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Episode 18.9: Naxxramas

Project Lore continues in The Construct wing in 10 man Naxxramas, avoids the broken pipe and jumps down to face Gluth. Will they be able to kill the zombies and take him down in time? Find out in this episode of Project Lore.

Reader Comments (36)

I think you guys should post damage meters after every boss kill would be cool to see how you are doing and I enjoy seeing the comradery between the DPSers on the occasions they are posted. I'm sure who did best on patchwerk would have loved to rub it in a bit =)

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFusoya

Great episode guys, you are ripping Naxx apart lol

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBebble

Great Video! but i agree it seemed a bit too easy for you guys......they should put an achievement in for killing Gluth when only one Decimate happens.

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLemur

Great job guys. I hate this boss only cause I'm usually the one to be asked to kite the stupid zombies.

Grats Josh on your shoulders. I wish I got my shoulders ;_; everytime they drop I lose them to the Warriors...

Btw, what's a good offspec for a druid? It's going to be Resto at 80, but I can't decide if I should off-tank, or DPS for secondary. Any help would be nice.
Ambassador Laeltis
Illidan (US)

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

Juggy On Audio: "Oh was it? I didn't see"
Juggy Behind the Scene: " Woot! Do the Juggy Dance! Oh Yeah!"

Nice eps guys, back to moving my shizz now, just changed apartment for the semester >.<

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShamtastik

Great job!

Glad we got to got to see the AOE kite tactic before they killed him.

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGrido

Heh the capture of the two Hunters in the back with the Death Knight cutting across the screen, and then the zombies following shortly after, that was great.

And Juggy, nice comment on the DPS at the end, "Oh am I?" LOL!

Nice work!

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlight

the adds ruin the episodes..plz can we just do away with them as just pop ups?

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJedda

Grats to Josh for the double purplez

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKagari

Everyone is clearly over geared for NAXX10. It's disappointing that there's absolutely no challenge involved, but I am enjoying them at least trying to achievements when possible.

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSandra

What's with the lack of shades person who is not Corey Hart?

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMathias

I like the adverts, they're informative and actually benefit the Project Lore community (the annoying pop ups and shit don't save you 10% off a really really good web service).

I'd prefer if the vids themselves were more informative, as it's a bit hard to note tactics when you're downing him after one decimate. =p

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean

I'd actually like it if they sorta turned it into a TV show type thing with Adverts in the middle of the episode instead of them popping up at the bottom of the screen.

Like I said previously, good episode and grats on downing him fast. Though I agree with Sean that you should be a little bit more informative. How you discribed the fight, Alex, was albit to brief for the greater casual-raider community.

Plus, they actually showed us why they have the squarespace adverts xD they made the fan guild sites for PL.

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

Once again I'm gonna sit here and QQ about the fact that your podcast is broken and won't upload to my Nano. If you have any suggestions on how to fix this if it's on my end please send them to:

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZurellehkan

I can honestly say that I will never buy anything from Squarespace, and if any of my friends ever ask me about it I will recommend them to go some place else. That's how much I hate their disruptive inane ads on every show I watch online. Project Lore, DL.TV, Hak5, Systm, Tekzilla, etc, etc.

The ads at the start or end of the show don't bother me, but when they interrupt the actual content of their show with what looks like a piece of information, but then actually turns out to be a lengthy ad, then my blood starts to boil.

I hate Squarespace more than liver, Sony, and censorship combined, and I'm sorry to see that this show is now also going to be destroyed by it. I may have to stop watching the show now, or at the very least dig out ye olde video editor to exorcise the ads before I put the episodes into my video collection.

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSphinxer

I was totally "that guy" last night on the PTR lol....fortunately i never died on frogger unlike 3 other people :p

Also (if anyone cares) i did naxx for the first time EVER last night with a pre-made pally (prot specced) never tanked as a pally before but i got it down pretty quick naturally naxx was easy since we had all pre-mades (full T8) only fight that gave us trouble was 4 horsemen because of a nooby mistake on my part but had a cool group that let it slide :-)

Great job PL as always!

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSolarphoenix

if you use the little scroll thingy at the bottom of the screen you can go past what you don't want to see ... that's what i do

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteroogabooga

roflmao @ 8:23 when the DK kites the zeds past Dorkins... Classic... Just classic!

Great series here guys, keep up the good work!!

May 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaoghaire

It is so easy for you guys, which is fun to watch, but a little more information on how the fight works would be great. As for the entertainment value, it was awesome as usual..

May 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMesster

Hey Alex, how come your view zooms in and out on every shot? Either it's a weird mod, or you have ADHD and need to mess with the scrollwheel while you deeps.

I'm mostly curious.

May 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrossatron

Hey what's up with the PL forums ? or is it just my comp ?

May 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCyriss

Wow, that was a quick fight, and no trash to clear, lol.

"By Cyriss on Friday, May 8th, 2009 at 11:41 am

Hey what’s up with the PL forums ? or is it just my comp ?"

It's not just you, it's doing it to me too. Not sure what's up with it.

May 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXian

can anyone help me with a closed account? i didn't do anything, and they closed it. if anyone has any help please email me at alexanderswfan@hotmail.com

May 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjessiness

i am sorry to say taht i am "that guy" last tiem i did that guy i fell of tht pipe twice i never did get past him they third time is th echarm not for me he decimated twice and on teh third time i ran out of stuff to hea me and died teh raid preaty much fell apart to bad i was looking forward to getting sacond piece of my tier gear

May 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

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