, lazy butts. Becuase everything in the "Old World" (Classic WoW) is in 2D in the air and useless particles so I guess that would be a factor to fixing Gnomer and Sen'jin. Do I want to see these new cities, Hell yes, but Blizzard is too lazy to do so ... or stupid. I want to see the Gnomes build a city on the edge and get punted off by Tuaren, or Dwarves, or something.

For the trolls, anyone know of the dancing troll villa? Or is that Sen'jin? Don't think so.

Also, no expansion for awhile, Blizzard is stopping with Icecrown Citedal to work on Starcraft and unnamed MMO

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDieoxide

maybe there should be a phasing quest to take back echo isles from zalazane? that would be an awesome place to party and it also looks better and is bigger than sen'jin village, I mean come on, what kind of trollish main area is 5 huts and 20 people?
Echo Isles-the next hard raid area, releasing in patch 3.2?(sigh...i wish)

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbrownkid

meaby i have

April 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPeter

I now its hard to find a low lvl group these days, and if never got the chance to explore old raid content. but maybe an idee would be:

Blizzard can implent a LVL modification
so if you wanna raid like molten core or do an normal instance like SFK or BRD, Arcatraz,...
you first gonna need to do a long chain quest to obtain a certain item for transforming to a low lvl player:( like i wanna do SFk 18-24 = using the certain item would leed to a mid range lvl like 21-22 and with mid gear, the right lvl spell or attack, not to strong not to weak for clearing the instance so there is a bit of a challenge then.

would do you think about it ??
would solve a lot of problems i think
sorry for my english


April 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPeter

As a Gnome, I have always wished that there would somehow be a questline that would let me help take my home city back. I think it has the potential to be totally epic. In recognition for the Gnomes not asking for help when the Troggs attacked Gnomerega (because the Alliance was already engaged in its' own war), the Alliance now comes to the Gnomes and offers its' aid to help them take back their capital. As far as the radiation goes, are you really going to try and tell me with a straight face that the legions of Gnome engineers wouldn't be able to create soething to deal with the radiation poisoning if it meant they could get their home back?!?!?

All in all, I certainly hope that Blizzard makes this happen someday. I feel kinda funny being a Champion in the Argent Tournament for a city that isn't controlled by the race I champion it for. Kind of a hollow feeling, really.

April 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlawman30

this subject is actually very important to me. It has always bothered me that Sen'Jin village and Gnomeregan, both the very homes of their respective races, seem to be all but abandoned.
Sen'Jin was supposed to be a temporary home for the darkspear trolls because Daelin Proudmoore's fleet attacked the echo isles. There are a bunch of quests that just barely qualify as an explanation as to why the echo isles home hasn't been reestablished, but I wish they were taken further and that we could do a high level quest chain that leads to the retaking (although I'm not quite sure from what) and repopulation of echo isles, which can then become a phased city (give it a harbor with cool troll boats, that'd be awesome) that for some reason or other players actually come to (main horde city in a maelstrom-centric expansion anyone? maybe some quests in the jungle, those are fun).
As for Gnomeregan, it has several quests that build a pretty rich, interesting story. We delve into the irradiated city to reclaim important gadgets, try to find a way to reverse the effect of the radiation, and even prepare for a wide-scale invasion. But it's all a stump.
That invasion, which would be really cool, is never carried out, and while we make progress on the radiation thing, the chain ends in a manner both abrupt and unsatisfying.
I wish there was also a high level quest chain that includes figuring out how to take care of the radiation (as well as finding it's source and stopping it), finding out why Thermaplugg betrayed the rest of the gnomes and what the dark iron dwarves are doing there, and finally retaking gnomeregan.
There's no reason to make Gnomeregan a capital city with a far more frequented one right next door, but it could become a nice quest hub with lots of delving into the earth (which happens too rarely if you ask me), especially for engineers and miners, and be a great way to bring players back to the old world.

Both Sen'Jin Village and Gnomeregan give Blizzard a great opportunity to make big interesting quest hubs in the old world that expose us some more to the underrepresented gnome and troll races.

April 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterilligetimi

Zandalar is actually a troll place that might be introduced in the next expansion with Zuldazar, the troll capital.

April 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrtera

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