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The Treacherous Life of a Bunny

At first, I thought my bunny-self was cute. I was just starting out my Noblegarden Achievement runs this week, and after locating and picking up a few Brightly Colored Eggs in Brill (and landing my 'I Found One!' achievement), I got my first transformation. I was collecting an egg, and all of the sudden - POOF! I was a purple rabbit. One of many, many purple rabbits frolicking through the small town in the search of winning the noblest of titles.

So I made use of the tools at my disposal. I equipped the wondrous Egg Basket from the quest giver and started spamming the use to speed-hop past my competition. Find one egg hidden in the bushes, collect it, move to the next, and the next, and the next - around in a circle until I was back to my starting point. Monotonous, yes. But I somehow felt at east with this simple task. I was a bunny, and I wanted my eggs. That's all there was to it. That is, of course, until I got a little more bunny competition.

Apparently, I was not the only one wise to the magicks of the Egg Basket. Other rabbits now also were speeding around, hopping right past me if I took too wide of a turn. I could no longer leisurely pick up the eggs - I had to rush to snatch it up at just the right time before some other bunny came along to steal it away from me. Some bunnies started waiting right next to where the eggs spawned so they could be the first ones to claim it the moment it appeared. But they, too, had to be careful. If they didn't pay close enough attention, THIS little rogue rabbit would swipe that egg without them knowing. Oh yes, stealth bunny form is real. Be afraid. Although, sadly, bunnies do not dance. I tried.

And so the rabbit-eat-rabbit collection process continued. I finished collecting my 100 chocolates to consume for the Chocoholic achievement (proving, once and for all, that eating too much chocolate does NOT make you sick!), and in the process found a Spring Rabbit’s Foot, a useless but cute Spring Circlet and some nifty Black Tuxedo Pants. And I swapped items with my guild bunny buddies to complete Blushing Bride. But I'm still working on finding the White Tuxedo Shirt for Sunday’s Finest and the Elegant Dress needed for Dressed for the Occasion. Also still working to finish up Spring Fling, Shake Your Bunny-Maker and Desert Rose. Thankfully, we still got a couple of days to tie up loose ends.

The most treacherous task (for a bunny) was the trip to Un'Goro Crater to complete Hard Boiled. You can NOT convince me that a cute, purple rabbit doesn't look like a tasty morsel to a ravenous Devilsaur. Don't forget to re-equip your weapons in case you run into some hungry beasts!

Well, this bunny is about ready to be a Noble Gardener. How many of you have succeeded so far, and what have been your favorite parts of bunny-dom?

Reader Comments (35)


In Shatt there's another orphanage with another Orphan who wants to see sights in all of Outland. It's basicly the human orphan, just in Outland. You get a reward out of three, and it's repeatable every year; hence everyone saying (three year time period).

I got "the Noble" Sunday :P I'm gathering alot of achievements :D I also got "Patron" Friday. I was pissed because I was leaving on a plane for my grandparents' place for my grandfather's funeral Saturday morning, and I wouldn't be able to get the *Daily Chores* achievement. Then I discovered the bug! Even though it says 'over five consecutive days' all you have to do is 5 dailies. So I was able to get it.

Lastily; who else thinks if you can have a prefix and a suffix title would be awesome? I mean, comeon; think of the possibities!

Elder Laeltis the Immortal/Undying
Patron Laeltis the Noble
Ambassador Laeltis the Noble

Catch my drift?
Ambassador Laeltis
Illidan (US)

May 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

Cocopuff your first message was illegible, and you expect us to sit for a couple hours trying to decipher it? You could just learn to type instead of making yourself sound like a 6 year old kid. Please go buy a typing program and learn to type better then a little kid.

May 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkhazzhar

I have been able to complete the Noble Gardener ach on 3 of my higher lvl characters(one was just a couple hours before the event ended:P). I found that this world event was probibly the easies aside from the Hallows End. Since you can do about half the ach just in one area, running in a circle looting the clothing, and eating the chocolate. The travaling was a bit annoying. Since on all 3 characters I did it on, I couldnt find anybody to come to Un'Goro Crater with me for Hard Boiled. I was lucky everytime to find ONE person that was horde there. Overall, it was a pretty fun event.

May 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJustin


I agree a ton that the putting rabbit ears on the females was hard. those female dwarfs are so sneaky>.>

May 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJustin

if you spent hours trying to read my one santance than you have a problem and ill make you a deal ill get a typing program aad learn how to type if you go back to your english teacher or ESL teacher and get some tutoring on how to read

May 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

since blizzard i amking us waait 3 years for the veterannanny i should give some sert cool reward to make worth my while

May 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

@cocopuff's latest post

Most achievements don't give cool rewards; their just nerd points, as they're referred to between me and my friends. The reward is the minipets. You get 6 in three years if you do them in a row, which counts towards the other achievement(meta) *Shop Smart Shop... Pet Smart* or whatever it is called. 6/40 for just one event is pretty nice. Plus you get 50 Achievement points. I've constantly looked over the achievements, and I believe that's the only one that rewards 50 of them.

May 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

@ cocopuff's latest posts

Your making a strong case for us to suspect that your missing a chromosome. If your misspelling the words beyond recognition, leaving out letters (that make it an other word or in some cases just gibberish) or adding extra nonexistent letters into words its not our fault if we can't read it. Its not a lot to ask to check over what you just typed to make it legible. I am by no means a grammar nazi but I teach primary school children with better grammar and spelling.

It will do you good to learn how to type correctly, its essential in many jobs and it makes everyone else life a little easier.

May 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSnaggly

Or at least proofread when your finished.

On a related note, I got the title on 4 toons, 2 of which were level 35. Simply the easiest title to get other than jenkins, just camp eggs fro 2 hours, run around for another hour, and bam! I r nObLe.

actually, there are quite a few orc females on my server. And I got lucky, as there was a dwarf female standing around in dalaran clicking off the bunny ear buff and /loving whoever bunny eared her.

May 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNebyula

Im all for the achievements. But this just didn't interest me as much as i thought it would. I did it for about an hour and at the end of that hour, all i had was about 40 eggs. My patience with the egg hunting was very slim so i dropped it there.

Im not really going for the Violet Proto Drake. Purple has never been my thing. If there's a blue one somewhere in game, please, lemme know so i can start working towards it.

But ya, it was fun for about an hour then it got boring. I can see how you guys enjoyed it, but i just didn't have the patience. Oh well.

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalgorn

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