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Patch 3.2 Could be Out as Early as Tomorrow!

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OMG PATCH TOMORROW? Maybe. Probably not

Its Monday morning. Do you know where your patch 3.2 is?

The PTR has been seeing more and more frequent updates, mostly just fixing bugs. It seems most of the design decisions have been made, the major content tested, and the developers are just ironing out the wrinkles. Barring some newly uncovered catastrophe in the patch, we will probably see it on the live realms within the next three weeks. The patch 3.1 trailer came out a week before the patch hit, so if that's any indication, we should be seeing a trailer soon.

In addition, on the official WoW French forum, a blue poster said the patch would be live "next Wednesday", which either means the 5th or the 12th.

5 months elapsed between the release of Wrath and the launch of patch 3.1. Its been about 4 months since patch 3.1 hit the live realms, and players have largely already progressed through the patch 3.1 content. I myself am getting quite antsy. Why do heroics or raids when I can do the same content soon and get better emblems? Why level alts when I'll be able to get a chest heirloom that increases my alts' experience gain by an additional 10%? Why grind Argent Tournament dailies for Champion's Seals when there will lots of new ways to get them in patch 3.2? Why invest in trading now when the market could soon change drastically?

In the mean time, why don't you crack open a good book and kick back until the new patch comes out? There is plenty of lore to read about out there, and WoW will still be here when you get back! Catch up on some of our episodes you may have missed or skipped over, like the mount runs. If you still are drawn to WoW, why not do some more casual stuff, like level up fishing or get some obscure achievements? There will be lots of new content for you to explore in 3.2, so take time now to absorb some of the content you may not return to for awhile.

Are you idling like I am? What will be the first things you do when the patch hits? Jump into the new 5 man dungeon, pimp out your gear with epic gems, or get some new mounts and pets?

Reader Comments (32)

I hope it doesn't come out tomorrow, my rubbish internet speed means that it's taken a week for the background downloader to get to 55%. : (

Can't wait for a trailer tho cos the Ulduar one was epic. (not as good as the sunwell one tho)

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

O.O I don't believe it . This early ?

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeathguard

if ur bored of the real realms hop on the ptr

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRyan

There isn't much i'd do with the patch.. I gave up raiding, even PvE about a month ago.. PvP has never really been interesting.. Now-A-days i focus on my rp and lore.. But as a long time druid, i really can not wait to see the new night elf cat forms in action.. I'll probably be sitting while mindlessly reading Wowwiki while the background downloader goes..
It's taken four days..
I'll probably be watching Dorkins doing his dailies now.. Sounds like a good idea.


August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLorcán

it sure would be nice if it came out tomorrow. don't see it happening, but here's hoping. I am going to guess for next week. That ought to increase the anticipation just enough. So hopefully that will mean a trailer this week. Muhahaha!!

as for what I am doing, well working with guildies to get heroics down so we can run them like crazy to get new emblem gear and then work the new Trial of Champions together without too much trouble.
i should do Argent Tournament dailies for rep just to get it up there, but I have more fun in dungeons than I do dailies.

thanks for the post and extra anticipation. Oh, and what is with the log in screen post about data collection at the log in screen? almost seems fishy doesn't it.

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRogue4Life

guys... the reason its a background downloader is so that it slowy downloads but u can still run other programs on your computer without issues. your internet is not slow if the background downloader takes forever (which is what it should be doing)

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterno1important

Gotta love 20Mbps cable... both parts of the v3.2 code have been d/l'd over a week ago...

I just want the cheap riding for the 5 alts I have that qualify for it - sick & tired of running everywhere...

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

If you open up the downloader (should be in your hidden icons), than open up the "veiw" drop down menu to prefefences. You can turn off the throttle download. Took me an hour on a 3g card. (I wouldnt try and play wow or any other internet activity tho)


August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFlann

whne i saw the title i imeditly when to the comments i just wanto say their is no way blizzard can finish teh patch by to tell the truth sincerly hope they dont i havent done nearly anything i was planing before the patch

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

crap still need to do get some recipes for my rogue the real money makers need max my DK mining skill need to beat uldaur atleast once i berly scratched the argent tournament need to mine a bunch on titanium ore on both my DK and rogue thier isnt enough ours in the day

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Nobody on our server has even downed Yogg yet. It seems a little early for a new progression raid IMO, but then again I'm just a wanker.

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCozmus

nahh, not tomorrow, i would expect to see a trailer within three weeks, not the actual patch, the patch will probably come out at the end of august.

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyle

to add on, i was reading other posts, and i agree with the fact that not a hole lot of ppl have seen yogg down, let alone algalon. the guild i was in just got to general when i quit, and we were pretty far along, server wise (bloodscalp server, alliance) like i said, probably be toward the end of august that we see 3.2 go live.

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyle

I know my server has alagon down cos i was in dalaran and got treated to a light show and a nice speech by rhonin which was pretty epic.

And as for the background downloader, yes i know it's slow to stop throttling the internet connection but even when i turned that off, it will still take hours. stupid internet connection.

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

Well my membership ran out a few weeks ago and i'm not renewing it till 3.2 hits :) The break has been nice so far

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBruknar

i will hopefully buy like 30 mounts because the money change

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterblinketyblink

You haven't even ventured past the cat lady in ulduar, no wonder your bored with the content you haven't experienced any of it.

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

Well when 3.2 hits, which i suspect to be on the 18th of August, due to it being so close to blizzcon.

Anyway when 3.2 hits, i got alot to do, get the crusader title, run heroic dungeons/raid nax/raid uld etc.

Gonna try the new 5 man trial of the champion heroic instance, and try grab the gun and polearm from there, as i have had no good weapon better than item level 200 drop for me in soooooooooo many raids.. so a 219 one and a 213 one will do until i get the better in 10 man normal dungeon.

Then of course, theres PVP, Going to be getting and working hard at the new season gear.

Heroic Dungeons
New Raid

3.2 gonna be busy for me, thats why I am taking time out now, until 3.2 hits, because tbh lol, I know I am gonna get WoW burnout, after all of the above

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteronthebuses

I just hit 80 on my priest and I'm fearing the release of 3.2 right now. I just learned how to heal and I don't need any overgeared kids yelling at me because my heals aren't keeping up with their damage they are taking........

Gah INC gear checks req T7+ for heroics runs....

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

3.2 is all but confirmed for tomorrow. They de-sticked and locked the patch 3.1 issues thread, which only happens before patch day.

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHeartbourne

There's always a patch right before BlizzCon, but not on BlizzCon week.

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

Please, please please, be true that the patch comes out tomorrow. I cannot wait untill it comes.... I've been wanting to get on the PTR and test it out, but personally I just prefer to wait till it comes out live so its as a surprise to me as it is to the majority of the players. More exciting to share things you read in the notes haha. But even if it doesn't come out tomorrow, my cooking skill could do with a little lvling.....

Also; on a very side note, I want to suggest to Cocopuff that perhaps you could do with a little spell checking and proof reading before you post your comments. It's getting a bit irritating to try and read your thoughts...although I like what you are trying to say, I think the rest can agree: Type it into Microsoft Word first. TYVM

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDunhilak

part of me hopes it comes out tomorrow, the other part hopes it doesn't...I'm only at 6% on my background downloader on my desktop >_<

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMaka

i really hope it comes out tomarrow i have nothign to do anymore and the things i want will change in 3.2 so i have to wait

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTalcoya


i agree sometimes i mess my post so bad even i cant understand wt i was saying but my last post was not of them if their mistakes i havent spoted then they must not be very big and i trust you look besides them if not to bad i wil try to do more prooreaading i have had up to my hair with all this spelling and proof reading nonsance

August 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

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