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Are You Bored With Call of the Crusade (Patch 3.2)?

[caption id="attachment_8472" align="alignright" width="300" caption="This Is Still My Desktop Background"]This Is Still My Desktop Background[/caption] When I rejoined the masses during The Burning Crusade I knew that I wouldn't be raiding like I did in vanilla.  I knew that I'd already be behind on gear when I joined, with the difference growing as time went on.  I also knew that Wrath of the Lich King was coming soon, and would reset the Azerothian digital divide back to zero.  Sadly, it was just that, a reset of the cycle.  But the cycle would be different this time.  Blizzard had changed its tune, refining its raid philosophy to allow easy entry into the early raids, with difficulty ramping up over time (whether that actually happens is another discussion entirely). Upon hitting level 80, in a somewhat timely manner, I geared up and prepared for my second go at Naxxramas.  During these early raiding days I was highly competitive, grabbing top DPS on numerous occasions.  The accolade was nothing special, players were still gearing and learning their new specs, but I enjoyed my time in the spotlight.  As time passed the DPS merged into a group, with members floating up and down the scale depending on fight, mindset and who had the best party buffs.  With my gear becoming outdated - hello ancient trinkets - I began to fight for my life, scrapping for every bit of DPS I could muster. In comes Ulduar, and the cycle reboot moves to full effect.  I can no longer compensate for my gear's age.  Skill, willpower and all the random buffs in the world fail to keep me highly competitive.  I've been relegated to a replacement, alt night or fill-in-the-hole role, but I'm okay with that, I understand.  I contribute where I can, and hope that everyone is fully geared out when I enter a raid.  Perhaps, just maybe I'll get something to increase my DPS. A funny thing happened a few months ago.  The cycle was seemingly broken, not reset, just broken.  Call of the Crusade came out, and people loved it.  For a few weeks.  But now, now I've realized that my gear has made a comeback.  Thanks to VoA, Onyxia The Head Regrower and my random Ulduar runs my average ilvl's moved up, and I've begun to to climb the DPS charts.  I'm no longer scrapping by, but actually beating players whose DPS I once though unobtainable. How could this be?  Is it boredom?  Are these players so tired of Call of the Crusade and its lock out that they've ignored the gear, or simply cut back on raiding?  Have that many of them returned to alts, allowing me to soak up gear at an equal speed?  Maybe they geared up that quickly?  These aren't rhetorical questions, I honestly don't know, and only assume it is some combination.  SoProjectLoreians (just made that up) are you bored with Patch 3.2?

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