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Zarhym Announces Big Mount Changes for 3.2


Blue poster Zarhym on Wednesday night announced some pretty huge mount changes coming up for the next major content patch, 3.2. You'll be able to learn your apprentice, journeyman and expert riding skills all considerably earlier than before and at a reduced cost. As an added bonus, regular flying mounts now will fly at 150% speed, instead of 60%. All of this, Zarhym said, is "to further improve the leveling experience in World of Warcraft."

Here's the breakdown of changes to cost and level requirements, according to what Zarhym posted, with my own notes in italics:

  • Apprentice Riding (Skill 75)

    • 60% land mount speed

    • Requires level 20 - a whole 10 levels earlier

    • Cost: 4 gold - way down from 35g

    • Mount cost: 1 gold - instead of 10g

    • Mail will be sent to players at level 20 guiding them to the riding trainer

  • Journeyman Riding (Skill 150)

    • 100% land mount speed

    • Requires level 40 - OMG 20 levels sooner!

    • Cost: 50 gold - currently 600g

    • Mount cost: 10 gold - down from 100g

    • Mail will be sent to players at level 40 guiding them back to the riding trainer

  • Expert Riding (Skill 225)

    • 150% flying mount speed instead of 60%; 60% land mount speed

    • Requires level 60 - Previously level 70

    • Cost: 600 gold (faction discounts now apply) - currently 800g

    • Mount Cost: 50 gold - down from 100g

    • Can now be learned in Honor Hold (Alliance) or Thrallmar (Horde)

  • Artisan Riding (Skill 300)

    • 280% flying mount speed; 100% land mount speed

    • Requires level 70

    • Cost: 5,000 gold (faction discounts now apply)

    • Mount Cost: 100 gold - instead of 200g

And, after getting lots of questions from other posters about Cold Weather Flying, Zarhym replied that at least that much will "remain unchanged."

It looks to me like these changes will help leveling go quite a bit faster, especially when in many of the wide, open spaces common throughout Azeroth. Not to mention the zones in Outland, too! AND the huge price slashes will mean that it's much less of a hardship for players to pay for mounts, especially for those poor alts. Most people in the forums seem to be pretty ecstatic about the announcement, but there are plenty also who are starting to say that the changes are catered toward the casual player (or that they should have been implemented xx months ago!). But these changes will affect everyone across the board - and in my opinion, it's all for the good. It's not about being lazy when leveling - it's about enjoying the game. And I think for a lot of us, mounts are fun.

Zarhym also announced that the casting time for summoning all mounts will go from its current 3 seconds down to 1.5 seconds. Which, to me, equals a greater chance that I'll be able to get my mount out in time after breaking stealth and before getting attacked. And maybe you also can successfully escape any other baddies heading your way before entering combat. I guess that would "improve the leveling experience" in my book.

Add this to all the other changes coming for Call of the Crusade, and a new battleground, and I'm just giddy. So what does everyone else think about these upcoming changes? FTW? Or FTL?

Reader Comments (94)

I would say FTL. Blizzard should try to make people play more, not less. After the changes you can get mounts without grinding or getting proffesions and even the biggest noobs and goldbeggers can afford it too. At least they're not changing much for level 80s, except the loss of 850g or more by having the mounts allready, which ain't a small amount, even for the rich people.

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWNxManiacMan

Just a note to anyone moaning about wanting their money back or having "wasted money" on mounts - where have you been?? with all the dailys & farming, gold is stupidly easy to come accross these days anyway on my realm I can easily make 1k+ a day with very little effort just time, so please stop moaning about "wanting a refund" for your level 80's!!

Its all about the lower casual players & I think this makes it much easier for them so its a great thing imo - also it might (I say might) just stop some of them begging for gold for mounts! lol

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAddz


"I want my money back that I spent on riding training for all my alts!"

No. Not gonna happen. Shut the hell up about it. Are you even stopping to think about how stupid that sounds? I chalk it up to being the same as every other change they make in this game...if the change doesn't benefit you, then you want something in return. Grow up. I don't hear all the people runnig around on the Baron's mount or the Winterspring Frostsaber or any of the ZG mounts screaming that Blizz should have left the drop rate/rep grind the same and that Blizz should now take their mounts away.

Please, QQers, stop. No one but you and the other QQers care about what you spent on the mounts. You want more gold? GET OFF YOUR DEAD A$$ AND EARN IT!!!

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlawman30


June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBucketface

I quit wow a month ago, after 2 years of playing, having 3 lvl 80s on the same server (Hellfire/EU) making gold was peanuts, through that time I also created and then deleted a lot of alts, 10 or so, all in their 50s -60s so I spent a lot of gold, but i never regreted that fact, even after getting my albino drakes on 2 of my 80s (which costs a lot more time to grind reps than the actual gold) and although I sometimes cursed while I was getting owned in a BG or wiping on any of the raids, gold was never the issue for me to cry about.

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStanleyovicz

kk i like the changes i think itll make everyone happy, but do level 20's really need mounts lol? theyve made it so easy to level that u beraly have to walk to get ur quests done:)

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterangesh

LOL @ all the people asking for a refund. How about this then, if you think it's that unfair. Blizzard goes through all the Auctions you've sold, and finds the lowest price you've sold it for, and gives everyone a refund who bought your items for more then the lowest price you've ever listed for. What's this, you sold Copper Bars for 1 silver a pop pre-Jewelcrafting, but once Jewelcrafting was released, you sold it easily for 1 gold a pop?, time to return 99 silver per bar sold.

Either way, you agreed with the price when you purchased it. Maybe there was an expectation that this way okay because the price would never change, but if you thought that, then you don't understand MMO's very well.

It's called early adoption, you pay more to enjoy something before it becomes more affordable. I'm sure all of you people used those mounts since you've paid for them to help you farm mats or gold quicker, and will still be able to use them to do so up until 3.2, whereas... if someone waits until 3.2 to make their mount purchases to save that gold, well, your not going to farm/level very well on foot.

I love these changes personally, and I look forward to them. I have a few low 50's characters that I may actually level now. Epic Flying is still going to be expensive, but now it's not so mandatory, and regular flying is no longer going to be maddeningly slow (unless you were a DK with certain talents or a Paladin.)

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlight

oh c'mon its so easy for people these days I mean I had to bay 100g for frist riding skill but now it costs 4g I mean c'mon thats not even money you can even beg that money out of players.

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPekko

WHAT!? I just bought level 30 riding/mounts on 3 alts >.<

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKolea

>( I have bought over 20 mounts/flying Mounts the last month, I earned all my money to afford expert and Artisian flying.
Now everything is getting cheaper, maybe to cheap. And journeyman at 40 and expert at 60. That is too early. I hope it is at least a year to these changes.

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPruben

i think these changes are excellent. It actually may get a level 40 paladin friend of mine to join the game again! (he quit a few months ago.)
I just bought my Rogue Alt (Level 61)'s 100% ground speed riding skill YESTERDAY.... so i wasted 600g. awesome! X(

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike Fahy

yeaaa i want my money back.....

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTalcoya

LOL Nice, I have two 50ish alts and a few around 40. I don't think I will be buying flying at 60 since, I'll just wait until 78 when I can fly in Northrend.

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

To the people complaining about that they JUST bought something.

This update wont be around for a few months i think at the earliest it's going in 3.2 which looks like is going to be around blizcon time. So if they would of announced this ealier would you of really waited 3 months to buy it slightly cheaper while your leveling ? i seriously doubt it so stop qqing.

I think the Quicker cast time is greate. And loving the fly speed increase now maybe people wont qq about have a 60% flying mount. And the rare flying mount at 60 should of been done months ago but glad it's on it's way.

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHatredy

My main hope is that this stops some of the begging. As a high level character going through org can be the most annoying because you get these lazy level 1-20s asking for money, and even level 30s asking for mount money. However, with the training being so much cheaper, hopefully people will be able to get there own damn money.

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkhazzhar


June 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterplfanman

I think this is very cool, I do hope that speeds and such are increased for Druids and Shammies. Glad the speed for flying is increasd cuz 60% is so brutally slow. Would be nice if Blizz would stop making gold such an issue so we didnt have to worry about grinding and all the overpricing. I think Warhammer does a better job with not making gold an issue or must have.

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBloodstrong

I like the price reduction, maybe not so much the level change (except for basic flying that's kinda nice). I feel like all the lower level riding skills can be dropped but that epic flying should stay the same, so that still is sort of a status symbol on your dedication.

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

this makes me happy and mad at the same time cause now i can lvl a alt real quick but i feel cheated with all my mains having to lvl through all the large zones walking back and forth i bet i could lvl to 70 with all the changes in half the time it took me to get 70 the first time.

but my main is poor after lending money to a rl friend so the 150% to no epic flyer is very nice

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlalaa

y no price reduction to epic flyer QQ

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdaf

its gonna suck, this game is being made waaaay to easy. Enough with the casual gamers. We know...you like the game to be easy but to the rest of the gamers who are actual gamers and want to get a bang for there buck, stop it!

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenteriDominator

I want my gold back if there going to do this, cuz i spent all of my gold for my mount training and now it's cheaper . I think blizzard show give each toon over 70( and not a DK) 600g for all the mounts, and training they spent.

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSpwany

You guys aren't going to get a refund. Get over it. Just be happy that your alts won't have to pay as much now for their riding training.

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmmadon

i think every1 that paid that extra should get it back, im poor and want gold :)

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPelle

I think this is pretty dumb actually.

Spending time farming gold for your mount really helps you in the long run so you will be better at getting gold for when your max level and need to keep up with gear, gems, enchants, etc.

And yes, we do deserve a refund! ;)

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterConxcore

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