Onyxia Gets an Update in 3.2.2
Posted by
Juggynaut on
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 -
50 Comments Tags:
5 year anniversary,
onyxia's lair,
patch 3.2.2,

Not only that, but there is a new 310% mount in her loot table, along with "updated" loot modeled after tier 2 but with updated stats. Further details will be coming soon, and the full announcement is here on the official forums. I hope this news means that, if the upgrade goes smoothly, other old school raids and instances will get an update. Like, say, Deadmines?
Is this news exciting for you guys, or are you thinking it might be another Naxx that was dumbed down and made a little too easy?
Reader Comments (50)
They should still include the original raid just in case people still want old loot.
Bout time :D
It's an awesome update; sure people say "regurgitated content" but it's not like this is 3.3, it's only an incremental patch that they're including this in. 3.2.2 ftw.
And if it's dropping 310% smaller versions of Onyxia, it's not going to be easy.
Sorry for triple-post but; how are they going to elaborate on this lore wise?
I'm sure according to official lore, King Varian Wrynn killed Onyxia.
Maybe she ressed with the PMS buff.
Oh emm gee..! I can't wair for this : ) !
To Sean: Perhaps this is before Varian Wrynn has killed her?
Anyways yes this is great idea. I loved doing Onyxia back in the day. Hopefully in the near future we will see BWL up there as well. The only classic WoW raid that I dont want them to revamp is Zul'Gurub (I want my tiger mount!)
Probly gonna have something to do with being undead, since shes dead and all >.>
i guess i can see this te lich king rezzing her maybeshe will be joined by her brother nafarian and her father netharion maybe they can them like an instance with those guys for bosses that would so cool
this is amazing...i first read this and literally couldnt believe it....being someone who came into WoW right after AQ opened up...i never got a chance to do any of the vanilla raids at lvl 60....i think this is a great move on blizzard part and imo to the people who are bitching about it not fitting into the lore and blah blah....its a freakin anniversary event! they can do whatever the hell they want with it....not everything that blizzard does has to do with the main storylone of WoW....let the do side stuff...i was reading all the negative posts on the forums and it really made me realize that blizzard can never make people happy no matter what they do....people just need to stop whining about things for once
Wasn't whining o.O was just confussled.
wtb lvl 80 every dungeon so as to have more variety when emblem farming and reason to go back to old world
Wow can't wait.....and btw Zelyon the original is still there -_-
@ Dan
Is it really? I certainly hope so, that way my non-squishy 80s can farm her for the bags still. =)
Ye nice another raid i can't ever make.
Raids suck...Or maybe i should change guild?
I liked the old onyxia where i could go with a bunch of friends (5 max) and just kill it.
I hope they maintain the old version too. If they do this i'm ok with it.
But anybody said before is not Deadmines reboot so not that excited...
How about bringing back the fight in the throne room in SW keep as well (maybe as part of a quest chain?) Blizzard can use the same phasing technology that they have used to great effect in Northrend so far. It would add a little more retro to the experience :D
Oh and can we remove the idiot "first" posts please.
Hell yea!
a new onyxia will be nice but why not put Neltharion Nefarian and Onyxia in one Big raid
(anyone agree?)
Yes! Yes! Yes! Blizzard can hear PL! Do you remeber how guys discussed the idea of making heroics of every instance in the game for lvl80? Yep! Blizzard knows about us!=)
Remember they said they would like to bring back the diplomat q chain to end game content maybe this will be the objective of the quest to help Varian Wrynn like when he killed her in the comic.
OMG I am excited about this! Tier 2 was my absolute favorite in hunter tiers, I can't wait to see what the new stuff looks like!