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Engineering Changes in Patch 3.2


I am now officially dropping Herbalism for Engineering. With this latest round of changes that will soon be reflected on the PTR, even if only a few of them make it to the live servers, there are so many cool benefits to Engineering over other professions - the way Engineering should be! Zarhym posted this on the forums today:

  • Added a new Mind Amplification Dish attachment for helmets, allowing engineers to control other humanoid targets. Some restrictions apply: does not work in Arenas, dish sometimes reverses targets, unable to stack with other stat-improving head enchantments and makes your helmet look... stylish?

  • Added a schematic for a Goblin Welding Beam that can heal friendly mechanical or vehicle units.

  • Alarm-o-Bot functionality changed. Materials required reduced.

  • Box of Bombs no longer requires an anvil.

  • The Cobalt Frag Bomb now incapacitates enemies within a 3-yard radius. A short cast time was added, but they are usable while moving. This change applies to any Cobalt Frag Bombs already created. The existing recipe now makes 3 at a time.

  • Engineers can now learn to create a portable Wormhole Generator for Northrend. The Wormhole allows them to travel to different locations in Northrend, although the locations are sometimes in dangerous places.

  • Increased benefits from Hyperspeed Accelerators, Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket and Reticulated Armor Webbing glove modifications.

  • Increased the passive bonuses provided by Springy Arachnoweave, Flexweave Underlay and Nitro Boosts.

  • Increased siege damage caused by Saronite Bombs and the Global Thermal Sapper Charge.

  • Mote Extractor now has innate tracking for gas clouds while it is in your inventory. Tracking of gas clouds has been removed from goggles.

  • A new repair bot has been added, and his name is Jeeves. He is the ultimate gentleman robot butler, able to perform all the mundane tasks of repairing, selling and buying junk for your entire raid. Additionally, he can open bank boxes for skilled engineers (350+). Jeeves is not destroyed when used, but due to pressing engagements, can only be summoned once an hour. The schematic for this handsome robot was said to be hidden within the parts of another robot – hoping to be found by an engineer one day.

  • Nitro Boosts: Now have a 5-second duration.

  • Potion Injectors now increase the amount gained by 25% when used by engineers. Quantity produced by recipes for Runic Healing and Mana Injectors has been increased.

  • Reduced the materials needed to create all engineering Dragonlings, and reduced their cooldowns, although they still cannot be used in Arenas.

  • Significantly reduced the cooldown on MOLL-E.

  • The Spynocular belt attachment has been changed to a Frag Belt. The Frag Belt periodically produces a Cobalt Frag Bomb that can be used from the belt every 10 minutes (never runs out!).

  • A Steam-Powered Auctioneer has been added to the Dalaran Like Clockwork engineering shop, allowing access to one's faction Auction House. The Steam-Powered Auctioneer was programmed with a superiority chip, and will only interact with Grand Master engineers.

  • Transporter devices are no longer classified as trinkets and can be used directly from your inventory.

  • The Ultrasafe Bullet Machine and Saronite Arrow Maker schematics have been simplified to create a full stack of the appropriate ammunition. No longer requires an anvil. Reduced the materials required to make this ammunition.

The biggest change is that Grand Master Engineers can access their faction's Auction House at the Dalaran Engineering shop "Like Clockwork". This is huge. Engineers no longer need to make their shopping lists before grabbing a portal to Orgrimmar or Ironforge and making sure their Hearthstone is up. Another great change is a reusable repair bot that also offers Engineers access to their bank on an hour-long cooldown. This is amazing - if you ever have gotten full bags and had to weigh what you want to destroy to get bag space, this is a godsend. The new Northrend Wormhole generators, as well as the ability to use these items without equipping them, gives Engineers such a huge boost in convenience that I just can't pass it up.

The Nitro-boosts and Pyro-Rockets are perhaps the best profession buff for rogues, and giving rogues wipe-prevention with vanish and jumper cables is sure to make me a group favorite. What do you think? Is this enough to put Engineering on par with other professions?

Reader Comments (30)

time to go engineering..

there shall be no firsts on this one !!

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUnholy

engineer is still lame. if you want to maximize your dps/tanking/healing stats for raids then engineering is a waste, especially for mains. for alts, a diff story...fun little gadgets.

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdps


June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDefkon

Engineering is still awful for arena.

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAz

Now Engineers only need daily quest then were set! :D

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZoesiphir

REPAIR BOT?!?!?!??!?! FINALLY! seriously, now i wont have to leave the raid/dungeon to go repair, this is amazing.

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBorbock

Engineering has always been the FUN profession.

C'mon! Your own slave Jeeves? That is rad!

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos

well we've already had repair bot but i think that the permanent ones will be a great addition now we need lvl 80 goggles XD

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterchris

Bag of toys.

Where are the super goggles? Where is the skill that noone else can get that helps YOU in a raid? Who cares if you can pop up a repair bot... Only worthless retards that don't repair before raids even need those.

For example.... what conceivable reason would I choose "The Spynocular belt attachment has been changed to a Frag Belt. The Frag Belt periodically produces a Cobalt Frag Bomb that can be used from the belt every 10 minutes (never runs out!)." over an Eternal Beltbuckle... which allows the addition of an extra gem.

Jumper Cables have always been a joke. Pyro Rockets? Put a real enchant there.

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIiene of Kul Tiras

@ liene

You can have an Engi enchant and Buckle on the same belt. I have both on my current belt.

Engineer only Dal AH ftw.

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBobCharabini

I stand corrected, you can have an Eternal Beltbuckle AND a spynoculars/Frag belt at the same time.

Doesn't make it more useful.

The only real benefit for engineers in the past was the goggles. Where are the T8.5 goggles?

Oh wait... those goggles need to be T9. T8.5 head will be available through heroics.

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIiene of Kul Tiras

Repair bot already exists... 'Jeeves'™ is another repair bot.

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

"there are so many cool benefits to Engineering over other professions - the way Engineering should be! "

Why should Engineering be better than any other proffession? I find these changes ridicilously unfair towards other proffessions!

Yes, I agree that Engineering should be on par with other proffessions, and that it might've not been in Wotlk, but why should engineers get overly rewarded because of this? Bank, auction house, dps-increasing gadgets, utility gadgets, extra essence-income - all this in ADDITION to stuff that other proffessions get, like unique item enhancements and unique epic items.

I have Inscription and I've liked it so far. But the only unique things I get are a shoulder enhcant and a HS-scroll on 15min cd. Where's my extra glyph slot that was promised when wotlk was in beta?!


June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVeppy

We have unique epic items? You mean those guns that you can't use unless your a hunter? Engineering as never really helped me at all in game. We now finally get things that help us and you bitch and complain.

I am glad that I can get the most out of engineering. But we do not make money with engineering. At least I have never have.

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCrosis The Pally

I love how the only thing that matters is if a profession improves DPS or healing or tanking ability or something.

Elitists for the win *Coughs* LOSE!

Engineering just got a huge awesome upgrade of epic with cool items. I've never hated this profession, and I find it hilarious people base professions off of the PvE/PvP benefit.

I'm not denying that it's fair to not have any when other professions have one, but come on. Take a profession because you like it, not because you're doing some not-important amount of DPS less than the people in your raid group.

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWonocva

With the hint that the Jeeves schematic "drops off of another robot" they probably mean Mimiron. How many people will actually get to use this? Not many. Crap. That sounded cool.

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlawman30

Well Lawman there are other constructs that, when defeated have engineerable corpses. So lets just hope that it's XT or Flame Leviathon, Cause yeah Mimiron sucks.

Engineering is fun if not just for its asthetics. Now they are putting more practical use items in it for us. But saddly I still don't see how we are going to make any gold. I don't see why as an engineer, why shouldn't I get a percentage of the gold raid members pay to repair bot back in my pocket.

Good luck n good hunting to you all,
~For the Horde~

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFilobetto

"The biggest change is that Grand Master Engineers can access their faction’s Auction House at the Dalaran Engineering shop “Like Clockwork”. This is huge."

How bout just making a bank alt, sending all your mats to him to sell, and have him run the auction house. now, the auction house is only a mailbox away, instead of making a big journey

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStevo

WOW! im an engy. YES!!!!

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbelfhunter

btw im a space goat go fig

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbelfhunter

thats finnal time to go work on engineering. Engineer Dal AH FTW, mind control dish, AWSOME, i finnaly can make opposing players go into the lava in BRD when i run people. and the addition of frag mine belts awsome finnaly something worth while for tanks.

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterQuilan

finally engi's get buffed and do i like it? FK YEA! so worth the endless hours of farming engineering skills with my hunter <3

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrian

These changes are pretty exciting to be sure. However, they really seemed to have slacked off on the Goblin/Gnomish Engineering. There is really no compelling reason to make the choice with my Shaman, whom I just picked up Engineering this month. I'm excited though, that Blizzard has really taken a serious pass at Engineering. They did pretty much have egg on their face after designing Ulduar with a lot of tech in it and no Engineering drops. It is nice to see Engineering with the gear enchants though, that really convinced me that Engineering was more then just flashy but overall useless gadgets, these new proposed changes just really make it mandatory again for anyone who once loved Engineering.

@Veppy - He said "cool benefits" not benefits all by itself. Cool little tidbit gadgets that Engineers have always enjoyed, that provide either a little quality of life bonus (like the repair bots or AH in Dalaran) .

Not going to help you tank/heal/DPS better, but just helps the profession feel cool. The other professions have always been pretty straight forward, while Engineering was about fun toys... even if they occasionally backfired on ya. However, the enchant stat bonuses are nice now, as I can still have my Parachute cloak without gimping myself.

@Crosis - We also get Epic Goggles. Those goggles are beyond awesome at level 72 if you can make them then.

Also, the Zapthrottle Mote Extractor allows us to farm motes and crystalized elements faster then most other professions and can be a good money maker. I got 9 Eternal Fires and 3 Eternal Waters in about an hour of farming since I was running low on Fires. According to Wowhead.com the average buyout for Fires is 30 gold, and 10 gold for the waters each, so that's 300 gold if I wanted to sell them. Plus we now can make the motrorcycles and sell them to non-eningeers, however, depending on your server the profit on these can be pretty limited.

Overcharged Capacitors are needed for an Alliance quest and like the Mithril Casings, can be sold for a good profit, depending on how many other engineers are trying the same thing.

@Steveo - the bank alt doesn't help you at all when your no where near a mailbox and need to unload. I've been leveling up my Shaman (who is also an engineer now) recently and I always seem to reach a point when doing heavy level grinding where I just am too full on stuff I'm keeping to use later on. Sure, if I just remember to drop it off when I'm at a mailbox I'd be ok, but I do tend to forget until I hear "I cannot carry anymore!"

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlight

i so happy i a engineering

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhachelin

seriously...don't pick engineering!
- in 3.2 your squire will be a bank and mailbox for you,so that's 2 things less useful for you.
- the goggles are pure aweful and are replaced by your first raid drop.
- With an epic flyer,there's always some place close where you can sell stuff, not to mention that you lose alot more bagspace having engineering than you gain for the bot.
- The bombs are a waste of GCD mostly
- The mindcontrol thing? great! people will really like it that you can mind control the guys a Razuvious..oh wait there's a huge CD and big chance it fails. not to mention the gold you lose from switching the MC thing with an enchant
- cloak enchant? maybe... but where's the tank one?
- glove enchants? barely any better than the enchanting ones and since they give no additional gain
- the wormholes and AH do seem fun,but I prefer to avoid dalaran when I can.
- the belt seems nice,if it stacks with belt buckle
All in all,I rly hope we get something like the +40stats any other prof is getting, the only reason I haven't changed is the amount of money I used in leveling it

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterReyson

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