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Wishful Thinking: Neutral Faction

Could These Be The Faces Of The Future? Could These Be The Faces Of The Future?

Ever since MMO-Champion.com dug up those stupid masks the corner of the Internet that is home to WoW has been a storm of investigation.  Shortly after discovering the pair of Worgen and Goblins masks another four pairs, Naga, Ogre, Murloc, Vrykul were found.  The discovery dosed the fire surrounding Horde Goblins and Alliance Worgen, while at the same time fueling the idea of a third faction being introduced to World of Warcraft.

In my opinion two factions suck.  Few games have implemented just a pair of competitors successfully.  This is in large part due to the grass is always greener effect.  If you are beaten badly by the opposing team, then the developer likes them more, they are overpowered or there are population problems.  Some of the complaints are certainly real, but one way developers, including Blizzard itself, has skirted the issue is by having more than two factions (see Starcraft's three factions and Warcraft III's four).  As such, I would love to see a third faction, but I don't expect it to play out as many would have us believe.

Most of what I have seen points to the neutral faction being one in name only.  That somewhere down the line you would chose who to fight for, Alliance (obviously) or Horde (fail).  It sounds absolutely awesome, and I would love to see it happen, but I doubt it.  To implement this Blizzard would have to drastically change the stance on factions, again.  Specifically, the company would have to allow players to have characters of different factions on the same server (already allowed on non-PvP servers).  Otherwise my Goblin (duh) could never be truly neutral if Solidexplosion was forced to select Alliance down the road because of Solidsamm's and Solidsagart's affiliations.

But that doesn't mean I don't see a neutral faction happening.  In fact I wrote the unique classes hoping this could come to fruition.  Blizzard could easily implement a third faction (based on the masks no less), one that stays out of the Alliance-Horde affairs.  One that watches from the sidelines offering refugee for any that may require it.  One that I will label as the "Swiss" faction.  These non-aggressors will act as diplomats between the warring sides, while still contributing to the often combined goals of said sides, such as killing the Lich King.  In the long run there'd be more work needed to create a separate entity, but the new content should be far more appreciated than tacking on a choice down the road.

Certainly if a neutral faction was to happen, the cash flush Goblins would be the race in charge, with the battle hardened Worgen, brutal Ogres, and the swarm happy Murlocs lending a helping hand.  The multi-talented Vrykul are new to Warcraft, so their addition as a playable class would annoy this purist.  After how many times I creeped them, or grinded them for reputation, I believe the fifth slot should go to the furry Furbolgs.

And yes, I know I ignored the Naga masks.  While there could be some sort of Forsaken-type branch or tribe, I write off their addition to the line-up of Hallow's End fun to the fact that they are the incoming bad guys.

Again, I'd love it if Blizzard makes me eat this post with a side of 'in your face,' but I just don't see Blizzard revamping the PvP servers to allow them to go cross faction.  It'd be a bit of work, just for a choice down the line.  But they have done crazier things.  Speaking of the choice, let's hope it'll be a cool, lengthy quest line to prove your allegiance.

What would some of the racial benefits be?  Goblins get extra gold from kills, Murloc has higher level fishing, and Ogres get, umm, kaleidoscope vision?  What is more likely, the labor intensive relative to reward faction choosing, or an entirely new faction?  What about blending the two, letting you chose a side, or remaining in the new faction?  That'd be interesting.

Reader Comments (42)

Personally, I think having a neutral or choose-your-faction based group would be terrible. Some people may think it's cool, but I just think it sounds terrible. Faction selection should remain when you create a character, not after it's made in my opinion.

But that's just my opinion, not everyone's.

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRikaku

i think it could work its way into the storyline quite easily. you could start off doin quests to get your own faction going, then do quests from either or both existing factions, slowly uniting the two together. then, when it came time to face arthas (or his expansion's equivalent) all 3 factions would be united on one huge front. existing factions could do quests with the neutral faction to further the storyline.

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlbullno

i think mmo champion are just being stupid, thinking they are playable champion, there just masks they dont tell the future, if there was a neutral faction would they be friendly to both allies and horde? because thats kinda stupid.

plus they would have to redo all of the pvp to include this fake faction.

so i think these are just masks, nothing more, nothing less.

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbillybob

My problem with the idea of a new faction is that all the characters are going to start from 1 so no one on that faction would have a shot at a server first kill or the like.

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMaumi

OMG imagine a DK naga. Badass

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterassface

Maybe they could do on PvP servers that if you already have for example a Horde character and decide to make one for the neutral you could only switch your neutral character to Horde or just stay in the neutral one, and if you like your neutral character enough you could delete your old horde character or transfer it to another realm and then if you want you can switch your neutral character to alliance side

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlyfanitor

imo, a neutral faction will never happen. if you could play a goblin and then after doing all the opening quests you get to choose what faction you want to side with it would mess with a mechanic that is significantly important: in wow and just about every other mmo, their needs to be a recognizable enemy. example, if you play alliance and you see an orc running around, you know hes horde. if you play ally and you see a goblin running around you don't instantly know if hes on your side or not. I have to agree with the guys and girls over at wow.com and say that a neutral faction is not ever going to happen. sorry to burst your bubbles but this wont ever happen. As for the masks i think its just blizzards way of screwing with us. I wouldnt mind a playable worgen, but having a playable goblin would mess with alot of things. Booty bay etc.

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterveldoran

First off Neutral Faction is just a bad way of phrasing it. Third faction, or even, "vague coalition of remaining humanoids and semi humanoids that are neither Horde nor Alliance (technically Grand Alliance, even) but forming a third presumably interested party" fare better. For that matter, the Alliance's shortened name makes naming a third faction difficult. Grand Alliance versus Outcast Alliance, anyone?

Second, this is something I have talked to my friends about for as long as I've been playing the game. I will also add, that I am currently in favor of having the third faction wait for an upcoming update. I wasn't originally, but I have to admit a certain appeal to working it into Lore somehow rather than just throwing another faction out there.

Third, before i see a third faction, I would like to see the ability to fall out of favour with your home faction. Seriously, we have Druids of all kinds working together, a Blood Elf and Draenei routinely spouting background chatter in the Underbelly, and NPCs that seem to be able to (a) learn opposing faction languages (How DID the Sin'Dorei and Forsaken forget common human exactly, anyway) and (b) put aside factionary differences in order to do other things (admittedly, more Druids than anyone else, but hey, who's counting?) It would be especially nice in RP servers. Granted, RP is limitted (player actions have no real, lasting effect on the game world. Lack of language learning mechanics. The fact that RP servers are just glorified normal servers anymore. You can't just attack anyone in your own faction whenever you like. etc...), but what better place to implement Horde humans, Alliance Tauren, Third Party Allied Naga, and whatever else?

I know that most of this stuff just isn't going to happen. Coding limits among other factors limiting, but as long as we're speculating (and perhaps dreaming?), why not speculate large?

And finally (ourth), why not allow players to join existing groups? Not like titles (Guardian of Cenarius, for example), but third party groups such as the Cenarion Circle, or perhaps the Sunreavers? All could give a guild name type title, and could give other benefits as well? Perhaps by "joining" the Argent Crusade you gain some sort of buff dependent upon your rep with them, or perhaps even an ability to enact a kind of "diplomatic immunity" shield where you cannot attack or be attacked by other players while the shield holds? There are lots of existing groups that are already sort of mini-factions, and many possibilities therein.

the Uthers

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUthers

dont you guys think that it will still take A LONG time to a new expansion?
that starting to play the game is expensive already?
that you are making way too many topics about the same?

its not even here and im sick of it already

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrial

i dont think th expansion will turn out very good until blizz has china playing again. 6million people times $15 a mont is a major loss.

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFuzzy

i would love a 3rd faction and think it would add an awesome element to the game. two party systems are never good, bring that third person (faction) in to mix things up!!!!!!

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMoophobia

I would love to be able to do this crazy long quest and be exiled by my current faction because of something stupid I did in the quest. (Saved a captured Alliance that was wanted for some crime or something) and then forcing you to start grinding the opposite faction rep to be able to go into their cities. Start out at hated like you already are and you have to grind rep with every city you want to go it. I realize it would be a pain in the ass to people who don't play much or something but for someone who absolutely loved the KotoR Good/Evil meter and how much work went into being one or the other I could really get into it.

They also need to add an option of learning other languages.....I want to be more than bi-lingual

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

DEATH KNIGHT murlok: ARRAGHRHAGHRGH(Army of the dead)

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMontes

I was thinking an easy way bliz could do a 3rd faction is rep. I mean theres already tons of it now, you do quest for horde and kill alliance looks like your with the horde and vice versa with alliance. And bliz really have done crazier things i dont think its out of the question

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterassface

i don't think it would work if u chose a race and then chose a faction because there would be horde and alliance worgans, or goblins killing each other and it would confuse many people in pvp.

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhigy

MMO Champion is just a troll, they wanted to start something and they did.

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMr.Vincent

oh wow, they would totally have to reconsider battlegrounds with a third faction. That would be the major drawback from introducing a third faction, i would think...
Sounds great, I can't wait to roll a worgen!

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStevo

I am against there being a so-called "third faction" for one reason only: The current lore would not support it, meaning that there'd have to be yet another ret-con of some sort. I say keep the lore the way it is; one ret-con is bad enough.

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

A Neutral Faction or "choose-your on faction" will NEVER HAPPEN! Why? Blizzard has said so, and think of all the problems it would have (mainly from PVP)

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOctaviax

Well, the "choose your faction" feature will, in fact, never happen...orcs roaming around Stormwind? nay...

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWittgenstein

i doubt a "choose your faction" type thing would be included... but i dont see why a neutral faction wouldnt be put in. id love to make a worgen.
and to the people that say it would be confusing in pvp... all you gotta do is look for red names. lol.

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrekraijin

If anyone wanted to know the 'name' of the third faction, easily it'd be: 'Cartel'.
Those goblin already employ ogres, naga and murlocs for their endeavors (as well as humans and gnolls).

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyndranigar

yea the current lore would not alove any of the stuff mantioned above to waht do you do ? make something up the third fracion wouldent be to hard to include and only the third fraction should be able to choose the fraction to alighn with like scribes/aldor in shatrath and blizz would have to introduce a new liine of classes it odesnt make any sance to see a DK naga or murlock or worgen i think theirs a very good cahnce that blizz might do this day did it before except this is going to be on a larger scale how ever it will cause lots of confusion

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Third faction or new playable races that should be added.

I think:
Worgen (still cool has bedrock can be playable and could be both horde or alliance)
Goblin (i'm not a big fan of the short guys in this game, but they could be both horde or alliance)
Vry'kul (yes. Although they seem more like alliance since they are basically a primitive species of human)
Pandaren (Blizzard has stated that they want to open up old world. Pandaria has to be opened just above Stonetalon. They would be more on the horde)
Iron or Wildhammer Dwarf (every faction needs either an elf or dwarf...alliance you are so lucky)

Honestly i'd like to see more races and if they just added 2 new races per faction(Horde gets goblin and pandaren Alliance gets vry'kul and worgen. this would give each faction both 1 new druid race) I'd be fine

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSancterus

I would not bet on a third faction due to that fact that it is easier to pvp with 2 sides.

Still if they made a third faction then why not make a fourth to have like horde vs alliance and 3th faction vs 4th faction.

And i have kinda a problem with making goblins a horde because they only join the guy with the must gold and is not loyal to a person any longer than that persons gold.

And many of the other races like murloc and naga is not (from lore) looked as a friend more of a evil. But still there is a few murlocs that are friendly (there is a tribe in Northrend lend by a Night elf in costume), And maybe there is a friendly naga but i will not count on it.

Pandaren will properly not be a race due to the fact that china will not like it that pandas can be killed.

I am more sure about their will be one new race on each side to well make it more fair and easier.

July 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter5thlive

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