[caption id="attachment_8219" align="alignright" width="300" caption="The New Herodotus"]
![The Next Expansion: Guild/Server History The New Herodotus](http://projectlore.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/pl_guild_server_history-300x231.jpg)
My name is iTZKooPA and I'm a History Channel addict.
/me waits for other members to say "Hi, iTZKooPA."
I watch numerous other shows across the greater TV universe, but the History Channel is one of the networks I always check first. I don't know what it is about the History Channel, but the endless stream of "useless information" sucks me in, especially when Modern Marvels is on - and running the Engineering Disasters series. I guess I just enjoy little known facts about often forgotten people, places or events.
This unknown hunger for information has driven me to act, as well as absorb. When I was a part of a hardcore raiding guild in vanilla WoW I took it upon myself to record our accomplishments for posterity's sake. I didn't care that the GM put up screenshots, soon to be followed by videos, of our server first kills. To me, my few lines of text were needed, you might say unique. I was a cog in the machine - a DPSer - not one of the heroic few that were often recognized outside the guild - our main tanks, GM, officers and some healers. My voice was different, it wasn't from the fearless leader trumping up "his" accomplishments, or a reckless hero blood-drunk off his own success, but from lonely assassin just jotting down philosophical meanderings while cleansing his blades.
I fired up the document during one of the fabled IRL gatherings not knowing what to expect from those gathered. Much to my surprise it was a hit. People had long forgotten many of the hardships we suffered during the Blackwing Lair days, the pain of farming nature resistance gear for
Ahn'Qiraj, or reputation farming for Naxxramas. The 250th member of the guild - alts not included - was but a grain of sand caressing the ocean's waves. And who in the guild didn't ride the Menion taxi? Nine people, by my count, never rode it. These "fun facts" started up entirely new conversations that continued beyond the party.
Go ahead, dig out some old screenshots, or click through your FRAPS archive. I'm sure there are plenty of
old memories, good and bad, that have been tucked away in your HDD that you've inadvertently kept or forgotten. Feel free to share them, we all love a good story.
It took me awhile to get here, but here's the point. Imagine if Blizzard kept some of these facts for us. The game already shares a collection of personal stats, why not apply the same idea to the upcoming guild
overhaul? It'd certainly add some
social awareness to the game. First member, longest-standing member, most charitable, most greedy, highest crit, most deaths, the list can go on and on. Let's take it one step further, let's apply the compiling of fun facts to servers in general. Who was the first character created? Who's logged the most hours? Who really did kill Onyxia first on Magtheridon-US (ATR!)? Much of this information is already tracked and logged, we just need Blizzard to share it with us. Frankly, it's just a merger of the current Achievement system with hidden statistics and social engineering.
It wouldn't be as eloquent as my hand-written history, but I know that if the idea ever came to fruition I'd lose a ton of time to reading about guild history on Magtheridon, and comparing my home server to others. For those who don't care about history, at least you could fact check everyone else's claims a little better, without having to leave the WoW Armory or your game client.
P.S. Your statistics can be accessed from your Achievement page - hotkey Y.
guild history,
guild statistics,
modern marvels,
player statistics,
server first,
server history,
the next expansion,
who killed onyxia first,
wow statistics