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Making A Killing With The Argent Tournament

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So I’m sure you will be all calling me very late to the party on this one, but I made a personal discovery recently. This discovery is just how profitable the Argent Tournament dailies can be!

I have never been a big fan of doing dailies, they have always seemed a bit too much like work to me. In fact there has historically only been 3 dailies I will ever do, those are the fishing, cooking, and jewelcrafting dailies. Beyond that, I would rather drum up my repair gold elsewhere.

Well with the recent news that Paladins would be getting an exclusive mount for obtaining the “Crusader” title, I had to give the tournament a try; after all I am a sucker for mounts!

Once I grinded myself up to champion with my home faction, the Exodar, my eyes were opened to the huge amount of gold you could acquire just but making the Argent Tournament part of your daily routine.

It doesn’t take long to realize that many of the quests offered by both the champion quest givers and the valiant quest givers overlap. If you are killing 15 scourge for the champions you are likely to kill 10 scourge for the valiant’s at the same time. In addition to the cash you get for the quest rewards, if you are exalted with all factions like I am, you can pick up the champions purse for more gold and a chance at an additional champions seal.

While I am on the topic of champions seals, collecting these is a great way to pad your bank account as well, as they can be turned in for BoE pets that can catch a hefty sum on the AH or in trade. On my server these pets are averaging 1000g gold a piece. Figure 40 champions seals equals one pet, and simple math would value these seals at 25 gold each. Add that to the cash from two quest rewards (20g) and the purse (10g) and a few of these dailies will net you between 55-80g per quest!

I know the Argent Tournament has been covered on Project Lore before, but I really want to stress the money making potential of these quests! For a more complete guide on the Argent Tournament, but sure to check out iTZKooPA’s awesome guide on all of the quests!

If you have been oblivious to this whole racket, like myself, get out there and fund your repairs! There is gold to be made!

Reader Comments (23)

The only problem with this is that once you reached Exalted with the home reps, you cannot do them again! it sucks because I hit over 4k gold before having my lifeline to riches sliced.

July 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlex van Almelo

Im on the last faction now which is the Forsaken and i dont plan to turn in the vailiants charge quest because the extra gold per vailiant quest easily makes up to another 40g per day just by them alone and then combine em with the champion ones and your away

July 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRyac

if you do these dailies, check the guide at www.qlipwow.blogspot.com, dont think thers anything mising from it tbh

July 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrandy

Ya, I have been doing these dailies for a while now, got my epic iLvl 200 Sword of the Sin'Dorei, and no working on saving my Marks for the Heirloom Chest Pieces that will be coming out in 3.2 As far as losing that source of gold from the valiants quests, I am doing all my factions (So far Exalted Champion with Silvermoon (Home Faction), Undercity, Orgrimmar, and working on Senjin now, then off to Thunder Bluff), but leaving the last one at the 25/25 Marks of the Valiant until 3.2 comes out that way I have the instant "Crusader" title, and the ability to go for the new dailies, but also have not lost any gold from turning in my last faction too early. I think it is a sound plan, but what do I know, lol.

thats right "thar's gold n dem hills".

I was avoiding that place as well, but since the next patch is pretty much going to that spot I figured I should head that way. target self /bonk!! What the heck was I thinking wait on going there. Now I am playing catch up, but can't complain too much since it is my own fault for not going there.

Thanks for the reminder, off to do dailies.

July 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRogue4Life

Yes i have been doing them every day once i hit 77 there great once i hit 80 i got all the epic items!! There great for people who are need some gear till they start running heroics and then get the Tier stuff.

July 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGimly

yea ive been doing all the dailies and now am exalted with every city and selling the pets and making a ton of money. i actually refuse to become a champion of stormwind though because it was the last city i did and no way do i want to lose an extra 3-4 dailies a day so i have about 70 valiant seals saved and waiting to turn them in when 3.2 comes out

July 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTalcoya

I'm saving the Champion's seals for the next patch,Apparently you can use them to get gear when 3.2 comes out

July 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHelsing

When it came to the argent tournament dailies i always had trouble with it. i could never get the sword fit for a champion when i tried it on my 80 undead warrior. but after seeing how dorkins does it i am willing to give it another shot when i hit 80 on my alliance toon which he is only half way there with exp. and seeing everything i could get from it, will really help for when i get ready to do heroics and raids.

July 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWhathappens

I accidentally turned in the last valiant faction.

With 137 valiant seals.

July 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean

Icecrown has a wealth of dailies that award from 10-13g per turn in. I have a routine setup that all my alts grind through. They each do their profession dailies (cooking and fishing for them all, and one of them does the JCing daily as well). From there its off to the argent tournament (none of my characters has the valiant quests anymore, having all gotten turned in). I do the 4 dailies there, then the 2 offered by the goblins, I follow that up with a visit to the Airship where I pick up every daily there, then the dailies by the vanguard troops near the Vyrkul city, with those done I take the PvP Quest to place a flag on the top of the mountain there in the city, and then its off to the Ebon Blade dailies and doing those. By the end I have done all 25 quests for the day and netted a tidy sum in gold (twice I have even gotten BoE Epics to drop while doing the dailies) and I only had to leave the zone for the 2 goblin quests from the tournament.

July 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChessie

picking up ALL of the dailies here is just too easy. I can pretty much knock out all of them in less than a half hour. on my server its not hard at all to find two more eager people to go kill chillmaw and then fly south killing 15 scourge on the way to the citadel daily(s). 170g in 30 min is just to easy TYVM blizz. i will not turn in my last faction until 3.2 drops maybe i'll have my Reins of the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth.

July 19, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdrainoboy

If you just dinged 77, you should - unlock Argent Vanguard (nice helm), unlock Shadow Vault (dailies and good DPS gear plus head dps glyph), unlock Tournament (dailies and some good gear) and unlock Sons of Hodir (dailies and new shoulder chant at exalted). Doing these will level you the rest of the way to 80 in no time and net you some nice gear/gold on the way.

I like doing the Argent Dailies because I get to become exalted in all the cities in just a few days of questing, and because of it, I'm 2 mounts away from the 10 mount achievement. Plus, the rep for Silver Covenant, Alliance Vanguard, and Argent Crusade all go up so much that essentially you can get exalted with these three sections as well! I just love the tourney ^.^

July 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAzurienatei

"add that to the cash from two quest rewards (20g) and the purse (10g)"

it's actually 26g for the two quests. not something to get crazy over, but with how often you do these quests and the fact that there are 2 sets the overlap, the g adds up quick.

July 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlightear

By Alex van Almelo on Friday, July 17th, 2009 at 3:08 pm

The only problem with this is that once you reached Exalted with the home reps, you cannot do them again! it sucks because I hit over 4k gold before having my lifeline to riches sliced.

WRONG!! First of all it has nothing to do with being exalted but you probably meant exalted champion of..

My advice - don't become a champion for the 5th fraction. I am not a crusader but at least I can still run Ebony Crusade Combo (kill 15 scourge, kill 10 scourge, plant 15 banners). So what if I have 40 valiant seals...

July 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergrgr

Once patch 3.2 comes out there will be extra dailies for people who are champions of all 5 factions so there will be no financial disadvantage for players who can't do the valiant dailies any more.

July 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDragoro

If you're a person who likes doing quests, yes, this place is excellent to make gold from, especially if you pick up the Ebon Hold dailies from just over the mountain.

You're looking at close to 15 quests to complete in one sitting that can net you 13g64s and up! This math is based on the lowest amount possible, but that's a minimum of 204g60s per run!

Not to mention the vendor trash and the stuff you can drop on the AH.

This also has the added bonus of allowing you to complete the 1000 Daily Quests achievement that much faster. I, myself, need only 124 more to see the tell-tale whoosh.

So, again with simple math, 205g minimum per day and by the weekend you're looking at 1,425g. By the end of the month you're looking at 5,740g.

By then, you may have hit Exalted Champion with one faction, but only if you turn in the Valiant's Charge. Keep collecting. Then, when you're finally bored with it all, turn them in and move on to the next faction. Rinse and repeat.

Figuring the sale of pets (by no means limit yourself to just one example of each pet) and the items you pick up to vendor and or sell on the AH (maybe even your early morning grinding for leather/herbs/ore), by the end of the month you can easily find yourself with 20k gold more than what you started with.

When was the last time you saw 20,000g in your bag?

And I am not talking to you mindless freaks who only grind and play the AH market everyday. I am talking to the raider and the casual gamer like myself.

And this is not counting the money from raids, or other quests picked up here and there... and the occasional rare elite kill.

That can easily top the 30K gold range. That's enough gold to buy all the upgrades, gems, and enchants you may want, with gold left over for the Traveller's Tundra Mammoth. Grind a little more and you can finance the purchase of the Mekgineer Chopper.

Life is good ^_^

July 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

Basically, the Argent Crusade is the new Isle. The Isle of Quel'Danas was THE place for daily quests pre-Wrath and by far one of the best patches Blizzard had implemented.

A little note... leave yer last Valiant faction as one of the ones closest to the door (Exodar or Gnomeregan for Alliance). Just a few less steps each day to getting the quests.

I'm in the same boat as some others here, 131 Valiant Seals, with all Alliance factions at Exalted. Will Champion Gnomeregan on my Paladin when 3.2 hits and get the Crusader title, which is perfect for a Paladin, and it's been hard not getting it this whole time. For me, that title is really tempting!

With my Shaman, I started them at level 77, and I recommend everyone starting them on any leveling up characters at 77. You can level up off these quests relatively quickly, and, by supplementing other questing with these daily quests, you can save up other quests (I had all of Storm Peaks and Sholazar Basin available) to do once you hit level 80 which will allow you to get an increased amount of gold by running through them in a fairly short amount of time. Since you can only do so many daily quests a day, your limited there, but you can do as many of the Northrend normal quests as you have available to you.

Doing that, you can easily either purchase an Epic Flying mount or PvP Blue set, and/or some Epic Crafted armor once you hit level 80.

Also, the rep generally isn't as valuable at this point as the gold from the Champion's Purse. Unless you really can't wait to get that faction specific mount. Perhaps once 3.2 hits, you'll want to have all the factions Championed and Exalted for the followup quests (I'm not entirely sure of the details) but taking the Writ is just daft at this point.

July 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlight

"Doing that, you can easily either purchase an Epic Flying mount or PvP Blue set, and/or some Epic Crafted armor once you hit level 80."

That's to say, once you hit 80 and complete all the unfinished quests you have in all the Northrend zones.

July 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlight

Definitely agree with you there bast, there is definitely some money to be had. Also for newer people to the game who were just trying to vault up to 80 as quickly as possible and missed getting exalted with the big city factions (like myself) this is a great opportunity to do so by purchasing commendations with champion's writs after becoming valiants with all the factions. A lot better than farming runecloth, lol.

July 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGaleandoril

i quit doing them, they got old really fast, i mine

July 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyle

"i quit doing them, they got old really fast, i mine"

And mining don't get old really fast?


July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCurtis

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