Onyxia Gets an Update in 3.2.2
Posted by Juggynaut on Wednesday, August 12, 2009 - 50 Comments Tags: 310, 5 year anniversary, Zarhym, deadmines, mounts, naxx, onyxia, onyxia's lair, patch 3.2.2, pets, wow
Zarhym just dropped the bombshell that, in honor of the 5-year anniversary of World of Warcraft that's coming up in November, Onyxia's Lair will be getting an update. That's right, Patch 3.2.2 will bring a new, level 80, 10- and 25-man version of Onyxia for players to take on.
Not only that, but there is a new 310% mount in her loot table, along with "updated" loot modeled after tier 2 but with updated stats. Further details will be coming soon, and the full announcement is here on the official forums. I hope this news means that, if the upgrade goes smoothly, other old school raids and instances will get an update. Like, say, Deadmines?
Is this news exciting for you guys, or are you thinking it might be another Naxx that was dumbed down and made a little too easy?
Not only that, but there is a new 310% mount in her loot table, along with "updated" loot modeled after tier 2 but with updated stats. Further details will be coming soon, and the full announcement is here on the official forums. I hope this news means that, if the upgrade goes smoothly, other old school raids and instances will get an update. Like, say, Deadmines?
Is this news exciting for you guys, or are you thinking it might be another Naxx that was dumbed down and made a little too easy?
Reader Comments (50)
A dream come true:)
We are currently designing Taragaman lvl 80
oh sh-
That'll be epic :D
"He have the body of a man, and the power of a taraga!"
one word "AWESOME"
New pet...
New mount...
New loot...
Need I say more?
I wonder what will they do with DK Tier 2 :D
Woot! I loved Ony!!
This may be a dumb question but, is this permanent or only for the Anniversary? Limited time may be cool.
thats a good point fightthepower. i think it would be cool if it were limited time but then again people will complain, but people will complain no matter what.
i hope blizzard sticks to recycling old raids and leave the the lowbie instances i am curious how this is going to work what tier will it drop will it drop badges what kind? and what kind of gear i mean she cant just drop improved T2 we stll have 3 boses to be released in TotC and i dont even know about TotGC and the fire watcher in VoA will she drop better gear then them or will this be another attemp by blizzard to gear up th new 80s i am hoping that it becomes like VoA new boss every patch onyxia first then nafarian then then the big guy natherian
3.2.2 kills classic Onyxia. No more 80s soloing her for gold. Or anything else for that manner.
Let me get this right, we get a new level cap so we can now twink and do old instances for nostalgia, and now, blizz start to make the old raids level 80? fail.
i would like to echo a previous poster and say:
can't wait to do that. although as a lock i hate onyxia and her fire immunity.
I find this pretty awesome. Glad to see they're finally poking around with the older dungeon content.
Though I think they mostly chose to update Onyxia because of all the people who have been soloing her. XD
@ fightthepower
It is a permanent change that will come about in Patch 3.2.2 and will see the Brood Mother become a semi-new boss fight for lvl 80 toons. There will be new dynamics to the fight, as well as the old stuff we're all used to.
So to all of you who haven't yet gotten the achievement for killing her off, do so now. Patch 3.2.2 should be coming out sometime in November 2009.
Personally, I psyched. I have always considered Ony as the coolest looking dragon in the game. The new dragons all have this drake feel to them, but Ony seems to have the most unique skin to her. Nef doesn't even look so cool and Maly just looks... well... like Nef.
I plan on starting a farming raid for Heroic 25-man to get the mount. Come to Terenas server when the patch comes out and I may have a spot for you.
Let's see, thottbotting the questline for Onyxia attunement and soloing absurdly easy questline just for snots and giggles (and a PuG raid?) in prep for 3.2.2.? HELL YEAH! I'm off work in a half hour!
Nice idea, but still, if it continues like this we will do lvl 80 BT and TK :| Anyways Onyxia deserved an update :D
this is awesome
im glad theyre doing this cuz i love the onyxia fight and now it will be more challenging and fun to play with loot that i might use :D
and onyxia mount ftw
You know..upon further reflection, it really DOES make sense to 'ressurect' all these old raids and perhaps even put them all together in some kind of conglomerate raid settting.
What about lore, you ask? Simple! With everyone's attention focused on Icecrown, what better way to bring about the utter fall of Azeroth by pulling a fake-out on us?
All Arthas has to do is ressurrect the Black Dragonflight, Onxyia, and yes Van Cleef! I'll reference a WoWhobbes video he released a couple of weeks ago. You can view it at www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODlkWHIZdy&feature=channel=page . Pay attention at the .40 mark. Is that an opening meant to be taken advantage of by a sneaky Prince of Darkness that the vast majority of us don't pay attention to or hardly even noticed? Ressurecting the Defias to undermine and perhaps even subvert Stormwind from within would be a perfect infiltration method!
And of course on the Horde side, Ragefire Chasm is entered into from Orgrimmnar itself! What a pefect way to storm the Horde and destroy it's main seat of power from the inside! Garrosh seems pretty unsympathetic to Thrall's problems as well. Just some food for thought.
Where does Onyxia tie in storyline wise? Given that Jaina Proudmore is stationed there overseeing the further eradication of a Defias spread in Dustwallow and has obvious ties to Thrall...wait, what's located on the far western edge
(correct me if I'm wrong!) of Dustwallow? Why it's nothing less than Onyxia's lair!
Arthas has show us his power seems to reach across the whole of Azeroth...could the scourge invasion at the beginning which faded away into obscurity only have been an end run to divert our attention from something FAR more disturbing and destructive?
Only time will tell I suppose...
sorry the above link doesn't work...type in in manually and you'll see what i mean!
it'll prolly be exactly the same as with the new dungeon, ie 10 & 25 reg (lvl 60) and 10 & 25 heroic.
at least this would make sense with the spawn of new retro guilds that will stick to 60.
my 2 cents
I agree. they should maybe.... make it about CoT so old school is still up but with a twist, the time line for that instance has become corrupt and she becomes very powerful
Like supperman xD
Onyxia's lair was only a setback!
I was just thinking couldn't they put this raid in the caverns of time or I just being a noob who doesn't know anything :s
Kinda curious what the loot will be like...
yea about the history thing, it would be cool if it was a CoT raid