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Blizzard Teases at Faction-Change Service

Azeroth is quickly becoming the plastic surgery capital of the virtual universe! You can modify your character's name, face, hairstyle, even gender. And soon, you can even completely change which race you play, too! According to a post from Blue Nethaera, Blizzard has finally heeded the call of players who wish to carouse with friends of the opposite faction:
We wanted to give everyone a very early heads-up that, in response to player requests, we’re developing a new service for World of Warcraft that will allow players to change their faction from Alliance to Horde or Horde to Alliance. There’s still much work to do and many details to iron out, but the basic idea is that players will be able to use the service to transform an existing character into a roughly equivalent character of the opposing faction on the same realm. Players who ended up creating and leveling up characters on the opposite factions from their friends have been asking for this type of functionality for some time, and we’re pleased to be getting closer to being able to deliver it.

As with all of the features and services we offer, we intend to incorporate the faction-change service in a way that won’t disrupt the gameplay experience on the realms, and there will be some rules involved with when and how the service can be used. The number of variables involved increases the complexity of implementing this service, but we plan to take the time needed to ensure that it lives up to expectations before officially rolling it out. We’ll go into much more detail on all of this here at http://www.WorldofWarcraft.com as development progresses. In the meantime, we wanted to let you know that because this type of functionality requires extensive internal testing well in advance of release, you may be seeing bits and pieces of the service in the test builds we use for the public test realms moving forward.

This represents the company's boldest step yet in allowing character customization. Blizzard's not kidding when they say that there are a lot of variables to consider when switching one's race, and it goes beyond simple cosmetics. You have to take into account such things as potential shifts in server population. Alliance races, on the whole, are played far more than their Horde equivalents, and on my server it's more than 2-to-1 in their favor. There are already too few people worth playing with, without having to worry about more turning coat and joining the other side.

FOR THE... Alliance? FOR THE... Alliance?

And then there are issues such as race-specific abilities and stat changes that will no doubt occur if you go through with the procedure. While the overall impact might be small (a several-point decrease in Stamina, for instance), it's still something worth thinking about before you make the jump. And what about quests, reputation, or faction-based achievements? Will you have to start from scratch, aside from the gear and items you've already accumulated?

According to Nethaera's post, we may or may not see parts of the new service appear on the PTR, but it seems highly unlikely that it will be implemented in the forthcoming content patch. Nonetheless, if you've ever wanted to hide from people in-game, it won't be very long before someone could potentially erase their footprint from any given server, changing virtually every notable aspect of their character in the process. Interesting prospect for a fictional world, huh?

What do you think, readers? Are you up for this change? Itching to level up with some of your cross-faction friends or simply looking for a different experience altogether? What lasting impact might this have on the underdog Horde? How much would you pay for the ability to wholly modify your race or faction?

Reader Comments (53)

On my server its about 10 to 1: Horde to alliance ratio. I definetely do not thing they should do this.

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVoogle

my 80 rogue my 80 mage and my 80DK are all gnomes and i would not change them for the world i am proud to be part of an elite race i could honnostly care less how they cast or how they swing i find it funny how i can kill things 5 times my size i find the other races kind of boring maby is because i am really short my self

as for all the plastic sergery both MJ and britney spears had plastic sergery look what happen to them. now all thats missing now is class changes then you could just flip a fair coin for to choose your fraction roll a dice to choose your race flip a coin to choose your gender roll a dice to choose your class and the and roll three dice to choose your look and then random your name your not going to be stock with it i dont know about you but for me the hardest thing about making a new character is design it choosing your fraction your race i hope it is easy for you to decide your gender your class your look and then your name cause you dont wanto look like a big turd one of the reason i dont go horde u used actauly have to think about your decisions in wow now everything caan be changed everything can be reversed reguiring minimun thought

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Fuck yes im going alliance, screw you horde! dreanie shammy INC

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEssam

I might take advantage of this. My friend is a die hard Alliance and I don't feel like starting new on a new server. Starting a new toon on the server I am on is different. I have an 80 to fight back any annoying alliance that attack me. I can send myself full netherweave or better bags. And if I ever run out of gold I can have my main send some over.

Now I can just finish leveling one of my toons to 80 and just transfer it over. Curious what the rules about this will be.

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

Horde 'til the day I die. Nothing about the alliance interests me. If I want to see the other side of the game and experience different races, I'll go raid an alliance town and say hello with my axe and follow it up with a pat on the back with my hoof. The only thing I'd possibly be interested in is the ability to change my race. Tauren and Undead are my favorites. If Blizz really wants to make some cash, they could, for a nominal fee, allow people to start a toon at level 55.

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermoophobia

Always thought blizzard could make something, like an alliance, human preferably, was in plaguelands or something, got the plague, and then turned into a forsaken. Then i was thinking, that wouldnt work because you couldnt go the other way, turning forsaken back into a human, or else that would mess up the lore, a cure for the plague!

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyle

this sucks....either all of the good horde are gonna leave for higher populations or all the alliance 10 yr olds r gonna go horde...why o why...

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPinkspear

Well, i think this will be very interesting. Though i think it would be cool if you could only change your faction in this and not your race. Then you can be an orc in an alliance city, alliance will surround you and be like...WTF HE NOT FLAGGED!!! tho, for me, id NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER
switch from Horde to alliance, alliance are all scum!

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCollapsar

Ill be happy when i can make my space goat a moo cow. I dont play him anymore due to the fact that he is alliance but if and when i can make him horde ill start playing him again.

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUnforsaken

It would've been easier to just have the ability to speak to the other faction, easier and cheaper way to experience the immaturity of the Alliance......

j/k, Hooray Alliance, burn in hell!

HORDE bitches

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThorrhan

WOW that us a terrible idea cause if you have gear that only horde can get and you switch whats gunna happen to it plus I don't want children comin over to the horde

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTheblackness

its problematic when you're on a pvp server and have like 10 characters on it, you'd have to change ALL of them to alliance and that would cost you an arm and a leg

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteramidaman

This is a tough one. For my own personal use, i would switch to horde and then back to alliance so i could re-pick my race. Im tired of my dwarf. But i think it would be interesting to be able to switch and experience battlegrounds and raids from the horde point of view.

You also have to consider the population balance. If this goes live and all of a sudden there are no horde/alliance players, how will it be anywhere close to fair?

People will also switch just for the race bonuses. Horde warriors will most likely switch twice to get the tauren stamina buff. just something to think about.

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJumblepie

most horde players i know are under 10 my main realm the horde:alliance ratio is 3:1 i injoy that actualy made pvp very easy the arenas and world pvp though they still suck in BG this may tip the scale to some waht even and i honnostly i dont have a problem with that i injoy a challage but what about the server my rogue is on the number of horde and alliance is preaty much equal what will this do to it ya alliance population could destricly increase it could work vice-versa the ratio could stay some what the same, the alliance players turn horde and horde players will go alliance thier is thiers a 66% chance that this will play out badly i am not liking my odds

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

forgot something

FOR THE ALLIANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

I have a lvl 80 Dwarf Warrior on a PvE server that I quit playing in favor of moving to a PvP server where I now play a (currently) lvl 75 Orc Rogue. The Dwarf is a guild master of a 2 man guild (and the other guy moved to the same PvP server and faction as me). We've been lamenting of late about how much Frostweave and Titansteal are stockpiled in our guild vault on the old server, not to mention Runic potions that our current guild could really make use of. Been toying with the idea of rolling a lowbie Hordling on the PvE realm and manipulating things a bit in the neutral auction house to get those mats and my Dwarf's gold in the hands of a horde toon I can then pay to have moved to my PvP realm and hand it all off to my Rogue... this, if it happens, could eliminate a few steps, but in the end would obviously cost me more real life cash to pull off.

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUhnk

Flames and junk aside, I think the service is, at it's heart a way for people who know one another to try and get together without the grief caused by "rerolling" on your friend's server.
"Hey, Jim. Man I'm bummed."
"Why's that, Fred?"
"We wiped in Ulduar last night, tried for a hard mode challenge and just assed it."
"You play World of Warcraft too? Dude! What server?"
"Horde Troll Shammy on Bloodhoof. You?"
"Damn. Alliance Mage on Silvermoon."
"Wish we could play together."

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyndranigar

is it just me or did kyndranigar senario sunded kind of kinky

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff


June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Just bought a character recustomization >.<

oh and, I'm fine with this change as long as it doesn't make the alliance population on my server spike (it's already 3-1, and I'm horde)

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSathas

Regeardiny my earlier post, my choice is made:

Continue leveling my Forsaken and when the feature is active (Likely after 3.3) Im making him a human for a few reasons:

1) Roleplaying: After the Lich King's defeat, a few (very) forsaken were freed from their undeath. In my case, I'll still be undead "Death Knight" but ill have all my flesh back^^ After witnessing the horrors of the Forsaken, and the resurfacing of the Bloodlust and demonic representation in the Horde, I will secretly defect to the alliance and combat the evils I once called my allies.

2) Varian is a badass

3) They got Thassarian

4) PL is Alliance. All abord the crew train!

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOctaviax

I think it's a stupid move, peeps won't think about what faction they pick anymore cause in the end u can change it, just like your hair etc. It's not cool if u change from faction, u picked a faction and stick with it. Blizzard really have to watch out with what they are doing, a lot of peeps won't like this change. And why would a horde go alliance anyway, only if he's as gay as they are.
If u regret you picked an alliance or horde, too bad for u, should have thought better bout your choice.

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndonur

@ cocopuff

U suck.

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndonur

what will come? change games? change from blizz to THQ? and then! when will the changing stop?!

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpim

I would prolly guesse that it would likley be more of a betrayal of once faction, and u will still be ike human that goes for horde, and all will be happy XD

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterwarfather

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