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/Dance Suggestions for Goblin and Worgen

All right, it's time to get down to business. We've seen a little gameplay footage of the Goblin and Worgen. We've read first-hand accounts on how each new race plays. We know that Goblins like to blow stuff up and Worgens are still shrouded in mystery. But what real crux of the conversation are we all missing? It must be that we don't know what either new Cataclysm race will do for their /dance. After all, I think we learn a little bit more about what makes each race burn with passion inside by the way they shake it. Plus, with us recently learning that The Old Republic MMO also will have a /dance, Blizz has to step up to the plate again to proclaim its /dance supremacy.

On the new Cataclysm forums, there have been a few threads speculating on what dance possibilities lie ahead for WoW. We've also had a few of dance suggestions here on our own forums and on previous Project Lore blog posts. I've taken some of the best suggestions I've seen, added a few of my own wild ideas, and put it all together for us to laugh, and perhaps, cry over. Let the show begin.

Worgen male

I had to start here, because I've seen so, so many people begging for the Worgen male to dance to Michael Jackson's "Thriller." Now no matter what you think of the man, I think its undeniable that MJ was a dancing genius. But some may question whether "Thriller" is right for the Worgen. After all, the dancers in the videos are more like zombies, and the only wolf-like creature from the video doesn't actually do the dance. Plus, Blizzard could not secure the rights to Micael Jackson's "Billie Jean" for the BlizzCon dance contest, so I wonder if that might inhibit them from any sort of rights required to borrow another of his dances. Regardless, "Thriller" has been performed by inmates and movie stars alike. Perhaps male Worgen are destined to be next up.

Another idea from the forums that I had to include, although I'm not so sure it would work. Perhaps for those of us who like to think of the Worgen as no more than cute puppy dogs. Here's the Snoopy dance:

Worgen female

Next up, the female Worgen, with another obvious but perhaps fitting suggestion. We still only have a loose guess of what the female version of the Worgen will even look like. But many forum posters are betting that she'd look good performing a dance inspired by Shakira's "She Wolf."

While I like this option, I think it'd be fun to incorporate a lesser-known option (at least for those of us not from Asia). In the past, Blizzard has borrowed dances from French artist Alizee and Bhangra singer Daler Mehndi - so why not some Korean pop influence next? Here's the super-cute Girls' Generation performing "Gee."

Goblin female

I haven't seen too many suggestions yet for either male or female Goblin, so these are mostly my own ideas. Knowing the Goblins' stereotypical love of commerce and exchange, why not have the females dance to a song demanding a diamond ring? It's a great dance song with some neat moves, plus it's already been the inspiration for a WoW spoof song. Know what I'm suggesting yet? Beyonce's "Single Ladies (Put A Ring on It)." Here's a version that includes a preview of what could be the next BlizzCon dance contest.

Beyonce not your cup of tea? Here's something a bit more classic. A scene from the movie "Flashdance."

Goblin male

Do Goblins already have a dance? Well that depends on whether you think this is enough for a full on /dance:

If that's not satisfactory enough, I'll suggest an alternative: Soulja Boy's "Superman" dance. The little green Goblins would look fantastic pulling this one off.

One final suggestion that I've seen thrown around a ton on the forums should not be taken lightly. This goofy, crazy, seizure-inducing meme could be inspiration for the Goblin male, or really, any of the new characters. Here's some Caramelldansen:

Well, there's your list folks. What are your fave options? Did I leave something out that you think would work better? Let me know. This post will serve as a good running list of possibilities - so we can see if any of us predicted correctly once Cataclysm is released!

Reader Comments (45)

Out of those you have posted my favorite are as follows:

Male Worgen: Thriller (of course)
Femal Worgen: Girls Generation

Male Goblin: Soulja Boy
Female Goblin: Beyonce

September 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTogarox

I think im going mad but i think 'Girls’ Generation': “Gee” would be fantastic for worgen females, and human females come to that. it has just the right mix of cute and sexy which would be acceptable in wow (and if the Nelf female dance is acceptable anything is)

i propose the idea that worgen should have 2 dances, one human form and one worg form.

as for the males i think this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOU8GIRUd_g
would be great...
i apologise in advance

September 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSaeth

on the WotLK trailer Blizz promised new dances and have yet to deliver, Thriller might be added so ya never know..those suggestions are good and as a anime juckie i liked the last one. Thriller was great, so was Snoopy ( Joe Cool ftw) the Gee dance i saw as a possiblity as the Worgen female..the Nelf female dance was a small bit of the actul dance so mayb Gee will be in bits...

September 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNnohhbody

blizz should implement a dance that when you target a person, then do /dance, the 2 chars start doing a waltz or a ballroom dance.

September 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyle

I agree with Togarox

but for goblin male I am expecting something like this


September 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVorrak

Pop and Lockin' goblins would be hilarious, but I don't think their character models are big enough for it to look good.
Shakira has some crazy body separation moves. o.o I wonder if she's done any mime work or similar forms of theater?

September 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyndranigar

Worgen Female - Gee
Worgen Male - Thriller
Goblin Female - single lady
Goblin Male - soulja boy

I would like to see this. The Gee song is such a good dance and soulja boy also. I would especially like to see those.

September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

omg, that Gee video is so cute.

September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShala

Kom och dansa med oss, klappa era händer, gör som vi gör, ta några steg åt vänster (8) haha :D

September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGustavForZ

OK now lets think realisticly now worgen ther skinny barely human sized thriller requirs a good body shape to do. worgen females loke like there gunnu be cows fat ones so shikara nor gee would work. female goblins look like they can do beyonce and flashdance wtf. male goblins come on soulja boy their body can barly handle a slide their body becomes elongated and their hands go into the floor so wats gunna happen when they try soulja boy looks like a blooddy prom

September 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterivanator

Worgens are like british so they should do Viva la Vida by Coldplay it makes sense. It is a great dance Check it out

September 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHaseeb

Yep,Viva la Vida would make sense now that I think about it.

September 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZainab

Yes! You are right smart and wise choice totally agree with it.

September 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChris

For Goblin male ^^

September 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSnQ

Best blog post ever!

September 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJim

dont know how anyone els feals but i think the femail worges would look good doing the monster mash

September 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersacredangel

i think the goblins should have the C-walk. They seem to be some oG's


September 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMessy

all good things

October 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGlobals

site best

October 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRomase

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