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He Who Screams Loudest Gets Heard

Kicks People Into Bottomless Pits

I've always been a loud talker, very loud in fact.  Unlike most normal human beings I do not possess the ability to whisper.  Instead my whisper is more on par with a normal homo sapien's indoor voice, in that when I whisper, everyone within earshot hears me.  I may have struggled through elementary and middle school with discipline issues, but my lack of quiet talk isn't all bad.  Midway through secondary school I realized that being loud enabled me to grasp the attention of the teacher when I needed it, not just when I was a little out of line (I still raised my hand most of the time though).  In my adult life I have no teachers, but there is another type of authority figure who's attention I need, the developers.  Only now the odds have been raised from being part of two dozen souls, to twelve million.

A loud voice doesn't cut it on the Internet though.  Neither does CAPSLOCK, the equivalent of yelling, so STOP DOING IT.  If you want the attention of the developers, or really anyone on the Internet, your best bet is to be persistent, creative, funny, part of a mob or a jackass who happens to have an accurate point.  You can also combine those to become a persistent, creative, hilarious jackass leader of a mob (Stephen Colbert comes to mind).  Wondering why you should bother acting out to get heard?  It's simple, the developers are a limited commodity, who are only able to do a few things at once.

My point is this, if you see a problem in World of Warcraft and you don't ask for it to be addressed, it's likely to get bumped by something that is perceived to be "more important" or "more wanted."  A perfect, and recent, example would be Wintergrasp.  People from all corners of WoW (due to the solid rewards) have been clamoring for the zone to be fixed.  The sheer mass of QQ lead to numerous attempts across a few patches, but none proved satisfactory for Blizzard or us players.  With the QQ continuing, Blizzard took a final drastic step and overhauled the quest, and therefore a large chunk of the rewards (honor, tokens, gold).  Not exactly what we were looking for, but at least Wintergrasp is more relatively playable now.

Yes, I am giving you a greenlight to complain on the official WoW forums.  If you have an issue with the game, then by all means do an intelligent write up to present your case and post it.  Heck, post it to our forums first if you need help formulating your ideas.  On the flip side, don't belittle other people's concerns (thinking along the lines of the PvP versus PvE battles).  In fact, doing so has a good chance of ruining your own post's credibility.

Speaking of opinions, what do you most want to see corrected in World of Warcraft?  Balance, raid, group, or solo content, PvP, Arena, loot and ilvl?  What has your panties in a bunch?

Reader Comments (29)


June 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkevin

thats my modo bug am till they give me what they wnat i still havent stoped "bitching" as some call it about teh refunds for mounds

June 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

and i dont need no one promision to "bitch"

June 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

oh ya and bieng a jackass never gets your point across atleat not in my book

June 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

even if you do have one

June 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

what i want*

June 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Hey cocopuff maybe before you try to post on a website that thousands of people look at, try learning some grammar. The comments box even has a spell checker... which you obviously ignored.

June 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStabEm

Along with the CAPS LOCK written complains, articles written in bad grammar and without proper punctuation are also a pain in the ass to read, thus more likely to get ignored.

Like StabEm pointed out, cocopuff is a perfect example of a common hard-to-understand writer, while writing with no punctuation, many grammar mistakes, and on 6 separate posts.

It shouldn't be that awful to press the swift button and add periods, hell you can even leave the commas if you want. But your post loses a major readerbase by only starting you first word without a capital letter, just as a friendly advice.

When wanting people to read your opinion you can atleast make the text comfortable for them to read.

No hard feelings bro.

June 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRugi


June 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterscruffy

I agree iTZKooPA, I think one of the best examples of the "loudest gets the most" can be with character balance and talents. Over the years I've seen some classes get the most buffs because they've been the most outspoken on the boards. I've also seen some nerfed due to outspoken complaints for the same reason. Unless we want raids full of nothing but pally's and hunters i think we all need to speak up for our classes :)

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThurogh

It's all in the presentation.

A long, well written post can easily be written off these days as a "tl;dr", whereas some of the most memorable threads are like...


You have to know your audience and know what level of communication is most likely to resonate with the people you most want to convince of your opinion.

That is a good tip for any communication with others, honestly. Know your audience.

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteradmiraljustin

And yet many, many people will entirely ignore a post or comment that consists of a solid block of text, lacking punctuation, grammar and proof-reading.

Catering to your audience is an admirable skill, but when your audience is the moderators and developers at Blizzard, you're probably better off using a little common sense and a dash of proof-reading to get your point across.

Cocopuff is easily one of the most annoying posters amongst the Project Lore blog commentors, mainly due to his entirely cliched elitist fanboyism and his awful grasp on the english language.

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAgadax

well then i accoplished my life goal annoy the crap out pf you and for as long as your're gointo drag out this grammer thing for as long i am gointo "abuse the english language

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

unless you think that if you keep bitchinng about i will change sorry to burst your bubble buti wont infect once i find out something that bothers someone i just do it more

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

One thing Blizzard needs to do:

More instance servers

I mean seriously, they could use a -major- content patch just to release a crap load more instance servers and if anyone complained about that, they'd be pretty freaking stupid. Everyone I know spends at least a half to a whole hour trying to get into the instance/raid they're trying to do for the day, whether it be a heroic or Ulduar or whatever.

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWonocva

lol cocpuff how old are you like 6?

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterangesh

i am 16

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

I'm sticking with 6, you're too dumb to be 16.

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMeadow

Fully agree with Wanocva ! That would be my number one complaint, it's way too hard to get groups for instances. If only there was a way to create servers for lvl groups. That would also take away twinks with the lack of high lvl enchanter's and such, huh huh ! Sounds good to me !

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBamii

I do mainly PvE stuff in the game and it annoys the hell out of me when i cannot get into an instance due to no instance servers.

Also the people who always comment 'First' are retards because nobody cares.

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDave


June 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkieran goldsmith

23rd? err..
I've always been a loud talker aswell, and as im entering ninth grade - im having alot of difficulties, such as not being able to whisper, since the teacher always hears me >.<
So i know how u feel koop :P

It's to bad the loudest players are the Pallys and DKs. Other classes will never get anything their way until the DEV's realize that there is another 50% to their population that needs to be listened to.

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

I myself would like to see a less static world. Something along the lines of the zombie invasion comes to mind. I wish more events like that would happen. The possibilities are endless. I imagine it would be a nightmare for the programmers though.

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCozmus

More instance servers would be great. It gets very frustrating standing out in front of the entrance being told 'No additional instances can be launched at this time - try again later'.

It would also be nice to have a few lower level contested areas with the ability to gain PVP buffs for your faction to help level alts faster. The extra XP from WG control is really nice especially when combined with the BOA Shoulder XP bonus.

@Cocopuff - I would suggest the Spelling Workout and Easy Grammar programs to help your spelling and grammar issues. Decent communications skills are an asset that will help you for a lifetime.

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavrin

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